October 06, 2014

Been on SF for 2 years now

Views: 2824 UnknownPandr
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man  |  im  |  old  |  as  |  hell  |  on  |  here  |  right?  |  like  |  mowen  |  gimme  |  a  |  award  |  pls.  | 
3 days and then I've been on SF for two years now. I'll say this: its been one hell of a ride. I've met so many new friends and there almost like family to me at this point. Even thought I don't play smite anyway. I still find myself coming back here alot. If Dawnfire ever starts imma b on thre al day ery day. But anyway cheers to a good year and cheers to hopefully another good year.


I also wanna mention some of my friends here.

Aphnex: ***in fgt where my HotS account? u disapoint senpai, child.

Raventhor: Everyday I question how hes so smart

Greenevers: Assassins Green

Subzero008: You should talk in the skype calls more often.

All4Games: The token dutch guy.(SCREW YOU PENTA) Hes just overall awesome, hes one of the reasons why I'm so addicted to Dark Souls.

DarkJaw: Even though hes gone hes a very close friend of mines who I need to play Dark Souls with, but overall WHATS UP MAN.