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Vithaliy's Blog
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November 09, 2015

Vamana is the new Wukong

Views: 1696 Vithaliy
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Vamana OP
Sun Wukong is dead. Long live Vamana!

In the next patch Shadows of Olympus the king of solo-lane a.k.a Sun Wukong will suffer from a "small" nerf. Not a big one. But big enough so that his supremacy in this lane ends.
Yes, there are some alternatives. Hel and Aphrodite can play in the solo lane in this healer meta. But Wu cares about healers right?

Anyway, if you liked Sun Wukong, you should like Vamana as well.
I've been trying this little dude a few times, and he can do almost everything Sun Wukong can do with the Bluestone Pendant.
I don't have time to write a guide right now (moving from France to Poland in 12 days) but you can have a pretty good guide here that fits with the current meta.

To sum-up Vamana's kit:
- His lane clear is amazing (3+2)
- His 3 is also a 30% slow (attack speed + movement speed)
- Early game kill potential
- His 1 can be used as an escape or gap closer
- His ultimate can be used for sustain early game or for fight initiation late game

Does it…
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November 05, 2015

When to rotate in solo-lane

Views: 2246 Vithaliy
Hello guys,

I have been playing more and more in the solo lane, but I have a question that I haven't solved yet.
When to rotate.

I know about rotation mechanism, but my question is specific to the solo lane. I'll give more details.
If you get a kill early, it's pretty easy to rotate as you'll have some kind of snowball effect and thus a faster lane clear and plenty of time to go mid lane.

If you don't get a kill early in the solo lane, it might turn into a slap fest without any death, especially with Sun Wukong, Vamana, Sobek, or even Bellona, all having a lot of sustain.
Thus you'll be fighting over farming and if you both have a good farming level, you'll probably be neck and neck, out farming every other team members.
You are mostly dependent on junglers to force a kill, but as you are probably way higher level than both junglers (sometimes 5 levels ahead), they might be reluctant on fighting as they will probably trade their lifes in the process.

What should I do in that ca
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October 06, 2015

CTR 2 - Achilles

Views: 2965 Vithaliy
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Achilles  |  CTR2


Lore :
Achilles is the great and renown Greek hero that led the Greeks to victory against the city of Troy. Considered as the greatest warrior in close combat due to his quick reactivity, he was also a fine strategist.
He was born to a Nymph, who protected him by dipping him in the River Styx when he was a child. This made him invulnerable except for one spot where her hand covered his skin: his heel.

Title : Hero of the Trojan War
Pantheon : Greek
Type : Melee, Physical
Class : Warrior
Pros : High defense, High single target damage

Base Stats

Passive: Achilles' Heel

Achilles takes 25% additional damages when hit from behind, but gain 25% additional physical power and 25%¨lifesteal scaling when fighting face to face.

Ability 1: Spear of Destiny

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