I have been playing more and more in the solo lane, but I have a question that I haven't solved yet.
When to rotate.
I know about rotation mechanism, but my question is specific to the solo lane. I'll give more details.
If you get a kill early, it's pretty easy to rotate as you'll have some kind of snowball effect and thus a faster lane clear and plenty of time to go mid lane.
If you don't get a kill early in the solo lane, it might turn into a slap fest without any death, especially with Sun Wukong, Vamana, Sobek, or even Bellona, all having a lot of sustain.
Thus you'll be fighting over farming and if you both have a good farming level, you'll probably be neck and neck, out farming every other team members.
You are mostly dependent on junglers to force a kill, but as you are probably way higher level than both junglers (sometimes 5 levels ahead), they might be reluctant on fighting as they will probably trade their lifes in the process.
What should I do in that case?
If I leave my lane to gank mid and my solo-laner companion does not, I will loose my tower. At this stage of the game, 1 minion wave might be enough. Is it worth to loose tier-1 for a gank in mid? If we get 2 or 3 kills out of it yes, if not, probably not.
But if I don't force a rotation, then there is no point of being several levels ahead of everybody if I don't use it for team fights right?
I'd like to have your feelings about that as I don't have a clear answer to this issue.
I play almost only casual, which means blind picks. If only I could choose to go solo only when there was no Sun Wukong on the other team... xD
Pertaining to you specifically Vithaliy, you say you play aggressive. If that's the case, get your jungler to gank or force your enemy to frequently get out of lane to heal. You're either forcing them to walk or die, and then you can rotate.
Also don't worry if Solo lane ends up into an endless Island as it tends to happen a lot. It's a problem LoL solo lane kinda has too (with top being top unless teleport gank top till 20 min just farming and pushing)
But sometimes the solo lanes feels so... lonely (and boring) xD
I might play too aggressive to be a good solo-laner >_<
Well, I usually use my teleport to go back to lane after I backed, but I agree at tier-3 it can be used more often. Let's assume we have teleport tier-3.
Let's also agree that it takes 1 minute for the other solo-laner to take your tower. And That's if you cleared the wave just next to his tower.
You need to go to mid-lane, do your stuff, and then potentially recall and then teleport back to your lane.
Basically, it will take around 10 seconds to go mid and then come back to lane will take around 10 seconds with both recall to base and teleport. That means that you have around 40 seconds to kill somebody or your tower is done.
If you have a ton of mobility like Sun Wukong, you can take this bet as you might save a few seconds, but maybe not with other solo-laners.
Should you rotate anyway? Should you commit to your rotation and force a kill?