November 05, 2015

When to rotate in solo-lane

Views: 2182 Vithaliy
Hello guys,

I have been playing more and more in the solo lane, but I have a question that I haven't solved yet.
When to rotate.

I know about rotation mechanism, but my question is specific to the solo lane. I'll give more details.
If you get a kill early, it's pretty easy to rotate as you'll have some kind of snowball effect and thus a faster lane clear and plenty of time to go mid lane.

If you don't get a kill early in the solo lane, it might turn into a slap fest without any death, especially with Sun Wukong, Vamana, Sobek, or even Bellona, all having a lot of sustain.
Thus you'll be fighting over farming and if you both have a good farming level, you'll probably be neck and neck, out farming every other team members.
You are mostly dependent on junglers to force a kill, but as you are probably way higher level than both junglers (sometimes 5 levels ahead), they might be reluctant on fighting as they will probably trade their lifes in the process.

What should I do in that case?
If I leave my lane to gank mid and my solo-laner companion does not, I will loose my tower. At this stage of the game, 1 minion wave might be enough. Is it worth to loose tier-1 for a gank in mid? If we get 2 or 3 kills out of it yes, if not, probably not.
But if I don't force a rotation, then there is no point of being several levels ahead of everybody if I don't use it for team fights right?

I'd like to have your feelings about that as I don't have a clear answer to this issue.