In the next patch Shadows of Olympus the king of solo-lane a.k.a

Yes, there are some alternatives.

Anyway, if you liked

I've been trying this little dude a few times, and he can do almost everything

I don't have time to write a guide right now (moving from France to Poland in 12 days) but you can have a pretty good guide here that fits with the current meta.
To sum-up

- His lane clear is amazing (3+2)
- His 3 is also a 30% slow (attack speed + movement speed)
- Early game kill potential
- His 1 can be used as an escape or gap closer
- His ultimate can be used for sustain early game or for fight initiation late game
Does it remind you of


Who do you think is gonna be the new king of solo lane?
That post was kinda intended as a joke. Sorry for not making that obvious! :D
I'd still prefer
Overall, Vamana is in a fine spot right now, but calling him king of the solo lane may be a bit much :P