Went to the gas station a block up from me and these kids ask if I can buy them cigs. I ask for ID and they all go we dont have em on us, left em at the house. I then said, so you want me to buy you them and they all said yes. I laughed and said you should prolly not ask an off duty cop these types of questions. If only I was a cop.

Views: 2284 WestighouseWent to the gas station a block up from me and these kids ask if I can buy them cigs. I ask for ID and they all go we dont have em on us, left em at the house. I then said, so you want me to buy you them and they all said yes. I laughed and said you should prolly not ask an off duty cop these types of questions. If only I was a cop.
And I love it :D
Was almost like one of those moments in cartoons when people just stop and slowly back up get into the car and drive off xD