October 21, 2012

Best, glitch, ever

Views: 2173 Westighouse
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Go play Ares like I just did and follow my acts exactly.
Ready for an instant win and unofficial penta kill?
Alright ladies here it is.

*Back flash animation and the silly music as I stare off into the sky*

Left lane, Ares and Art with an agressive jungle Arachne. Running the lane and I get level 5. My ult is ready, time to feed some kills to my team.
Uh oh, we are winning so hard they set the entire team over to kill us!
We are close to the tower, I wonder...
Run up, 2...into ult...BAM all 5 caught without beads!
Turn and drag them to tower....OHHHH MAN this is going to be amazing! Someone is getting a penta or atleast a triple for SURE!
Hits the ground...I mean...fall through the ground....uhhhh.....UHHHHHH.....WWWWUUUUUUUTTTTTT
Yanks the chains.
Oh looks, entire team is now under the world with me unable to move or attack or B. We are stuck in limbo!
Penta kill at level 5 for Ares? Yup
Win the game? Yup