March 10, 2016


Views: 1880 Wolfman5665
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Clash Royale is the newest game by Supercell, the famed creators of Clash of Clans, and if you haven't heard of Clash Royale, then you're lucky, because it is the greediest "strategy card game" of all time. So after 3 days of peer pressure, I decided to finally play it, AND BOY DID I WANT TO LOSE ALL HOPE IN HUMANITY.

So how the game works is simple, you get some cards with certain stats and troops, and each of them costing an amount of elixir, which you earn at a slow rate during battles. There is a two lane setup, with each of the lanes leading up to a tower, which ultimately guards a castle. Whoever destroys the most wins, and if you win, you get a chest that you can gain more cards from. If you just heard that, the game would have a lot of potential, except when it was released, all of that potential was tossed in to a trash bin.

To start off why I despise this game, Im going to talk about the horrible chest system. There are 5 different types of chests, the most common being the Silver and Gold chests. Im not even going to mention the other 3 as the chances of getting them are beyond impossible. Let me start off by saying how I think the chest system should work. In the game there is a crowns system, and for each tower you destroy, you get a crown, and by destroying the castle you immediately get 3 crowns and win the match. How I initially thought it would work was for getting 1-2 crowns, you would get a silver chest, while getting all 3 crowns would get you a gold chest, both of which you could open right away. But supercell apparently thought this wouldnt make them enough money, because they based it all on chance, and required you to wait 3+ hours to open only ONE chest at a time. Now, of course you could give up your precious money to supercell and unlock them for "free," which is where they make a lot of their money. They also have the option in their store to get the other three chests, costing up to $10, and only increasing in price as you move further on in the game.

Now you may be thinking, "what if I just dont spend money?" Well, sorry bud, its extremely hard, if not impossible, to make it through the game without spending money. By spending more money, you can get better chests, which gives you good troops. And of course most of the "Gemmers"(the term used for the iap buyers in the game) see this and think that its a great deal, usually because most of them are children and have no idea how money works. So they go along spending their parents money to get better and better troops, basically leaving the free-to-play players in the dust. Now of course there are the gemmers that make fatal mistakes, allowing you to beat them, but this is rare and because of it, will not make too much of a difference on your overall score.

And speaking of spending money, let me tell you how horrible the in app purchases are. To first start this off, let me tell you how much the rare chests cost. The first chest starts at 210 gems and increases to 490 at the end of the game. The second chest starts at 320 gems, and ends up at 800. The third, and most expensive, starts at a hulking 1600 gems, and ends at 4600. Now lets go over the gems. The first tier costs $0.99, and gives you 80. The second tier gets you 500 gems for $4.99, the third tier gets you 1200 for $9.99, the fourth tier gets you 2500 for $19.99, and so on. You see what im getting at here? If you dont understand, let me put it this way, let's say youre in the fifth level of the game, and you want to get the best chest. At the fifth level of the game, this chest costs you 3100 gems to get, so the least amount of money you can spend to get it is $36.96, without taxes. OVER THIRTY DOLLARS FOR ONE CHEST, NOT GUARENTEED TO GET THE THINGS YOU WANT. All it takes is some simple calculations, and you'll realize how much of a scam this really is.

I could go on forever about this, I really could, but im gonna stop myself here. I could honestly care less if you play this game and enjoy doing so, but please, if you're going to hate on me, provide some reasons.