The Story
So, this all starts with me and my friend playing siege. The two guys (who were in a party) lock as poseidon and loki. They both do bad, they don't call mias, they don't rotate, etc. So the poseidon was fine, he was nice about it, so I'm not really gonna mention him. So we lose and the loki calls me and my friend trash, asks us to 1v1 and such. We get him to 2v2 us with the poseidon. We wreck them first game. Then we wreck them again. Once again, poseidon was being nice about it, but the loki was mad. In the end he rage quit before the 2nd game finished and I never saw him again. Mainly because I blocked him after the incident. It happened in the MOTD, we were doing fine (all Ra, OP). Then at our last push I get kicked out, with the message that someone else was using my account. I had a heart attack, but I managed to log on in time to not get deserter. Afterwards I changed my password right away, and it stopped. I have suspicion that it was the loki, but no names will be shared. Scurry.
You surviving the event means you wrecked him AGAIN
I just realized how true that is.