In the ranked I had the following situation:
I was a mid laner with no escape. The match was completely messed, I had a PS4 player that was the support (a support with no escape too but with decent damage). The support kinda played using I don't know, his feet maybe? and just threw some kills and fed the enemy a bit with some ultra non-sense calls (nothing new). But after he messed with duo he went mid to mess with me. There I started to get ganked by 3 guys and support watching me die. Not happy, Odin, who lost his lane on solo came to mid to once, twice, three times, four times... And our solo Chaac does think that because he said "Enemy missing" he doesn't need to do anything else. After some "Gently" pings he said "cancel that" and kept pushing the tower. Support and JG also started to **** for me at mid in a constant 3 vs 1 fight. When I died the 4 time I just said: "I'm out, no help for me no help for you". Chaac died spliting and do you believe he blamed me because I didn't said the enemy was missing? After this all? To get even worse Ares kept trolling with his feet and the JG, if he said to me he had some kinda mental problem I wouldn't be surprised, because he was feeding as f*ck.
Can you imagine how this match was collapsing? So I went to bathroom a bit and when I returned I focused with my friend in some objectives and splitting push. We started to tell jokes and I even forgot the match problems. I admit that I intentionally let chaac, the jg and Ares die a bit but honestly, that doesn't matter because the enemy were already too fed and that was clearly a lost game. In the end, we lost (of course), but I didn't even care because I was loving chating with my friend.
Then it's when the chaac sent me a message asking me to uninstall the game because he said "enemy missing" so it wasn't his fault XD. Ok I answered that he should have rotated and not splitted push alone, that odin who lost the lane rotated and he didn't. He said I was trash because I had 47% win rate on ranked. Why did he do it? Ahhh... I thought "you wanna play watch profiles? let's see what we have here".
Just looking the stats, who do you think is better?
But he insisted, saying I won 7/17 game with Cupid, that I should "hit some basics" before even say something. Then I looked his gods stats
Who still better?
But looking his ranked matches I noticed one thing. He played like around 90 rankeds matches 80 with only one god: Freya. Who is a stronger god? Cupid or Freya? But the best part, He said I was a kid and that his job is carry people like me. (Obs.: Any other god that is not freya or Chaac is a lost too on his profile XD)
That doesn't seem carry to me. How can you carry people without kill or assist? My Ganesha stats is way better than this. Freya, that OP god she is, and she has way worse stats than one of the worst ADCs of the game I play:
But he does think he is right and he was better than me. I just wanna finish showing his Chaac solo build:
The more I discover the Smite community, The more I understand why people hate them, why they post builds that I sometimes think is troll but they are just bad. I'm not saying I'm better than him, but in a team game like smite, use win/rate to argue? Why he didn't mentioned his individual performance (kda)? Sometimes I do think this is a joke like those you see on tv...
The final thoughts are with you reader.
2 lifesteal items on a god with healing, one of which is a basic attacker's item. Granted he may be looking for synergy with his Rain Dance and the later Frostbound Hammer, but still.
Keep in mind, I'm pretty sure it's not just the SMITE community...MOBAs in general seem to bring out the worst in people. The best way you can combat this is by maintaining positivity and being a cool person in the face of adversity.
agree that staying cool and positive helps. otherwise you tilt and will play worse. toxic people lose more games because of them tilting their teammates with their negativity.
Also a reason why the f7 mentality can be good, since you're still positive that their is a chance to win the game (although you can go to far by thinking you can win a stomp that sometimes happens)
Also comparing win rates is meh a lot of competetive games follow and 40/40/20 rule. 40% you will lose no matter (aka those stomps vs you ragequitting teammate etc) what 40% you will win no matter what (vice versa your team steamrolling or enemy having an afk) and the last 20% is where you will have influence and those games that feel really close and stuff.
dunno what his build order was on Chaac assuming he ended Hide of the Nemean Lion, but if you plan to go damage he should have gotten Jotunn's Wrath instead of crusher the cdr and extra mana will help him more with his Q spam poke and healing.
gladiator shield for the same reason.
like he went a weird hybrid of AA and ability focus. he doesn't really need Frostbound Hammer as he got rain storm same for Soul Eater.
even the S1 warrior (bruiser) builds were better