It was a cold December night, as I sat by the
fire computer I wondered, "Why am I so bored?" Then, I heard a slight noise in my headset... a Skype call. I eagerly checked to see who the caller was, and to my surprise it was a friend who I hadn't talked to in a while. I ever so slightly moved my mouse over to the accept button, and clicked. The first words I heard were, "Hey, there's this cool game you should get, its called Smite," then suddenly... our connection was cut. I was never going to see my friend again. I sat for years, pondering whether or not to look up this "Smite" game. Then, 2 years after the call, I decided to honor my friends last request and look up "Smite". I was greeted by a half-naked Egyptian goddess and was told to sign up. I did. Now, in honor of my friend, who has left us (To go to LoL), I make this post. I hope that one day he will be able to rejoin us in this SmiteFire community. And with your generous donation of $10.00 a week, I can make this dream happen. …
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