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May 15, 2015
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May 15, 2015
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Yeah so if you want one pm me and we'll make the transaction.

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May 13, 2015
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Why does this happen every time ?

Whenever I play alone, with ANY god, I get great KDRs ( 9/1, 8/0 ) and, when I play with friends, I get the definition of terrible KDR ? ( 0/5, 3/6 ) Is it Bad Juju ?

Also... Ratatoskr is officially the next god of SMITE ! Congrats, you Squirrel !

Also, Ravana got he's role "confirmed", since he has a jungler build !

Everything about Ravana :

( That actually works lol )

Question : What is your opinion about these new gods ? ^^

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May 13, 2015
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I went to smite's website and i saw an acorn. WHAT THE HELL DOES IT MEANNNNN IT COULD BE RATATOSKRRR

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May 06, 2015
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Ever wanted a resource for what items to build? Ever wanted to add an item to your build but haven't known when it should be used? Do you have problems identifying what your build should focus on based on your role or gametype? Then I have the answer for you!

For the past month or so I've been hard at work on my newest guide: A Guide to Making Item Builds

This guide is MASSIVE, the bbcoding and formatting alone took around 2 weeks to get just right. Because of its size, a guide this big is prone to have some errors in some of its sections and descriptions. Thus, I would like to enlist your help to make this the best guide it can be! So go, check it out, hopefully you'll learn some new things and maybe even teach me a thing or two.


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April 27, 2015
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I have this weird felling pondering my head for a while now.
I've noticed that some of the SMITE Streamers are waaaaay too try hard and they're actually pretty good.
So, my question is : If one start to stream smite, would it be difficult for this one to get viewers, even if he's not the best ?

Just wondering ;)

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April 23, 2015
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My Athena guide is up. Go check it out ! ^^

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April 22, 2015


Views: 2473 ThePerfectPrism
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Is it bad that I've been checking on SMITE fire like it's my Social Media ? Hopefullly not...

#ArchivedMyAphroGuideSoItCanBeBetterThenBefore !

lol I <3 hashtags...

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April 17, 2015
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I'm not sure what it is, but it seems I'm running into more and more players that act like Smite is a way of life and if they lose they act like a sore loser *****ing about a teammate that did not so great and make them look like the scum of the Earth. It's growing like a cancerous tumor and it's growing fast, I'm getting real sick of these players and hopefully this garbage will eventually stop. I think when they added achievements to the game is when the try-hard's came out of hiding and the toxic sludge of the game is starting to ooze from the cracks of the community. Until then I'm going to hold off on Smite hoping that the toxicity level will become stable once again. This video by Extra Credit should help my point.

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April 15, 2015


Views: 1888 TheZodiacWolf
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So I hosted smitegame today for 5 hours. It was a very amazing moment for me. I don't have the words to describe it. I went adc fenrir for my last match and went 18/2. It was a great day for me. =]

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