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June 21, 2015
+Rep | Report
As you may have noticed, I've been inactive for a while, and that's mainly since I've been busy getting prepared for the upcoming summer. Now, my summer is extremely packed, and probably leaves me with two week's time to be on my computer, so I'm going to be inactive for a while.

Don't worry, I'll make up for it with an Eset guide soon after I come back, so it's not all in vain n_n

a little taste of what's to come (ofc highlighting doesnt work is blogs):


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eros magna, ultricies et urna ac, tempus fringilla arcu. Proin commodo sem est. Curabitur tincidunt, neque eu pretium euismod, ante tortor lobortis risus, nec posuere ipsum quam in augue. Maecenas sagittis convallis neque, vel tincidunt ipsum consequat vitae. In hac habit***

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June 21, 2015
+Rep | Report
Just like to take a minute and let everyone know that - for the time being, until that completely ridiculous dropping glitch is patched out - that I'm going to be taking a hiatus from Smite. It's more frustrating than it's worth to try to play like this.

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June 20, 2015
+Rep | Report
Have you ever had trouble catching up to other players? Do you ever feel as though you're pretty fast, but you could go faster? Are you aching to move at super sanic speed?!?!

Well then have I got the tips for you.

Stop living such a dull, pathetic existence and join life on the wild side! Don't build one of those boring, meta, pro builds. Just build every. *******. movement speed. item. in. the. **********in'. game.

That's right, I'm talking this.

Mmmm yeah baby like...

So you might be asking? But Zilby?!? What do I put for my 6th item?!? Well my friend there are a few choices for that, but they will be covered in my build strategy section below.

Build Strategy

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June 18, 2015
+Rep | Report
Hello and welcome to my guide to Chests *echo in background* Chests chests. Today you will learn how to be good at chests okay,

Step 1: Okay, Get some gems. You need gems to get chests (ellipses) so ummm get some?

Step 2: Check out the chests. You need to find a skin you want... so go find a chest

Step 3: Channel the power of cosmic energy, you need to do this to get that special item.

Step 4: Get good at items. u need to get good... how do you do so? Well, you get more gems and retry over and over till you succeed goodly...

Thanks for being good. I make very good guide daily I tend to be on point with my guides. People always message me thanking me for my guides. Anyways, go be a good uhhh... skin?

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June 16, 2015
+Rep | Report
I am a Youtuber with a surprisingly large (SARCASM) fan base, and for my next series, I would like to do SMITE. Specifically, I want to bring together a team of players from the community. I will be in it, as Trockenmatt, or simply Trock. If you would like to join, please put in the comments your Skype, role, god, and Alias. For example, mine would be

Any role, but I prefer Support or Mid
Any god

If you believe this is a waste of your time, please just move along and not clutter up the comments please. Also, if there is an issue with what I'm doing, please tell me and I will edit it / take it down. Thank you!

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June 16, 2015
+Rep | Report
I feel like spearheading this complaint since I'm one of a few people who have this issue, but has anyone ever talked about how badly the loading screens are in Smite?

They allow people to get into the game before you! If your computer is that bad, you may be upwards of a minute late to lane! A minute is only a minute, but in Joust or Conquest, that minute means a lot!

That, combined with the recent patch and it's love of dropping people back to the title screen, has made me appreciate LoL's loading screen so much more even though I haven't started it yet.

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June 14, 2015
+Rep | Report
I wanna see which gods does the users of this site most like, so

If you wanna fill it out, do a Top 10 Best Gods of your Own.

Of course, this is just for whoever sees this blog to know ! ^^

Here is mine :

1 - Aphrodite
2 - Eset
3 - Bastet
4 - Athena
5 - Medusa
6 - Bellona
7 - Neith
8 - Nemesis
9 - Chang'e
10 - Geb

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June 14, 2015
+Rep | Report
Hello and welcome to my guide to Roles *echo in back* Roles Roles. Here you will learn how to call roles in 4 easy steps okay,

Step one: Choose a role. You need a role so, choose one 4 you...

Step 2: If a person calls "solo" before you do, hurry and call "mid". And if he calls that before you... Well you already have a support so he will get both roles, and you will get none.

Step 3: choose a god that is appropriate to your role. (E.g. Anubis isn't a support). If you do manage to "break the meta" you might get blamed for your loss...

Step 4:Make sure u stay in lane and help your team. Then you can log off and get back to your pathetic life!

Thanks for being good. I make very good guide daily I tend to be on point with my guides. People always message me thanking me for my guides. Anyways, go be a good uhhh... person?

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June 14, 2015
+Rep | Report
O Ullr, how I adore thee,
Your great, hunter-like appearance
destined to carry thy team
You shoot thou enemy with arrows
you sit by the sea
as you twirl your axes.

O my sweet, sweet child
How I love thee
Thou are great and mighty
My love for you cannot be expressed
Thou art my sweet hunter.

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June 13, 2015
+Rep | Report
Hello today you will learn how to play Neith in 4 simple steps, okay

Step 1: Okay, use your 1 next to people that you want dead

Step 2: Use your 2

Step 3: Basic attack people

Step 4: If you want to steal a kill, use your ultimate on people to get them dead.

thanks for being good. I make very good guide daily I tend to be on point with my guides. People always message me thanking me for my guides. Anyways, go be a good Neith.

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