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December 07, 2013

Now I'm 14

Views: 3835 RazeMage
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Yes, today i have birthday :D. I feel so old (kappa). Anyway, i think i had a good time today, hanging out with my friends, go to restaurant with big family and get money for games :D

Expect something soon

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December 07, 2013
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So...I just deserted a match for the first time.

I kinda blew up. For the past seven conquest matches or so, I've tried to jungle. And all but one time, I couldn't.

You see, I call jungle as soon as I enter lobby chat. Sometimes, it was a leaver. Other times, someone else called jungle. I accept that. I usually opt for support instead. But sometimes, I get the jungle role, and I'm stuck in a lane anyway due to the actions of an idiot!

These people just completely ignore the lobby chat. Then I call jungle and seemingly get it, and I go in the match, blind, buy my items, and about ten seconds after I leave spawn, I realize that someone else has purchased Bumba's Mask.

The match I deserted had TWO other junglers. Two. What are the odds?

tl;dr version: For the love of God/Gods/Whatever, look in your damn lobby chat! I don't care if you're on Skype or in a party, you shouldn't force people to go through 40 minutes of ****ing hell! Even if you decide to be a **** and take the jungle …
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December 05, 2013
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And Hearthstone is now making me a bit angry.

Stupid arena and it's randomness. I take out a few costly cards and a bit of spells. AND I KEEP GETTING THE MOST EXPENSIVE ONES AND MOST USELESS ONES RIGHT OFF THE BAT IN 3 GAMES IN A ROW!


So ya. I'll be playing smite for now. Just be doing the daily quests so I can maybe redeem myself for another arena.

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December 03, 2013
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So. I seem to be losing more and more control over myself every day. I find myself not caring about anything, be it school, homework, scouts, even Smite. I scream at my mind to care, but it doesn't listen - I still put my head down in classes, still completely ignore my homework, still don't care, and it's driving me INSANE. I saw my interim for my Chemistry class, and it was a 30~%. That is unacceptable. I tell my mind that THIS is what SHOULDN'T happen, that THIS is what happens when you don't LISTEN, but the scary part is, my mind doesn't care. My consciousness has officially come apart from my mind. They are officially two different things. My mind is what controls everything I do, and my consciousness is me, what makes me me, and my consciousness is yelling at my mind, and my mind doesn't care. It seems that the only thing that I have left in my control is my words, and sometimes not even then.

After I described this to my dad, he said that I was showing symptoms of both a mild a…
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December 03, 2013
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So I got a hexakill (note the best multi-kill was 6) in an arena as bakasura, went 27-6-13, I think I'm starting to get better at assassins. While I love Chronos, Neith, Chang'E, Poseidon, and Tyr, I think it's time to start focusing my skillsets with Bakasura, Loki, Ne Zha, Arachne, and Thanatos.

Also went 13-5-15 with Arachne in an assault, with a triple kill from the grave with spiderlings. That's not skill, but that's hilarious, haha.

Anyway, nothing that interesting. Still working on the Smite introduction. It's (un)surprisingly difficult to make a handbook for new players, be COMPLETELY thorough, yet not become boring. I just had to share my fun little game here. :D

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December 01, 2013
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You can say I'm too "Stoned" About it!

Getting 6 consecutive wins has the Hunter class... Beastmaster is OP in "Play"

Still don't know what it is? Check out TB's (TotalBiscuit) play on ARENA. Where instead of the cards you collected you will be assigned 3 random cards. And each selection you choose 1 out of the 3 and move on to the next 3 till you have 30 cards in all.

It might take more than 2 months... for me to get over HS. I wont be seeing smite for a while D:

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November 30, 2013
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thanks inuki ^^ <3

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November 30, 2013
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Just got a key... for "Hearthstone"
Now I can't stop playing it. Even if I've done the daily quests I still want MORE. And just before they're about to make it Open too... If you haven't seen Hearthstone. It's a card game. if you like games like that and anything card related. I'm sure you'll love it. Check out some big youtubers -plays. You might just start "Begging" for keys even though in a few weeks it will be open beta.

Now it's taking my time away from my other games. Especially smite. D:

"No story today." :/

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November 28, 2013
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I don't know why I had a hard time finding the Post Blog button... Ah well. I'm silly like that.

For now. Enjoy the first chapter of my short story!

"In Between Two Worlds"

Mira Han has only a fraction of her halth. And in front of her. Clanker, full health but was 3 levels below her. The obvious happened. He popped up his ultimate, throwing out a huge hunk of burning metal at her. But as a Tide Assassin she has already placed her skill "Mini whirlpool" (Acts like a ward and combines with 2 of her skills) right behind where Clanker was standing. Using her skill "Whirl Pool Spring" (Mira pops out to a nearby pool and damages anyone on it as she surfaces up) She vanished right before the burning metal landed on her and appeared behind Clanker. Some would already use her skill "Dagger Dive" (Leaps towards an area with dagger in hand. Stunning the first person that's hit and also does double damage when it from behind away from Clanker but, with the items she has right now. She knew wha…
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November 27, 2013

MMS - Surrender

Views: 2599 Silv3rX
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I started the MakesMeSad series around a year ago and I think it's time to roll back and get on with it again.

Here is the game that made me wanna write this :
I had a feeding He Bo, a feeding Ao Kuang a leaving Ares and an average Cupid and then there is me.. The 9-0 Mercury who can carry this game easily. My team surrendered right after I got a triple. This was just an example, I am not here to cry about my teammates or anything.

Basically what we can see from this is that people literally only play for themselves. As soon as they aren't as good they think that the game is unwinable instead of considering different ways to still win. People always say that they are great teamplayers blah blah and it might be true that you are great at teamfights and a really good support, but when it comes to self confidence everyone's ego is huge in almost every game. This means that almost every player would forfeit a game simply because they are really bad in this game, even tho there is st…
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