So...I just deserted a match for the first time.
I kinda blew up. For the past seven conquest matches or so, I've tried to jungle. And all but one time, I couldn't.
You see, I call jungle as soon as I enter lobby chat. Sometimes, it was a leaver. Other times, someone else called jungle. I accept that. I usually opt for support instead. But sometimes, I get the jungle role, and I'm stuck in a lane anyway due to the actions of an idiot!
These people just completely ignore the lobby chat. Then I call jungle and seemingly get it, and I go in the match, blind, buy my items, and about ten seconds after I leave spawn, I realize that
someone else has purchased Bumba's Mask.
The match I deserted had TWO other junglers. Two. What are the odds?
tl;dr version: For the love of God/Gods/Whatever, look in your damn lobby chat! I don't care if you're on Skype or in a party, you shouldn't force people to go through 40 minutes of ****ing hell! Even if you decide to be a **** and take the jungle …
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