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Itztlacoliuhqui by AtomicPie525

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By: AtomicPie525
Last Updated: Nov 22, 2019
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Personification of Winter-As-Death

Itztlacoliuhqui is not a Mayan god, but rather an Aztec god. He rules over frost, ice, cold, snow, winter, sin, and human punishment.

The lord of ice and snow was not inherently bad to the Aztec people, nor was he always such diety of relatively malevolent things. Until the sun god, Tonatiuh, decided to declare that everybody needs to pay obey him and make sacrifices in his name (for some reason I'm still not 100% sure why), Itztlacoliuhqui went by a different name. Before trying to shoot down the sun for his arrogance, Itztlacoliuhqui was Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, lord of the dawn. With a dart through the skull, the Lord of Dawn becomes the Master of Ice and Snow. At this point Itztlacoliuhqui wore a blindfold and exacted blind justice across the land. He would also have a tlachpanoni, which is a type of decorated straw broom. This serves as the symbolism of the Aztec people sweeping literally everything in the 120 day cold part of the year, as well as parents punishing their children by making them sweep.

Passive Ability

Encroaching Frost
Enemies that are slowed take extra damage from Itztlacoliuhqui's basics. Each 10% that enemy gods are slowed results in taking 5% more damage from Itztlacoliuhqui with a maximum of 20% damage scaling

Additionally, Itztlacoliuhqui's abilities apply slows that gain in strength based on how much power he has. This additional scales at 5% of physical power up to 400 physical power and 20% bonus slowing.

My thoughts and comments

Primary Abilities

Frozen Strike
Itztlacoliuhqui uses an atlatl to launch a powerful spear to the target location. As the spear travels to its location, it passes through, and damages enemies. When it gets to the target location, the spear implants into the ground, freezing the surrounding area. Within this frozen area enemies slide across and cannot control their movement. In the center of this area, the spear remains in the ground and gods cannot walk through it. (Like a Permafrost with a decoy placed in the middle. Enemies that collide with the spear are also slowed

Damage: 100/120/140/160/180 (+50% of your physical power
Duration: 2s
Slow:10/12.5/15/17.5/20% (+5% of your physical power)
Range: 45
Implanted spear diameter: 5
Frozen area: 20x30 teardrop shape
cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s

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Cold as Ice
Itztlacoliuhqui imbues his weapon with the power of frost, causing his next 5 basic attacks to apply stacks of frost to enemies hit. Stacks last for 3 seconds and are refreshed if another stacks is added. After 3 seconds the stacks are consumed and slow the enemy per stack. If one enemy has at least 3 stacks, enemies take damage as well as being slowed. At 3 stacks enemies take half damage. At 4 stacks enemies take 65% damage, and at 5 stacks enemies take full damage.

Slow per stack: 2.25/3.15/4.10/5% (+1.25% of your physical power)
Slow Duration: 2s
Damage (5 stacks): 90/145/200/255/305 (+500% of slows on the enemy)
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 14s

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Chilling Strike
Itztlacoliuhqui lengthens his blade with a swathe of ice and performs a swift horizontal slash. Enemies within normal melee range take damage from the ability as well as a basic. Enemies outside of melee range take just the ability damage but are also slowed by the icy blade for 1 second.

Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+70% of your physical power)
Slow:15/20/25/30/35% (+5% of your physical power)
Range: Same as Prana Onslaught

My thoughts and comments

Ultimate Abilities

Winter's Grasp
Itztlacoliuhqui grabs an enemy god with an outstretched hand. Grabbed gods takes damage 3 times over the course of 1.25 seconds. If at the third hit the enemy is below a health threshold they are executed. This health threshold changes based on how slow the target is.

Threshold by default: 25%
Threshold scaling per slow: 5% health per 15% slow (after diminishing returns)
Max health threshold: 45%

Damage: 50/75/100/125/150 (+30% of your physical power)
range: Same as King of the Eastern Seas
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 110/105/100/95/90s

My thoughts and comments

Initial thoughts and ideas

Thinking about the description "personification of winter as death" I knew I wanted to make an assassin with an execute that gets more effective based on how much the target has been slowed. For other conceptual points, I should make sure to note that his name means something along the lines of "Curved Obsidian."

Naturally with a kit based around slows, I wanted Itztlacoliuhqui to have some pretty powerful slows, but not so powerful that I introduce another assassin into the support role. Thus giving him slows that scale off of physical power. From a quick test in jungle practice with Thanatos, I have found that 639 is the maximum physical power attainable.

Here's What I Did

This would be completely impractical in game, but I want to make sure he wouldn't be another assassin being played as a support rather than a jungler. I took a page from the book of Heartseeker and decided to just give it a power cap.

After working through the abilities and what they all did, I decided to help balance Itztlacoliuhque a little by making him have aspects that scale with sheer power, but also aspects that scale with his basic attacks. I hope it helps theoretically balance him out, but I really have no idea. unfortunately.

Design ideas

As for the physical design of Itztlacoliuhque, I'm thinking of a small, potentially malnourished character with little in the way of clothing. I'm also thinking potentially a mask, and if I can find a use for it, the straw broom that he often has somewhere in his model, though that might look forced and not be a fantastic addition. For a weapon, he would have a curved blade of obsidian which would fit his name.


Unfortunately, assassins are my least played class, so I don't feel completely confident with the balancing of Itzlacoliuhque, but I think I've done a decent job, though it would be hard to see without actual gameplay to look at.

Hopefully I can find the time to put together some artwork for this guy and what I think should happen artistically, but I cant truly guarantee that. If it happens I'll get that out here.

At this point, I have made another god, Boreas, a guardian. I'd appreciate if stopped by and gave any opinions there as well!

Hopefully everything looks good as is (Though updates are likely), and please, let me know if something needs to be added or if you think it needs to be nerfed.

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Devampi (105) | November 18, 2019 10:15am
SO overall gonna say some interesting ideas, however I wonder how much math you did as some things are balance wise so wrong. another big point is details (common problem for a lot of people). I will go over the abilities one by one.

Passive not much to say here a 20% slow increase with a 20% damage increase on basics. too lazy to do the math for it. I could say it's a bit of a double passive.

So ability 1. Nice concept the thing why I don;t know if it's overpowered yes or no. it fully depends on the area of the field. also collide with the spear in the area or during travel time etc. also how long is it I get it;s a line ability, however there is a difference of the range of for example a ra ult range or ra 1.

the 2 I have mixed feelings about. some missing info like how long the buff last on your own basics.
After that it feels like a slow like frostbound. reading it now miss an basic attack you won;t get the damage. making it lackluster.
Hit all 5 and damn this is an execute of itself, because of the scaling being vague. it does 305 damage which is decent. however 500% scaling of slows. aka on a 20% slow the ability does 1305 damage. point is probably pretty clear.

3 didn;t read it as well but looks decent burst nearby slow far away.

yeah the ult needs to be toned down. thanathos may have a 40% execute threshold (he also spends 10% of his own hp to use it, visible on minimap and has a marker and is like a thor ult hearable before it crashes down) however you can see him coming, same for ao kuang, with the markers. meanwhile I lack the info to see this. it's a grab (what's the range melee?) meaning you would slow them by 100% technically so you cap it immediatly. also a second is a pretty short reaction time. especially if you remember that reaction time for a human is ~1 second, put in latency and it's quite easy.
AtomicPie525 (5) | November 19, 2019 2:09pm
I'll definitely tone down the ult then. I suppose you're right about the reaction times. It is more coincidental to cleanse an Ao Kuang ultimate with an ability or beads than I originally thought. And if I increase how long he grabs for, it would increase the amount of time that the team can lay into him before he gets it off. I guess I just assumed the marker was visible by default as it is with all ultimates when you are actually in danger of being executed, i.e. Thanatos is in the air and Ao Kuang or Achillies is relatively close to you.

I will have to flesh out the details on the 1 further. Without numbers I will say it will be fairly small, but Ill have to see what feels right through some in game testing (looking at how big things are).

As for his 2, you are misinterpreting what 500% means. 500% of 20 is 100 damage. The idea is that with a 40% slow it adds 200 damage for a 500 damage ability. I know it feels kind of lackluster if you miss a basic and don't get all 5, but that is kind of the point. I guess I could make it to where 3 stacks deal diminished damage. 4 stacks is the diminished damage and a small slow, and 5 is full damage which might make it feel a bit better.

As far as the passive do you think that it is inherently a problem? I'm sure I could find a way to change it, but I like the current feel of it unless it would allow him to be completely broken.

And thank's for the feedback! I'll get on a lot o that stuff.

Update: At this point, I have gone in and updated some things based on your input. Thanks again!
ZombieSlayman | November 17, 2019 1:40pm
How does the 2 scaling damage work? is it 500% of your physical power or the slow x 500%?
xmysterionz (72) | November 18, 2019 2:59pm
I guess 500% of scaling for a physical power is a bit too much XD
Devampi (105) | November 19, 2019 1:22am
even on a slow the 500% is much as a slow of 1% will do 500 damage
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Devampi (105) | November 18, 2019 9:25am
the slow
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