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RWBY Update Notes

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 30, 2019 3:45pm | Report

RWBY Update Notes

Posted: 2019/10/30


Summary of changes:



  • Base visual update
  • Guardian Eternal Isis (Recolor)
  • Mastery skins


RWBY Battle Pass
Living Death Scylla
M.O.U.S.E. Force Ganesha

Code Breaker Osiris
Winter Wonderland Chest

Pink Lotus Pele

Divine Machina Apollo

Please note that these dates are tentative and subject to change.


Aaaalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission! Banzai! We’re so excited for this collaboration with our friends at Rooster Teeth, and can’t wait for Team RWBY to hit the Battleground!

Decreased the total BP from 85,000 to 75,000 on the Premium Pass. The Prestige Pass still requires 85,000 BP to complete.
Players will have an additional 2 weeks to complete this pass. It will run until Season 7 Launches
This Battle pass has 4 new T3 skins and a Prestige Skin, as well as many more Enigma Chests and Loadout items.
This battle Pass Costs 750 gems (or 1350 to unlock with bonus points)

The new cosmetic items in each track in the order they are unlocked are:
Not including chests, currency, or consumable rewards

Free Items
  • RWBY Music Theme
  • RWBY Jump Stamp
Premium Items
  • Blake Belladonna Amaterasu Skin
  • RWBY Loading Frame
  • Yang Announcer Pack
  • Ruby Avatar
  • Blake Announcer Pack
  • Weiss Schnee Freya Skin
  • Yang Avatar
  • BANZAII!! Global Emote
  • Weiss Announcer Pack
  • Blake Avatar
  • Yang Xiao Long Terra Skin
  • Ruby Announcer Pack
  • RWBY Loading Screen
  • Weiss Avatar
  • ZWEI Ward Skin
  • Ruby Rose Thanatos Skin
Prestige Items
  • Classic Ruby Rose Thanatos Skin
  • Huntsman Title


*Note* Various bug fixes. Please check official notes for the full list.


The Egyptian Goddess of Magic will have a completely new model, card art, rig and animation set in this update
Mastery, Recolor, and Shadow Skins have all be updated to the new model
No ability FX or Voice acting has been changed on those skins
Other Isis Skins have not been changed
Classic Isis has been added as a new skin preserving the old base model. It will be available forever as Direct Purchase for 200 Gems or 9500 Favor

The screen that shows players what items they have unlocked after quests or purchases has been redesigned
This screen will now more clearly show what item players have obtained and how they unlocked it
This will now better support unlocking many items at once

Fixed Issues where names were being shown in places where they should be hidden
Removed the “Hide Self” option
Now if players wants to “Hide Self” they will need to use the “Hide All” option instead. This ensures players do not gain as much competitive advantage from hiding their name.

This feature is being added in the lobby to help newer players find the right gods for their squad
Additional text in lobby will now show up in the lobby to suggest things like
Team has too much or not enough of a damage type (magical, physical)
Team is missing a guardian etc

The penalty for Deserting a Ranked Match is now more intense than deserting a normal casual match.
The penalty for deserting a normal casual match has been slightly reduced.
Deserting will still lock your ability to play any game mode, regardless of where you deserted from.


The change to timed queues last year made a huge impact on matchmaking. With timed queues we can guarantee that the top 10 players end up in a game together. The main advantage of this system is its consistency. Right now in SMITE matchmaking timed queues take every player who accepts and works top-down to make the teams. This prevents any strange MMR gaps due to optimizations elsewhere. If there is an MMR gap in a match, those were still the factually closest players to each other at the time.

As we expanded on timed queues we added the ability to duo queue, which does cause some shifting in the “top-down” method. This is why we have kept the MMR range for parties quite narrow. Duo Queue did not have any measurable negative effect on matchmaking, but it certain impacted people’s perception of their game quality.

We continued to experiment with matchmaking by reducing queue times. This experiment has proven somewhat successful, as people have been much happier with the queue time and our matchmaking data has not changed much, although it did get slightly worse, as expected. That slight decrease seems to be worth it for faster queues.

And lets not forget that crossplay has drastically boosted the player pool in normal matches, and even console Ranked matches (Xbox + PS4), which positively impacted matchmaking.

Matchmaking feedback has been rather quiet, we see less social media images sharing bad matches than ever, but one thing still wasn’t feeling right. We saw lots of community feedback this split how specifically Ranked matchmaking felt random and inaccurate. To continue to strive for the best matchmaking possible in SMITE we are making a big change to our ranked split reset logic. That change is, remove resets! (at least for now) We will not be resetting MMR or Variance nearly as often. Even when 7.1 ships we will aim to only reset Variance, essentially empowering players move up (or down) more easily for a period of time, but while keeping them at their current MMR.

Soft Resetting MMR has its advantages, but due to the strict mathematics of True Skill we know it results in a dip in Matchmaking Quality. True Skill works to identify a players skill level and adding uncertainty into the system can cause negative results. When we had longer splits this uncertainty was OK as the system had time to correct before the next reset and provided meaningful progression each split. With the increased frequency this is no longer true. Frequent resets have been causing community frustration, and also upset the True Skill method, so we will be reserving those for very rare cases going forward. We are looking towards Season 7 to ensure each split still feels like a exciting time to hop into ranked without rely on soft resets like we have.

A new split will be starting with this update, but there will be no MMR or Variance reset

TP Will Reset
Reward Progress will Reset and new rewards will be available
God Leaderboards Will Reset
No MMR Reset
No Variance Reset


Another Adventure Returns: Classic Domination!

Added Conquest-style fountain speed buff at game start
Cut paths through geometry to make it easier to rotate from point to point


*Note* List of items that had changes. Please check official notes for full details.
  • Arondight
  • Staff of Myrrdin
  • Ethereal Staff


*Note* List of gods that had changes. Please check official notes for full details.
  • Freya (rework/revert)
  • Amaterasu
  • Cerberus
  • Discordia
  • Ganesha
  • Isis
  • Susano
  • Sylvanus
  • Thor
  • Tyr

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » November 5, 2019 6:03am | Report
Well nobody posted (at least that I saw) some thoughts so here it goes:

Myst Thoughts about the Patch 6.12


skins comments

Bugs Fixed:

From all the bugs fixes 2 worth mention here. The first, Kumbhakarna can now be executed normally even if he has the passive (but of course, without wasting it). No longer can be execute after he was already in the passive. And the other bug, the reset stuffs. Sometimes the game simply reset your cosmetics like HUD theme, Standard god voice pack instead the skin one...They say it won't happen anymore.

Domination returns but a bit smaller.

Item Balancement:

items comments

God Balancement:

god comments


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » November 5, 2019 7:56am | Report
E-Staff nerf isn't anything really, just minor cost increase. Maybe there will be less rushing it second item but it will still be built by mid to lategame anyway.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » November 5, 2019 8:22am | Report
We all know HR does not nerf hard but only once a god or item. Instead they prefer to nerf a bit every patch, so that's could be the beginning for E-staff


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 5, 2019 1:49pm | Report
Basically they need to just get rid of the new items. Lol. Stupid idea overall.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » November 5, 2019 4:18pm | Report
I don't think so. I like new items and the idea behind all of them. I was just warning to avoid "create a monster" :p


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 12, 2019 12:37am | Report
As an FYI, this RWBY patch should be live as of sometime today (November 12th). Database has been updated for item and god balance.

Eset visual update should be updated shortly as well.

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Mythical (401)
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