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Absolute noob: Build Purchase Order?

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Forum » Build & Guide Discussion » Absolute noob: Build Purchase Order? 20 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bockisch » April 22, 2019 10:18am | Report
I'm an absolute Smite newbie, with need of a little pointers etc.

I've found some several builds here I'd like to try out, the skill order thing isn't a problem - but the purchases? I'm totally lost there... I'm seeing like four slots in a few different categories, but when I look around here like every other build I find, there's like 6 or more objects listed in several categories.
I have no idea where to put what, and some things I can't even fiund (I guess they might have been changed in an update?). My favorite God so far is Sol, and I'd like to try this build out:

But when I try to get the purchase order "in order", I just give up.

I have a lot of experience from making very fine honed PVP "specialist builds" in Elder Scrolls Online, and all builds etc. are crystal clear to me there - but here I don't understand a thing. LOL


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » April 22, 2019 10:27am | Report
From the link, so assuming for conquest as the build is for conquest:

"Starting Build" - what you get when the game starts and before you head to lane/minions spawn. This one contains a starter item Hunter's Blessing and a tier 1 item Tiny Trinket. Tiny Trinket gets upgraded to Bancroft's Talon, while Hunter's Blessing gets sold lategame when you have enough gold for a tier 3 item, in this case being Demonic Grip for "full build".

"Full Build" - items you build over the next couple of backs when you have farmed enough gold. Purchase order is from left to right. The last 2 items - the relics Aegis Amulet and Purification Beads are both picked up over the course of the game, the first one is picked up at level 1 (which gets picked up first depends on what gods you're against on the enemy team, e.g. if the enemy mid is looking to be Poseidon I may consider Aegis Amulet first).

"Boots/Dynasty Plate Replacements" - Dynasty is a tier 2 item (not tier 3) so it's usually sold lategame for a proper tier 3 damage or defensive item. When you have enough gold in the lategame to purchase both Elixir of Speed and a tier 3 item, then you sell boots, buy Elixir of Speed and use it, and then buy your boots replacement item.

"Counterbuilding" - situational items that are match dependent. Usually an item or two is swapped in the build to make place for them.

"Bruiser Sol" - is just a variation of "Full Build" that swaps Spear of Desolation for Void Stone.

If you need more help learning the game then check the links from here:


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » April 22, 2019 10:45am | Report
It's pretty much what kriega already said. If you cannot understand why you are building it e.g why should I start with Bancroft's Talon, then we can explain too.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bockisch » April 22, 2019 11:15am | Report
Thank you very much. It seems a lot more obvious now. I'm not used at all to this game.
Learning curve seems pretty steep, a bit hard to find information, and I haven't figured too much out yet. I am very used though, to reading into fine detail what different abilities and objects etc. does, so it's a matter of time I think. :-)

Though Sol was called "Hard" in game, she's been the easiest by far for me. Much like what I recognize from ESO, with snare removal which is also a kind of "shield", self heal, AOE and very nice burst potential. Tried for example Ullr and got so wrecked it was outright hilarious. Every time I was rushed by just about anyone, it was bye-bye for me.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » April 22, 2019 11:20am | Report
I don't know if you're playing on PC or Console, but I also had this issue when I started playing. The full build lists 6 items, but each line of the item builder lists only 4.

Personally, I don't follow the item builder divisions (starter, core, offensive, defensive, relics, etc.), I just list the items in order and add some situationals afterwards.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » April 23, 2019 5:10am | Report
Kriega explained it perfectly for most builds. Also saying Sol is easy compared to Ullr (which is probably still the hardest god in the game) was quite funny to me.

Another type of build you will find is people listing like vini said:
- Starter (Pretty much every build has this, Kriega explained it)
- Core (items you should always get and in most cases get first, however sometimes they can be later in the build)
- Offensive (offense focused items.)
- Defensive (defense focused items.)
- Relics

These will be more common in guides as they will explain when to pick what item. Also don't get confused by damage items being in defensive for adcs or other damage dealers. The recommended items in that slot are considered to be defensive for the role or class.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » April 23, 2019 6:31am | Report
The item builder divisions are useless. Just list the items in your item builder that are core and/or list items to get fast access to certain item trees (e.g. Book of Thoth for the Book item tree which also includes Polynomicon, Soul Reaver and Book of the Dead along with a tier 2 and tier 1 item).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » April 23, 2019 6:33am | Report
Devampi wrote:

Also saying Sol is easy compared to Ullr (which is probably still the hardest god in the game) was quite funny to me.

Why is that? are you saying Sol isn't easy? Because she pretty much is, outside of using her ultimate on targets that aren't CC'ed.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » April 23, 2019 6:38am | Report
Bockisch wrote:

Thank you very much. It seems a lot more obvious now. I'm not used at all to this game.
Learning curve seems pretty steep, a bit hard to find information, and I haven't figured too much out yet. I am very used though, to reading into fine detail what different abilities and objects etc. does, so it's a matter of time I think. :-)

Though Sol was called "Hard" in game, she's been the easiest by far for me. Much like what I recognize from ESO, with snare removal which is also a kind of "shield", self heal, AOE and very nice burst potential. Tried for example Ullr and got so wrecked it was outright hilarious. Every time I was rushed by just about anyone, it was bye-bye for me.

Also another thing, don't ever use auto buy or use the "recommended" items because builds can vary per match firstly, and second, "recommended" includes items commonly built by people from all skill levels that may or may not understand how to build the character properly, we see examples of this of incorrect build understanding on Smitefire all the time. Rather, first learn the basics of building the character you plan on playing that match, read what their abilities do, and what the common skill levelling is.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » April 23, 2019 7:17am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Also another thing, don't ever use auto buy or use the "recommended" items because builds can vary per match firstly, and second, "recommended" includes items commonly built by people from all skill levels that may or may not understand how to build the character properly, we see examples of this of incorrect build understanding on Smitefire all the time. Rather, first learn the basics of building the character you plan on playing that match, read what their abilities do, and what the common skill levelling is.

I feel like Hi-rez themselves don't even know what to put in recommended themselves. or they use an auto generator for it for some reason.

Kriega1 wrote:

Why is that? are you saying Sol isn't easy? Because she pretty much is, outside of using her ultimate on targets that aren't CC'ed.

I kinda worded it wrongly. Pretty much what I meant to say is that if you compare any god to Ullr they will be easy. Pretty much using Ullr in a difficulty comparison makes me chuckle.


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