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2-2-1 new meta?

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Forum » General Discussion » 2-2-1 new meta? 17 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » August 19, 2013 8:05pm | Report
Short lane has the towers closer to each other than the other. I prefer GF lane / FG lane (Gold Fury / Fire Giant) but they're too close ot each other =/


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Animusliberus » August 22, 2013 5:28am | Report
I did a 5v5 premade yesterday, I was mid

and all of a sudden they had a 2-2-1 comp

we were 2-1-1-1 comp

it blew my mind as how I got outpushed so hard and just tower dived so early 0.o
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » August 27, 2013 7:27pm | Report
I'll be very honest, I despise this meta. The biggest reason is because of all of the idiots who follow it to the letter every time, and like to ***** if anyone tries to break it. Basically, me.

I usually play solo Ao, and I ALWAYS go left lane. Not short, not long, left. I don't care how long the ******* lane is, because it doesn't matter. I can understand that in solo lane you have a better chance of not getting ganked, but in the case of a jungling Thor you're kinda in trouble anyway. I can 2v1 in any of the three lanes and do equally as well, and I choose left so my jungler friend can have orange buff and then lane with me until level 3-4.

Plus, if you're worried about getting ganked, then your jungler is doing something wrong. My jungle area is always warded.

Honestly, this is a meta that came from LoL and everyone knows it. All of the *******s from LoL (no offense to any of you, well maybe a little) who came to Smite and like to ***** all day took Bumba's Mask and said, "Let's incorporate all of our LoL meta into Smite!" and people followed... to the letter. It's ridiculous. Last time I check, there was no set-in-stone meta.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tujak » August 27, 2013 10:58pm | Report
JararoNatsu wrote:

I'll be very honest, I despise this meta. The biggest reason is because of all of the idiots who follow it to the letter every time, and like to ***** if anyone tries to break it. Basically, me.
Honestly, this is a meta that came from LoL and everyone knows it. All of the *******s from LoL (no offense to any of you, well maybe a little) who came to Smite and like to ***** all day took Bumba's Mask and said, "Let's incorporate all of our LoL meta into Smite!" and people followed... to the letter. It's ridiculous. Last time I check, there was no set-in-stone meta.


when i started playing smite i liked that there was no real meta every game the people tried different things but now u go in god select and the spam starts we need a jungler?? for what?? its only in the mind of the people cause you can still play 2-1-2 and i still have/had enough matches where i won without a jungler against jungler or lost with jungler against no jungler.

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I saw this maybe one or two times... and if u dont want to face 2v1 in mid why not swap lanes?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Punizher » August 30, 2013 2:24am | Report
why dont u lane swap? if 2 mid and 1 on the side take the 1 on the side and go 1v1 and let mid go 2v2, i am new to smite but i used to do that in LoL if i got counter 2 mid vs me i would swap or just play very defensive and wait for ganks


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » August 30, 2013 3:15am | Report
Punizher wrote:

why dont u lane swap? if 2 mid and 1 on the side take the 1 on the side and go 1v1 and let mid go 2v2, i am new to smite but i used to do that in LoL if i got counter 2 mid vs me i would swap or just play very defensive and wait for ganks

in smite you don't see actual 2-2-1 compostion's, because you will lose gold by doing that.

the 2-2-1 is more of a jungler who helps out the mid laner or the jungler doing bad and hanging around the mid lane after a failed gank.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » August 30, 2013 4:20am | Report
Went up against 1-1-1-1-1 in a premade a few days ago (so two junglers, that didn't move as one). Got ****ed so hard buy counter jungling, so I was forced to farm in lane and the enemy junglers were almost free to do whatever they wanted to in the jungle. I was playing Arachen so we lost, but if I had played anything else than Arachne jungle I think we would have be able to win. Because Arachne sidelane is just not a good idea lol

So yeah whenever you go up against something that isn't "meta" it can throw you completely off your game, if your not able to adapt to it. But before you do stuff outside of the "meta" it is a good idea to master the "meta" so that you know to counter it etc.

I myself love to do stuff outside of the "meta", just to see ppl struggling to adapt to what they are up against.
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