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Ao Kuang's Squall should stun

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Forum » General Discussion » Ao Kuang's Squall should stun 24 posts - page 2 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kintastic » July 29, 2013 11:45am | Report
Well, it's like you say Shao. Ao is one of those gods that's heavily reliant on his teammates to be of any use. You need teammates that are able to peel and distract enemies off of Ao for Ao to do good in games. Once you have teammates like that, Ao is just downright devastating the way he is now. He doesn't need a stun in his Squall. The only ability I think needs a rework is his Slither. They need to make it last longer or make him go faster than he does now or something.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RevanClaw » July 29, 2013 11:51am | Report
Squall is fine the way it is, very difficult to land skill-shot which is a slow and does a small about of AoE damage.

Slither could use a buff but it's not too bad, I think making it better would make Ao over-powered.

You can't take away his tornado's as that's what makes Ao kuang a viable pick, if he didn't have it and couldn't push as easy he'd be useless!

Ao is balanced, I would not touch him! If he is out of position he is pretty much dead dead and that's the way he has to be played, combat blink may be of use to you if you want a get away tool.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 29, 2013 12:13pm | Report
But without the jokes

Ao is fine. His squall with even with gem may be not just enough but it is still fine and I can escape form any god that is not thor or apollo ez by hitting it and wiggling away.

If there is any thing he doesn't need it is a 2sec stun like anubis im mean he would be an anubis with escape and more pushing power.

That is something we realy don't nee and I don't want to see.

Ao is the best pusher in the game and is perfectly fine where he is, and If he needs a buff it should be a little bit more slow an squall but not to much seriously slow's scaling are not to be underestamated.

If you are having trouble with loki or fenpup im gonna let you in on a secret technic passed down for genarations on how to counter loki and fenpup.

First WARDZZZ just 2 wards on you side enteries.
Now If loki or fenpup jump on you make sure to stand in your tornado and spam VHH If he cuts you of from the escape to your tower.
Mayby your jungler is near you do asking for help is a good idea.

Wiggle trough jungle path's to escape but only if you saw that they were waiting till your tornado runs out

If they jump on you when were in the tornado the Fun biggins, fenpup and loki will have to come close to you and will need to jump in your tornado to kill you.

There abilities will position them behind you so here is what you need to do. Walk forward and press the 4key on your key board and after that you use your index finger and push down the left mouse button.

85% of the time they got hit by giant death dragon and still have the death funnel on them. And If that is not enough you squal them or wiggle after them and put another murder breeze on them

and as a last ressort buy combat blink and If they don't have life steal nemean for f*** you value even If it's better on tanks so what and just watch as they hit them selfs. Oh ya know what every time I get nemean and I get hit by basic attacks im gonna say "why r u hitting your self" over and over.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » July 29, 2013 1:02pm | Report
Ao is fine, and mages SHOULDN'T be hard to kill.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » July 29, 2013 2:10pm | Report
I actually play a good deal of Ao, and do very well with him, especially in assault. And because I play Loki I don't want Ao to be good? Sir, Ao isn't even the easiest mage for me to kill, nor usually my target unless it's assault. If you're facing a loki, literally your only goal is to survive past his jump to slither away. He has 0 way to catch you. And your suggested squall buff would only work by living past his burst - thus isn't necessary anyway.

Squall does decent damage with good base damage, and slows with a detonation, on a 7 second CD (Easily able to be brought down near 5 seconds).
Poseidon's wave, which travels slower than my grandma on sleep medication, has almost the exact same damage and has a 10 second cooldown. The only difference is the knockback over the slow. And I'd rather a slow with a Loki chasing me than a knockback that doesn't slow.

Fenrir and Loki are two of the assassins that are known for one shotting. They usually die afterwards, but they do. You should have no problem, however, versus other assassin, such as kali, bastet, bakasura, etc.

And for the record, I main Loki as an *assassin*. My actual mains are Chang'e, Zeus, and Poseidon, with several games as Ao Kuang. If you're in front of your team, you're doing it wrong. If you're dying to a Loki, you're too accessible to him. You are not someone who stays in combat; you squall, you tornadoes, and you back FAR up. That's your playstyle - you watch your destruction from afar. If you're dying to melees it's because you're too close, and that's a PEBCAK error.

Squall is fine, especially when you consider the rest of his kit. If you were able to stun the assassins you're so worried about, you'd kill them every time, especially with the breastplate of valor and ethereal staff I'd suggest building to begin with.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by PowaManG » July 29, 2013 2:43pm | Report
1: Ao Kuang is low tier as of now, he needs a buff of some sort.

2: Squall is the easiest skillshot in the game.

3: A stun would be OP considering squall is AoE.

In my opinion Ao Kuang just needs a rework on his ult, and squall should go through minions but have a higher mana cost so it can't be used to farm.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 29, 2013 3:06pm | Report
PowaManG wrote:

1: Ao Kuang is low tier as of now, he needs a buff of some sort.

2: Squall is the easiest skillshot in the game.

3: A stun would be OP considering squall is AoE.

In my opinion Ao Kuang just needs a rework on his ult, and squall should go through minions but have a higher mana cost so it can't be used to farm.

If you use your squall to farm I don't think you took a look at his 3z
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » July 29, 2013 3:13pm | Report
He doesn't need any rework in his ult. It is a high skill, high reward ult. The most amazing one if you use ult in jungle team fight. Most of them will get hit. Other than that, when being chased by Mellee gods, you can use it and hit them and make the team fight the other way around


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pengey » August 5, 2013 8:47am | Report
If Ao Kuang had a stun he would be way too op. I wouldn't mind some cc immunity during his 2 for a better escape but having a stun on his squall would be way too good. As for his escape right now I find placing a tornado right where I'm standing when I'm running away enough to make enemies circle around it and let you get away most if the time.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » August 5, 2013 1:13pm | Report
Ao Kuang is well balanced for know, just UP compared to other mages. They need to remake his kit, or change his Slither to have an additional effect( still be used as a repositioning and escape tool).

Dark Jaw

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