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Can We Just Remove Teleport to Towers?

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Forum » General Discussion » Can We Just Remove Teleport to Towers? 32 posts - page 2 of 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Phil725 » December 12, 2013 10:04am | Report
Ghraf wrote:

TBH, you can buy them too, so I don't see anything wrong with it. You don't have to have it if you're already outlaning the other guy. Push him into his tower so he loses his gold/exp bonus. Keep him pressed back and getting back into his lane faster isn't going to do **** for him. And if he dies, he still has to wait on the respawn counter anyways.

Personally, I use Shielded Teleport a LOT to carry bad solo queue matches, so I'd rather it not be changed. There's so much you can do with Eye of Providence and Shielded Teleport against bads.

You don't have to have anything if you're significantly better than the person you're laning against. You honestly should insta-lose your lane if you don't buy TP to towers against anyone competent in the current meta (which is why it's silly in its current form.) All they have to do is force trades, even losing ones, and you'll start to fall behind, lose your tower, or lose gold on buying teleports. They can bring in jungle support if you can completely out-trade them too and constantly force you out of lane that way.

Subzero008 wrote:

Combat Blink?

And it's still too easy to stall for 2 minutes. Maybe 5/4/3 minutes, or 3.5/3/2.5.

2 minutes is time for you to use your full kit, including ultimate, twice. There aren't many solo laners who can afford to lose trades on more than two or three waves in a row and still stay in lane. If 'stalling' means sitting under tower with low health/mana, you're dead to any kind of bruiser tower dive, or a gank of any kind. If you're stalling by losing gold to tower on every minion wave, you're already losing your lane.

There's a good reason to avoid massive nerfs like 60s to 3 minutes. It's very easy to make something useles (bye AMC...) It might still be OP at 2 minutes, but that's where it should've been like 4 patches ago, and we would be able to make a better judgement now.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » December 12, 2013 10:39am | Report
K then. Is there any way to send this to HiRez? (Also, I played a random a few minutes ago, Sun vs Tyr, I was Sun with teleport to towers. I ended up being two levels higher than him without any kills on either side.)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Phil725 » December 12, 2013 11:38am | Report
People don't even know about TP to towers outside of the higher levels. There's a reason why more than half of the people who voted on that meditation topic said that it was a good active when teleport is even better at just replenishing mana alone. HiRez is balancing around casual and ignoring higher level play at the moment. That's why it hasn't been changed. I doubt it has much of an effect overall when you look at all games combined.

You can start a thread on Reddit for the most HiRez visibility, but chances are you'll just get a bunch of people telling you you're bad and got beat by someone who used teleport.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Creationism » December 12, 2013 11:43am | Report
I don't see a problem with TPs, mostly because they are balanced out by having a semi decent jungler. Honestly, if solo lanes aren't getting kills, then it is time for the jungler to step up. No kill on either side for 7 minutes is unacceptable in any lane if the levels keep even.

I mean, if you're forcing someone to go back every minute or so, you're winning the lane, even with TPs. Its just 200 wasted gold then. over and over. I have lost lanes by having to repeatedly TP.

I do think the active needs to go though. thats just ridiculous!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » December 12, 2013 11:47am | Report
Creationism wrote:

I don't see a problem with TPs, mostly because they are balanced out by having a semi decent jungler. Honestly, if solo lanes aren't getting kills, then it is time for the jungler to step up. No kill on either side for 7 minutes is unacceptable in any lane if the levels keep even.

I mean, if you're forcing someone to go back every minute or so, you're winning the lane, even with TPs. Its just 200 wasted gold then. over and over. I have lost lanes by having to repeatedly TP.

I do think the active needs to go though. thats just ridiculous!

I never said I had a problem with the consumable teleport, just the active.

Also, in a frantic ranked match, the chances of getting a gank is pretty low. Mid can be attacked by both sides, left lane may easily shift one way or another due to carries, and the mid camps are always being contested. If you are luck enough to get a gank, the enemy will simply recall and come back 5 seconds later, bam.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » December 12, 2013 3:10pm | Report
I agree that something needs to be done about Shielded Teleport. It's gotten to the point where it is a must-have active for solos, and not taking it is equivalent to shooting yourself in the foot.

It's not just Shielded Teleport either. In the current meta, there are quite a few abilities that are essentially "must-have". In addition to solos needing the teleport, two players should have Eye of Providence to keep the map warded, and there should be 2-3 Hand of the Gods/ Fist of the Gods on your team to push lanes and secure objectives/free stuns.

That is already five or six active slots that are forced picks. Those remaining slots, your team must be careful in selecting. Actives like Blink might not be an option when you need Aegis Pendant to avoid massive burst from Release The Kraken! or Spirit's Tempest, or Weakening Curse to stop Chang'e or Hel from controlling the match. Heaven forbid an Ares ends up clenching a game because half of a team couldn't afford to dedicate an active slot to Purification Beads!

Forced actives aren't fun. It's one of the reasons I quit League of Legends, where everyone must have Flash or die because they can't escape from opponents who have it, or chase them down.
Waiting on a good new MOBA, please.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » December 12, 2013 3:28pm | Report
Well, in the new S4 LoL, I see a lot more players using Ghost instead of Flash. The new season's changes to the summoner spells seems to have leveled the playing field.

And you are completely correct in your assessment of the state of actives in Smite. Do you think it's a problem in god/level design, or the items themselves?

I mean, is it a problem that certain abilities are so powerful that the only counter is an active item? In LoL, I notice that abilities are a lot less powerful. For instance, Sivir's ultimate is incredible underwhelming by Smite standards, yet it is incredibly useful in LoL. Would it be a good thing if all abilities were toned down?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » December 12, 2013 4:05pm | Report
It's really the actives themselves.

Think about it: Aegis Amulet and Purification Beads are really more of a check against potential attempts to kill you. However, they are balanced around the fact that they are only up every two minutes or so, depending on the rank. Meaning, they're good for countering a single skill. So if you beads out of No Escape, it won't be up for when Anubis comes around to Mummify you ten seconds later. There is counterplay to those actives.

Hand of the Gods is a bit different however. On junglers, it's perfectly fine since it's necessary for clear efficiency and getting the buff camps down fast.
In the lanes however, it's a push war. The side that can push harder will win out in the end simply due to how towers reduce your experience and gold income now. If one side of the duo lane has Hand of the Gods and the other doesn't, guess who's going to be sitting under their tower and losing gold? Unless the HoG-less side has Ao Kuang in the duo lane for god-knows-why, it's going to be them. In order to avoid this scenario, the tank needs Hand of the Gods to make up for otherwise poor waveclear.

Shielded Teleport is even worse for all of the reasons stated by previous posters. If you aren't running it but your opponent is, they get free farm and possibly an opportunity to start breaking your tower in the time it takes you to run back to your lane. Only way to counter it is to use teleport yourself.

The big problem we see here is, the counters are the same actives themselves. You must counter HoG with HoG. Teleport must be countered with Teleport. This isn't a good design, it stagnates the meta, and it diminishes the diversity of playstyle that used to exist before.
Waiting on a good new MOBA, please.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » December 12, 2013 5:14pm | Report
Sunfall wrote:

It's really the actives themselves.

Think about it: Aegis Amulet and Purification Beads are really more of a check against potential attempts to kill you. However, they are balanced around the fact that they are only up every two minutes or so, depending on the rank. Meaning, they're good for countering a single skill. So if you beads out of No Escape, it won't be up for when Anubis comes around to Mummify you ten seconds later. There is counterplay to those actives.

Hand of the Gods is a bit different however. On junglers, it's perfectly fine since it's necessary for clear efficiency and getting the buff camps down fast.
In the lanes however, it's a push war. The side that can push harder will win out in the end simply due to how towers reduce your experience and gold income now. If one side of the duo lane has Hand of the Gods and the other doesn't, guess who's going to be sitting under their tower and losing gold? Unless the HoG-less side has Ao Kuang in the duo lane for god-knows-why, it's going to be them. In order to avoid this scenario, the tank needs Hand of the Gods to make up for otherwise poor waveclear.

Shielded Teleport is even worse for all of the reasons stated by previous posters. If you aren't running it but your opponent is, they get free farm and possibly an opportunity to start breaking your tower in the time it takes you to run back to your lane. Only way to counter it is to use teleport yourself.

The big problem we see here is, the counters are the same actives themselves. You must counter HoG with HoG. Teleport must be countered with Teleport. This isn't a good design, it stagnates the meta, and it diminishes the diversity of playstyle that used to exist before.

Uh, this is definitely off topic, but Ragingstorm said you guys were sisters, yet Ragingstorm in the Ward Up had a male voice, but then Ragingstorm starts talking about hir *** and chest...I am pretty confused. Can you explain?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » December 12, 2013 5:17pm | Report
Don't trust everything you read on the Internet, that's about the best response you can receive.

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