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Geb is Ridiculously Borken

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Forum » General Discussion » Geb is Ridiculously Borken 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kinger556 » January 27, 2014 6:42am | Report
I don't get Hi-Rez's Logic.... When Geb first came out, he was so crazy Broken and I knew he was gonna see a Nerf. Well... He did... But the broken part wasn't toned down... Gebs Ultimate is an AOE Stun that instantaneously takes 50% health away of anyone caught in it. The size of the AOE is also larger than Odins Cage.... People kept complaining about the shield because Tanky Assassins are annoying, but the only reason they are is because Geb can throw away half your health. It doesn't even scale with anything, its 50% as in if I have 2'000 HP Its now 1'000, If I have 100'000 HP its now 50'000. Its so incredibly broken.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 27, 2014 6:51am | Report
His ult deals a lot of damage, true, but it's not that broken. it has a delay and it doesn't deal true damage. With no pen, at max rank it takes away 35% of a squishy's health, which is still really high, but not THAT broken.

His shield, on the other hand, is broken. Why?

It has no counterplay. You just have to smash through a wall of health, which can literally equal a squishy's health bar. If the shield broke with Hard CC, or if it had a shorter duration, it'd be fine, but as is, it's broken. I'm sick of being killed by carries who can become temporary tanks.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kinger556 » January 27, 2014 7:04am | Report
With the shield, you can counter play it with communication and team work. I play with my friends on Skype, but if you play alone then it definitely is a huge problem. Also I wasn't saying the shield wasn't broken, but that his Ult has way too much Range, Stun, and Damage. He's a TANK, he shouldn't be able to run in the middle of a team fight, take ALL the damage, AOE Stun everyone and knock their health down by 50% THEN use his 2 to Knock Up anyone trying to get away and 1 to catch up to anyone who did get away


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ryvvik » January 27, 2014 3:18pm | Report
Gebs shield isn't much different than Hercs mitigate. You choose to burst him down or wait it out.

If anything, the only OP thing with his shield is the fact that it is a castable beads on any target. Which is way more OP in games like arena/3v3/etc but still.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » January 27, 2014 3:51pm | Report
DIfference is, Ryv, that Geb can put said shield on anybody he wants, and provides an interesting immunity to knockback/up/whatever effects.

Now this isn't a stun, or a root, or a mesmerize, or whatnot, but anyone who's tried to CC an Anubis (who is knock for his Plague of Locusts providing knock___ immunities), you find out JUST how much doesn't work. As a matter of fact, pretty much anything that moves a character outside his own movement, will not work, which is a ridiculous amount of stuff.

Not to mention, Geb can exceptionally easily build full health and still be viable. Shoes of Focus, Magi's Blessing (instant 40% cap) Hide of the Urchin (or Leviathan), Bulwark of Hope, Mystical Mark// Sovereignty, and Ethereal Staff is literally 5 health items and boots, yet provides him with 2 dual protection items, one physical, one magical, and one helluva lot of health item, while still being 100% viable in itself. Now tack that on to a roughly 1000 health shield, and that's just annoying to deal with.

You can choose to wait out the shield, but it lasts a really long time, provides many immunities, and lets someone who should die near instantly, just simply not. Even past the shield, he is the only tank in the game with 3 hard CC's. Not just CC, but hard CC, meaning you literally cannot play the game until it is over.

I find him to be extremely overpowered, but it's as a late game tank, as his early game (especially with the nerf to base numbers, and lack of hard initiation) are iffy. He's a peeler, not an initiator, since he can only really knock the people away from his team, unless he's really really randomly behind them.

My only interesting tidbit, is Geb seems to be the only god that counters himself. He provides knock___ immunity with his shield, yet provides a knockup and knockback. Hence, why so many gebs were undervalued upon his release - in a game where there are two gebs, neither lets the other do anything. Once he started to die out, ironically, it let people see just how strong he is.

Anyway, that'd my tidbit.

Two things.
1) This title makes me laugh. "borken".
2) Sorry Ryv, this isn't all directed towards you, I saw your comment, started there, and went off on a tangent. I do that >.>


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ryvvik » January 27, 2014 3:59pm | Report
Nah, they are valid points. Its all good. I kinda thought that on him the shield should boost his HP like now but on someone else it should cause the damage to be directed at geb instead (taking into account his armor). Thus you could still shield allies but you'd be risking your own health pool to do it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » January 27, 2014 4:01pm | Report
Ahh, a redirect. That's actually an interesting idea. I don't know if even League has something like that, do they?

...I want to see how that would work out..


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ryvvik » January 27, 2014 4:02pm | Report
No clue, im untainted...I never played league.


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