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I grow tired of players on the 3v3 games.

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Forum » General Discussion » I grow tired of players on the 3v3 games. 12 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Majestic_Jackal » May 11, 2014 11:53pm | Report
Literally 3v3 is the only game type I've played as I mentioned way back, but I grow tired of these current issues that probably occur in all game modes.

"I'm playing him/her because they look cool :P"
Ok there is a big downfall here, literally people auto-locking a god/goddess because they simply go by their appearance.. REALLY? I mean literally today I just experienced the worst games ever and this was the first annoying issue I've found frequent, mostly I see this CONSTANTLY happen with Thanatos,Fenrir and Loki. they literally instant-lock the god and then end up FEEDING, but today it was totally different! So I was told by this guy to play Geb, and I have no gripes with playing Geb because Support s basically my life on 3v3, whether it be Ymir,Bacchus,Ares or Geb I am no stranger to it. so this guy clicks in Ullr saying it's his first time but he has experience. then my friend locks in Aphrodite a mage, so personally I was hoping my friend would pick a more harder hitting mage, but he wasn't the problem. we get in and it was a Ymir, Fenrir and a Neith. so I felt pretty confident, cause I could easily defend my teammates wit shields and such, but Ullr literally seemed like he had no clue what he was doing, I gave him tips and tricks and he literally would jump me and say "I'm not an idiot!" and he literally was going 0/6/1 at the time..and then at the end he literally began bad mouthing Aphrodite and I despite me an Aphrodite ACTUALLY made some kills, but with him feeding and capping out at 1/10/5 and he had room to bad-mouth us at my ratio 5/4/15. and Aphro 8/7/11. my point being here is really, people really need to PRACTICE these gods/goddesses before going in and totally wrecking a match for people. you should at least learn how to use their abilities. and not go bad mouthing experienced teammates later.

"Dcing because you were being instructed what to do that was right.."

So 2nd game was actually looking pretty good, I locked in as Chang'e, my friend locked in Neith and my this person just told us "Lock in whoever you want and I'll fill in whatever you guys need, just lock in who you want" and so he locked in Ymir, despite having AT LEAST an I mastery on Ymir, the game opened up quite good, he screwed up not putting a point in his 3 but he compensated playing safe till he got it up and so on, but then he suddenly became aggressive in a BAD way, rushing into them, missing his freezes CONSTANTLY. and he literally went out 0/6/2 as me and my friend tried to instruct him till he suddenly just shouted "**** IT!" and next thing you know it "An ally has left the game" sounds off and he DC, literally it was 5 minutes in, me and my friend now left to face an enemy Neith, Loki and Hades. all we could do is just fend ourselves to the end then surrender, but the fact is really, don't say "I'll fill in whatever you guys need" UNLESS you can actually fill it in! its ridiculously stupid to just take whatever role you can get, take a role you excel at, and really play pro!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WatchfulShadow » May 12, 2014 12:07am | Report
I also only play 3v3, for the most part. The list goes on for frustrating issues in that mode. I wish people would start by playing co-op 3v3 against the AI until they understand the game. Sometimes I'll be guilty of auto-locking, but simply because I'm so tired of having to choose a support, a role I don't play and don't enjoy playing, or basically just picking my character based around my teammates picks. A lot of the time our comp is F'd anyway due to silly God choices, so no God I pick will be good enough. Sometimes I just want to play and use the God *I* want to use for a change, instead of playing a God just because it fits the comp better, which usually just ends up a waste of time anyway because these players have no idea how to play.

The worst part is that you can't help them. I generally start by giving orders with the VGS or even typing, a lot of the time it's ignored so I give up trying to help. Yet when my team makes a bad play, they have no problem spamming insults. The amount of ignorance from these players is incredible and it honestly puts me off even playing. When I think, "Hey, let's play some Smite !", the other side of my brain thinks, "Meh, I'm not in the mood for the players I'm going to end up with, I'll just end up frustrated and it will be a waste of time. I was in a happy mood, but I won't be if I play." Trying to help with items, builds or even 'what you should have done here' just leads to me being insulted. I swear that 9/10 of my games have someone with Meditation, as soon as I see that I'm just thinking, "Get me out of this game."

We should try to play more.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by festive1 » May 12, 2014 4:59am | Report
The reason I mostly play the support role is simply because when I started smite all everyone did was go mage/assassin/ hunter so I started playing the support role, then stuck with it. Kinda sucks, but its okay. In a lot of games, I'm the only person that uses VGS, and I hate it when I get 2 assassins on my team, because usually it doesn't work very well.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » May 12, 2014 6:20am | Report
I used to play only joust 3v3, but arena and conquest took over me haha. Once you get to level 30, no not everyone is great, but at least most people know what they're doing. Especially in Arena and Jous 3v3, you can basically carry your team (not always). In conquest, if you have 2 or more players that are feeding/leaving, you're kinda screwed.

Issue solved: Play ranked if you're level 30. If not, get to level 30

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WatchfulShadow » May 12, 2014 9:14am | Report
Greenevers wrote:
If not, get to level 30

Easier said than done. ):

EDIT: You want an example of some of the ignorance and naivety I'm talking about with players?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » May 12, 2014 9:32am | Report
I don't care if my teammates are feeding, but if they blamed me when they are feeding while I did better, that guy should be brought to a mental hospital :D jk


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » May 12, 2014 4:18pm | Report
I've played a little over 800 games of 3v3. I gave up on it for conquest and have now realized they almost do the same thing. If they die before the enemy team. They just want to quit. Even if you are kicking ***, winning, anything. Their sole purpose is to make you lose after they die... So they go on raging when you don't give up, or leave/intentionally feed. They will harass you for eternity. The list on the lengths they will go to is absolutely absurd. I'm surprised I haven't been stalked down and shot yet. The unfortunate part is that it is unavoidable(or just play arena, that mode is typically alright).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » May 12, 2014 4:59pm | Report
I don't think anyone gets mad at Domination.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » May 12, 2014 6:40pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

I don't think anyone gets mad at Domination.

I don't think anyone gets mad at Co-op.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SoapSuds » May 12, 2014 7:49pm | Report
I rage at my teammates in practice matches.
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