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Is this Ymir build ok

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Forum » General Discussion » Is this Ymir build ok 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DarkAngel5Q » April 28, 2019 1:08pm | Report
So my friend gave me this build for Ymir . And it supposedly gives you 4500 hp and ALOT of damage when fully stacked. Build is :
Reinforced Shoes , Warlock’s Staff , Mail of Renewal , Gauntlet of Thebes , Winged Blade , Stone of Gaia
And then your supposed to replace Reinforced Shoes with Magi’s Cloak
I know (definitely not viable)real bad but can it be considered a good cheese build ?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DarkAngel5Q » April 28, 2019 1:09pm | Report
Some items aren’t highlighted in blue don’t know why though


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 28, 2019 1:34pm | Report
Cheese builds look to get a specific function out of an otherwise funky or ineffective build. If we take Ymir into account, it might be a speed build that allows him to get in, do his damage, then get out without dying, and being very frustrating to catch. Or it might be a "1-shot" build maximizing his damage potential from his 1, 2, and basics taking advantage of his passive. Those builds, for example, would build high power and pen, along with Polynomicon to get that extra basic damage.

The build described above doesn't really "cheese" anything. Rather, it just focuses on high health. That's...okay, and at least you have a couple of items with some protections, but the best survivability build is going to balance health and protections well, and this does not do that.

In addition, Warlock's Staff isn't really a great item right now, takes a lot to fully stack, and stacking on minion kills isn't really something Ymir should be focusing on (unless playing Solo perhaps). He's there to provide CC for teammates. Renewal isn't a very good item right now, Gaia is situational. Basically, not a build I'd ever run.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DarkAngel5Q » April 28, 2019 2:07pm | Report
OH thanks for the feedback. I’ll tell my friend about it


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » April 28, 2019 2:29pm | Report
The only thing this build is good for is for testing out the max possible damage from Cabrakan tremors and Anubis ult with someone in a custom game


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » April 28, 2019 2:36pm | Report
Assuming this is for Arena and not Conquest:
Shoes of the Magi
Breastplate of Valor
Void Stone
Spear of Desolation
Divine Ruin
Potion of Magical Might

<World Serpent>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » May 5, 2019 7:44am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Cheese builds look to get a specific function out of an otherwise funky or ineffective build. If we take Ymir into account, it might be a speed build that allows him to get in, do his damage, then get out without dying, and being very frustrating to catch. Or it might be a "1-shot" build maximizing his damage potential from his 1, 2, and basics taking advantage of his passive. Those builds, for example, would build high power and pen, along with Polynomicon to get that extra basic damage.

The build described above doesn't really "cheese" anything. Rather, it just focuses on high health. That's...okay, and at least you have a couple of items with some protections, but the best survivability build is going to balance health and protections well, and this does not do that.

In addition, Warlock's Staff isn't really a great item right now, takes a lot to fully stack, and stacking on minion kills isn't really something Ymir should be focusing on (unless playing Solo perhaps). He's there to provide CC for teammates. Renewal isn't a very good item right now, Gaia is situational. Basically, not a build I'd ever run.

I will piggy back on a point of Bran's with the Warlock Staff. Pretty much about any build I tried with that item was not really very good because it just took too long to develop and kept me from getting my cdr going early like I tend to favor. I have played 170 matches on him, he's one of my favorite gods. Ymir, imo, is one of those gods that you really do want to get those cooldowns. That CC that Bran mentioned is very important. Back on the Warlock's a bit, I agree with Bran also, that for the delay in the build and waiting on the stacks it just doesn't build up to max potential fast enough for whatever you might be trying to do.

Ymir is a pretty easy god to make a bruiser build on, which would give you a good combination of survivability and damage. I would offer one but I have not played him a lot the last few weeks or so and I don't have a lot of the items I would usually use uploaded because I was tinkering. If I get some time i'll see if I can put some suggestions together for him.

One thing that might be helpful is to decide on what you would like to do with him and then examine if that is doable for you with his kit. Ymir is a god that you can get kills on, but you really have to get your timing down to shine with him. I mean that is an issue with any god, but with his CC, his wall and his ult you need to be able to really get it down. If you ever decide to go with a typical tanky build, when played right, he is an assist monster. That can be a boring style for some but he is a real asset to any team when funneling kills to his teammates.

I am not sure how familiar you are with him or how much into his mechanics you have gotten but here is a bit of information in case it might be useful.

I don't know how many times I have Ymir's in my group who are constantly helping almost dead teammates get away or put a wall up in front of me or other teammates when trying to escape death. Also, and it does suck, if you are charging your ult don't be shy about activating it early. Decent players are really good about getting out before it is fully charged. Tying in to this really make his ult placement and timing count as much as possible every time. His freeze is one of the nicest abilites in the game that I have used so far. It goes from 1.25 sec to 2.25 sec when it hits full progression and at every level I feel it is the bread and butter of his kit.

Ok, my rambling is done. whatever you decide to do, I hope you find something that works for you and have fun with it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » May 5, 2019 7:48am | Report
Don't even bother with Warlock's Staff in arena, takes too long to get online. If it was conquest, fine, you could make it work, but arena? Nah.

Not to mention building it on Ymir...


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