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Let's Make Patch Notes - General

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Forum » General Discussion » Let's Make Patch Notes - General 12 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 2, 2014 11:55am | Report
Here is the discussion for all of the general issues in Smite. And there are a LOT of them.

In no particular order:
  • Lack of power contributions to CC on supports

  • CC-immunity on ultimates

  • General mass of CC in the game

  • Items with no passives

  • Jungling and its problems

  • Stiff Meta

  • Laning phase (minions, lifetime, etc)

  • Gold Gain Items and Their Use for Support (aka discussion of midas boots and their consequences)

  • Others that I will undoubtedly be editing to fill in later as others suggest them.
Let's start with the simplest problem: Should items with no passives exist? Titan's Bane, Malice, Boots.

Personally, I think such items are fine, but they shouldn't be point-blank better than items with no passives, like [[malice].


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » February 2, 2014 12:18pm | Report
Personally, I'm okay with these items having no passive. I just think that Malice vs. Rage is like Hydra's Lament vs. Hydra's Demise - 99% of the time it's the same choice. Doesn't matter to me though if an item has a passive or not.

And just a question, do you guys think that there should be a cap for flat penetration?

Generally speaking, as for CC, there is no god in the entire game who has completely 0 CC. The ones with the least of CC are Hel having only a slow being Hinder and Bakasura having only a slow/cripple Regurgitate.
And yes, Smite has too much CC and like I'm sure sub will agree with me, it's too burst-centered.

P.S - I though we are gonna do mages next. Already made a list for ideas for Vulcan and Zeus and Poseidon etc... never mind I'll wait.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 2, 2014 12:26pm | Report
I'm not the leader of this thing, you know. I'm just taking the initiative. If you want to setup a discussion on mages about our own patch notes, then feel free to do so.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 2, 2014 12:46pm | Report
Uh, I kind of wanted to discuss these issues one at a time -_-

When I mean power contributions, I mean something like this.

The enemy is slowed by 5/10/15/20/25% (+2% of your magical power). What this means is, having 100 magical power slows the enemy by another 2%.

In other MOBAs, this is used to provide an incentive for squishy supports to build power, instead of pure tank items. Problem is, there are only pure tanks and no other kind of support.

Question is, should we have these? Actually, a better question would be: Does Smite need squishy supports?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by M4XiiMUS » February 2, 2014 2:36pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Uh, I kind of wanted to discuss these issues one at a time -_-

When I mean power contributions, I mean something like this.

The enemy is slowed by 5/10/15/20/25% (+2% of your magical power). What this means is, having 100 magical power slows the enemy by another 2%.

In other MOBAs, this is used to provide an incentive for squishy supports to build power, instead of pure tank items. Problem is, there are only pure tanks and no other kind of support.

Question is, should we have these? Actually, a better question would be: Does Smite need squishy supports?

*Cough* Aphrodite *Cough*


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 2, 2014 3:20pm | Report
Aphrodite? Who's that?

In all seriousness, Smite is VERY unfriendly to squishy supports. Midas Boots meant for tanks, forced to fill active slots, etc etc.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by M4XiiMUS » February 2, 2014 4:11pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Aphrodite? Who's that?

In all seriousness, Smite is VERY unfriendly to squishy supports. Midas Boots meant for tanks, forced to fill active slots, etc etc.

I remember when I was getting back into smite, I was like,"What? How come Aphrodite isn't picked for support?"


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » February 2, 2014 9:18pm | Report
I really think more variants in the support role would be amazing. They really need to make a whole new character class and move some of them over to it. Then add items and change kits to make it worth it and be competitive against pure tanks like Sobek.

I hate how every conquest I play, there is either a Sobek playing support, or an Athena. No variation in that role. Kind of lame.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 3, 2014 7:19am | Report
Okay, we all seem to agree that squishy supports = good thing. After all, it shakes up the meta and brings new things.

Now, what is preventing squishy supports from being in the game?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 3, 2014 8:18am | Report
IMO, its Midas Boots. These things, like Hand of the Gods or Eye of Providence, are simply so powerful, they force everyone to buy it.

The problem here is twofold. Firstly, the only gods who can survive the item's poor stats are tanks, who don't need power. Inversely, every damn mage in the game relies too much on power.

Secondly, the passive gold gain from midas boots encourage roaming. Roamers lose farm but replace the gold they lost with the boots, making semi-permanent roaming extremely viable, and in fact, the meta. You almost never see supports staying in lane anymore, they always stay until they get Midas and leave the ADCs on their lonesome. Again, the problem is that squishy supports in this game cannot do much without power. If they get midas boots, they are ineffectual roamers/supports, if they don't get midas boots, they are stuck in lane.

I think we can solve the lack of squishy supports in 2 ways: one keeping the short laning phase, and the other extending it.

The former is simple; make a lot more gold per 5 items, and obviously one would have a cap of one gold gain item at a time. Think of it as multiple variations of Midas Boots, except they are tailored to various kinds of supports; mage supports, warrior supports, etc etc.

The latter is also simple; just remove Midas boots altogether. Supports still have Watcher's Gift for gold advantage. This way drastically extends the laning phase for supports, and allows more kinds of supports, who can feel free to get any kind of footwear they like, instead of being forced to buy Midas ASAP.


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