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Miscellaneous PSA Thread

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Forum » General Discussion » Miscellaneous PSA Thread 25 posts - page 2 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SmellyHarry » November 30, 2013 6:12pm | Report
If someone leaves your lane to gank, make a decision to either push the tower or rotate with him. Don't just *****foot around. This also applies to the enemy trying to pull 4-5 man ganks early on. Punish them by taking a free tower.

ALSO, buy some wards. Vision is synonymous to victory.


Memorable (10)
Posts: 154
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SuperTibzz » November 30, 2013 6:24pm | Report
Don't blame the jungler if you lose your lane. He's there to gank, IF there is a good opportunity, not to save your *** if you put yourself in bad spots.

For something more specific, as Ao Kuang; if you're being chased, just aim your ult in front of you as you're running away in a straight line, with your back to the pursuing enemy. Due to the delay on when you input the ult and when it comes out anyone following close behind you will get hit. Don't turn around and face the enemy to fire the ult, this just telegraphs it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SoapSuds » November 30, 2013 8:59pm | Report
Don't run any single player cheat programs like "Cheat Engine" while playing Smite. You'll probably get banned.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » December 9, 2013 1:03am | Report
Shielded Recall is better than beads against certain gods in Arena, because of the 60 second cooldown.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Thiel » December 9, 2013 1:16am | Report
- Anhur's pillar gives a damage boost when the enemy is in it, not you. Also, it can be used to block almost everything. Although it can no longer block Neith her ultimate. q_q Pillar can also block minion waves, similar to Ymir, use this to group up minion waves so you don't lose hits to your tower. Pillar can also block jungle camps.

- Always have an escape plan ready. (When the kill is certain, always make sure that you have ward coverage or no SS)

- Don't use your escape for means of clearing minions or general damage, a decent opponent know this is the ideal engaging time.

- Similar to Ymir's wall, Anhur can put his pillar below him to run away, put it around a corner for maximum benefit.

- If at all possible, when dealing with a melee you can jump on your position to knock him back, during this knock back you can much more easily set up a pillar-stun or wall-stun while walking backwards to ensure ideal distance.

- You used to be able to put a pillar in a tower, if near the edge this negates most of the damage. (Most probably patched.

- When someone uses Aegis, you can put a pillar between the aegis'd and yourself and slowly push him into the pillar, making him stuck but open for damage. (Most probably also patched).

- When playing vs another Anhur, always compare who's pillar is bigger.

Tips with Ahur in mind, he is my forte afterall.
That's just my 2 cents.

Oy! Give me some privacy.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriwych » December 9, 2013 2:21am | Report
The map is large in conquest and there is (usually) only one jungler. Don't cry if he/she is on the other side, just finished ganking, protecting a tower, or getting a mid camp (can't win with these, people cry if you miss one, they cry if you take them). Do your entire team a favour you selfish baby, buy a Ward. There is NO reason there should be any less than 3 active wards present 80% of the game.

Jungler: Support the lane that is having a lot of issues. If duo is winning, don't camp that side. Help a lane that needs assistance. Certain circumstances do apply.


Posts: 40
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ShinjiEvangelio » December 9, 2013 2:34am | Report
Try to blind snipe enemies with Ao Kuang's ult. It workes more lften than You think.
This ult goes through walls - make use of it in teamfights.
If Your enemy is trying to go past Your tornadoes in lane try to punish him with squall or even spirit tempest - he has very little space to dodge.

Dont use noxious fumes before Your ult, You have a short moment to place it after You fire the meteor.
If You use noxious fumes on fire after using patch of flames it will get burned immediatly stunning the enemy in area.

Make use of Your AOE stun (shooting 1st into wave), for some reason people do it veeeery rarely.

Solo lane:
Counterbuild against Your enemy. If You play against mage with physical god Your first item should be shield not tabi. It may seem strange and irritating because You will be slow at the begging but believe me - it's freakin worth it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by rkr87 » December 9, 2013 4:21am | Report
Sirsir94 wrote:

And let's color code for easy reference. Light blue for gods, green for items, and yellow for other?

Jump (Spacebar) alot as Aphrodite, its very distracting to the enemy
Hastened Fatalis is good on most assassins
Build penetration against tanks and as assassins
Keep the stat caps in mind, don't blindly stack something. The caps can be found in brackets near the stats in the 'Guides' section

To continue on Sir's 3rd point;

You can also view how close you and all other players are to all the various caps at any given point during a game by hovering over the Physical/Magical/Defence bars on the right hand side of the scorecreen


This one may be an obvious one;

As Neith, if you're going to hit a weave with your 1, try to also position youtself so you can hit a god too - this will cause the god the take double damage, once from the weave explosion and once from your actual attack. This also stacks, I remember I once one shot someone with my 1 by hitting them and 2 weaves at the same time.

As Neith, only if you're certain it's safe to do so (no chance of being ganked as you'll have no escape) if you need to take a camp by yourself engage the camp using your backflip and 1 the weave and the creeps to clear the camp quickly.
Bakasura x2


Posts: 24
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zanestorm » December 9, 2013 5:25am | Report
Ao Kuang - Use squall and THEN tornadoes to poke an opponent. The slow from squall makes it very likely your tornadoes will hit, doing significant damage.

Neith - Remember your ult isn't just for securing a kill, it can also be used as an engage tool [most useful in conquest to help another lane.]

Chang'e - Only use your waltz when it is absolutely necessary. It has a large cooldown, and you never know when you might need it.

Freya - Your ult can be used as an evasion tool as well as a tower dive. If a team fight turns ugly, use your ult to avoid damage whilst dealing damage. If you need to escape, only fire 3 shots [you come down early if you use all 4]

Ra - When attacking a tower / objective, use your AOE heal to keep your minions alive longer, allowing you to push more effectively. Also wherever possible, engage enemies inside your aoe heal. It automatically gives you a massive advantage.

Hel - Remember that cleanse in light form removes CC like ymirs freeze, you can really save players with this. Also, heal. ALOT.

General - Boots aren't always the best first choice.
- Some ults like vulcans are generally useless at scaling [you only move faster] so only put one point into it. This allows you to put more points into your more useful skills.
- Always counter build. Enemy building defensively? Build some defense AND penetration yourself [I.E. Voidblade]
- In conquest, wards are pretty much always worth your gold.
- Don't play too aggressively. This goes for pushing towers / attacking groups. If you're dead, you're useless.

- If your team just got wiped, DO NOT engage the enemy team unless it is safe to do so. You only make the issue worse if you suicide, as it means your team can't launch an effective counter-push.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » December 9, 2013 6:10am | Report
If you're playing jungle and your enemy counterpart is riding up mid's *** the entire match, while you only (attempt to) gank twice the entire match on the "safe" duo lane, please don't make rude remarks about the mid pushed into tower because he's basically 2v1ing.


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