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My opinion on the Bastet nerfs

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Forum » General Discussion » My opinion on the Bastet nerfs 26 posts - page 1 of 3

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » May 14, 2014 4:58am | Report
So the recent Bastet nerf got me pretty upset. You have to understand, it's not the fact that she was nerfed, it's how Hi-Rez nerfed her.

So let's see what made her so powerful after the rework:


-Casting time (before Bastet left the ground) has been reduced from 0.3 to 0.15.
-Removed a short delay after landing before the ability could be triggered again for a return pounce.
-Removed return pounce impact fx.

So they improved casting time (speed of the animation) and allowed you to immediately jump back.
The fact that she immediately can jump back is the thing that makes her so powerful now. Before the rework you had to be more careful because you took a lot of damage if you just jumped in and did your poke stuff. They removed that with the remodel. The nerf on this is an excellent one if you don't want to just change it back.

Razor Claws (now Razor Whip)

-Is now a swiping sequence for hits (left to right), rather than an instant in the cone.
-Increased the cone angle from 45 to 70.
-Changed the visual treatment, and renamed to Razor Whip.

Changes to Razor Whip. Not more damage or anything, just a swiping larger cone left to right. This doesn't really improve your combat (except for the increase of cone angle maybe a bit). Before the rework no one complained about her damage on this skill. So why. The ****. Did they nerf it then!?

Nine Tails (now Declaw)

-Reduced the casting time from 0.66 to 0.3.
-Changed the visual treatment, and renamed to Declaw.

This isn't a lot, Nine Tails wasn't that hard to hit, now Declaw is easier than Zeus' 4...
Declaw also isn't her main damage, so I don't think this is an extremely useful buff.

Oh, and they (temporarily) removed Night Prowler :'(


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WatchfulShadow » May 14, 2014 10:49am | Report
The Pounce is a buff.

Night Prowler probably isn't coming back, considering they refunded Gems.

EDIT: My sentence about the Pounce is related to the latest patch btw.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » May 14, 2014 11:17am | Report

The Pounce is a buff.

Night Prowler probably isn't coming back, considering they refunded Gems.

EDIT: My sentence about the Pounce is related to the latest patch btw.

No it's not....
Bastet can no longer pounce back while under the effects of crowd control.
Bastet is now CC immune for 1s after she lands from the initial Pounce. She can still Pounce Back for up to 4s, but is only guaranteed being able to do it for the 1s CC immunity.

How is that a buff?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WatchfulShadow » May 14, 2014 11:27am | Report
Pentargonite wrote:
No it's not....
Bastet can no longer pounce back while under the effects of crowd control.
Bastet is now CC immune for 1s after she lands from the initial Pounce. She can still Pounce Back for up to 4s, but is only guaranteed being able to do it for the 1s CC immunity.

How is that a buff?

Because now you can initiate with her Pounce, Throw out Razor Whip, then jump back for ABSOLUTE FREE. Before this 'nerf' (lawl) she could be knocked up and then potentially killed. Now she can't be CC'd and if she gets rooted, she can escape by jumping back.

DMBrandon can explain it much better than I can, with a video demonstration. - Skip to around 5 minutes in.

EDIT: Please watch the video before you reply. (:


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Heartwire » May 14, 2014 11:33am | Report
I disagree really.

You mention that the fact that she's so powerful is that she can jump back right away.
Though from what my experience is facing Bastet, the main issue was that she could jump in, cast a couple of skills, do some attacks (which ever fits within a 4 second span), and then jump back safely out of my reach and run for it.

The way I saw it, it was just a free "oh ****" thing. which gave her insane k/d ratio's, especially in arena.

Now she gets 1 second of CC immunity (upon landing I assume). butif she is CC'd after that she can no longer jump back.
I'm happy with how they did this.
That 1 second of going in and jumping back isn't really much of a problem for most people I think.
I think it really comes down to her ability to so easily escape when near death.

Now it just prevents her (assuming you can CC her) from jumping in, casting 2 of her skills + ulti, and then just run/jump back into the safe zone.
Of course you could knock her up but not many characters have that ability.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » May 14, 2014 11:40am | Report

Because now you can initiate with her Pounce, Throw out Razor Whip, then jump back for ABSOLUTE FREE. Before this 'nerf' (lawl) she could be knocked up and then potentially killed. Now she can't be CC'd and if she gets rooted, she can escape by jumping back.

DMBrandon can explain it much better than I can, with a video demonstration. - Skip to around 5 minutes in.

EDIT: Please watch the video before you reply. (:

Ok I watched it, and it's a good point.
But, 1 second isn't a long time. When you go for a kill, you need the full 4 seconds, and if you get CC'd after that 1 second, you're done. Yes I guess it kind of buffs her in a way, but it's a pretty small buff compared to the nerf.

If you position yourself well and are quick, He Bo's knockup (f.e) probably will miss anyways, because he can't always watch you, if you uderstand what I mean.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » May 14, 2014 11:41am | Report
Heartwire wrote:

I disagree really.

You mention that the fact that she's so powerful is that she can jump back right away.
Though from what my experience is facing Bastet, the main issue was that she could jump in, cast a couple of skills, do some attacks (which ever fits within a 4 second span), and then jump back safely out of my reach and run for it.

The way I saw it, it was just a free "oh ****" thing. which gave her insane k/d ratio's, especially in arena.

Now she gets 1 second of CC immunity (upon landing I assume). butif she is CC'd after that she can no longer jump back.
I'm happy with how they did this.
That 1 second of going in and jumping back isn't really much of a problem for most people I think.
I think it really comes down to her ability to so easily escape when near death.

Now it just prevents her (assuming you can CC her) from jumping in, casting 2 of her skills + ulti, and then just run/jump back into the safe zone.
Of course you could knock her up but not many characters have that ability.

Did anyone complain about anything before the rework?
If that was so she would've been nerfed a long time ago (she was one of the first gods in the game)

And btw, I am too happy they did the Pounce nerf, it's a good way to nerf her if they didn't want to change the speed. It's the dmg nerf that I don't understand.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WatchfulShadow » May 14, 2014 11:45am | Report
@Pentargonite - You definitely don't need the full 4 seconds to kill, maybe two at the most. Depending on your position and how close to the enemy you are, you can use Declaw to slow, Pounce in and Razor Whip, then Cats. Or even just initiate Pounce, under a tower let's say, then Razor Whip into Cats. I don't know how long it would take to release Whip then Cats, second and a half?

I understand what you're saying though, but this wasn't the 'change' she needed.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » May 14, 2014 11:51am | Report

@Pentargonite - You definitely don't need the full 4 seconds to kill, maybe two at the most. Depending on your position and how close to the enemy you are, you can use Declaw to slow, Pounce in and Razor Whip, then Cats. Or even just initiate Pounce, under a tower let's say, then Razor Whip into Cats. I don't know how long it would take to release Whip then Cats, second and a half?

I understand what you're saying though, but this wasn't the 'change' she needed.

Ok maybe the 4 seconds was a bit too much but Razor whip and Cat Call aren't going to kill and enemy (yes under tower probably at like 30/40% health). If the enemy is 60/70/80% you're gonna need to jump in, use 2, use 4, use 3, and maybe a few auto-attacks. That takes longer than one and a half second... Especially in teamfights.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by WatchfulShadow » May 14, 2014 11:57am | Report
You talk as though in team fights, you're the only one doing damage. Your teammate(s) will be following up or initiating, they'll bring them down to half and you can jump in and do your stuff, probably not requiring any autos. Obviously the ability order depends on certain situations, but the point is that she essentially has a free Beads after pouncing, so if she pounces at you there's nothing you can do for the first second, apart from rooting her but then she can just jump back for free.


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