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Ne Zha Items

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Papa Murmz » December 13, 2016 11:04am | Report
Hello everyone,

I am about Rank VII now on Ne Zha and i just wanted to pick some people's brains on possible items for him.

I am almost an exclusive Joust player with an occasional Clash or Siege match thrown in there. I just wanted to say that first to get people's head out of comparing how items perform in Conquest. I have a couple builds I tend to use on Ne Zha which are:

My Standard Ne Zha
Warrior Tabi
Jotunn's Wrath
Breastplate of Valor or Bulwark of Hope(Depends if 2/3 are Physical or Magical)
Winged Blade
Qin's Sais

"One Hit Crit" Ne Zha
Warrior Tabi
The Executioner
Qin's Sais

But, I have been thinking a lot about Ne Zha's Flaming Spear and his Passive and I was wondering if anyone else feels that Shield of Regrowth could be viable on Ne Zha.

Ne Zha's Flaming Spear heals for 15% of Ne Zha's health when at full stacks on his Passive Righteous Spirit.

My thought on this is that Flaming Spear will always heal you (unless you have 0 stacks on Passive) which will trigger the Passive of Shield of Regrowth - After healing yourself from an ability, you gain +35% Movement Speed for 4s. This can only occur once every 10s.

I feel this can be beneficial to Ne Zha in 2 ways:

1) This item will give Ne Zha even more chase potential. If Armillary Sash and Wind Fire Wheels are both on Cooldown, you can activate Flaming Spear (which any Ne Zha player will be using in any engagement anyways]] and get that +35% Movement Speed for 4s.

2) Vice Versa...this could be used as an escape to Gods whom Leaps are on Cooldown or are just slower Gods in general.

Let me know what you guys think, but I genuinely feel that Shield of Regrowth can truly shine on Ne Zha.

Papa Murmz

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 13, 2016 1:03pm | Report
Hey Papa,

Well, you have more direct experience with Ne Zha, so just throwing my thoughts out...they may be viable, they may not.

Will consider only with Joust in mind. What this means, to me, is that you don't have to worry as much about movement speed...not saying it's not helpful, just that there's not as much map and only one true lane, so higher movement speed to rotate or catch a fleeing enemy isn't nearly as essential...and so to me, items like Winged Blade and Shield of Regrowth don't have as much appeal to me, for the utility they bring. Maybe Winged Blade if they've got a lot of CC and slows...

That movement speed can specifically be helpful to chase down an enemy or possibly to escape, which might be important since he doesn't have a jump/leap/teleport. However, and it's situational, but remember also that Universe Ring Toss has both a slow and a movement speed increase on it. As long as you can use that strategically and are accurate with it, it sort of acts as a movement speed item. Sure, if you've built up stacks, you can pop Flaming Spear if you have Shield of Regrowth for a burst of speed, and the power and physical protection it provides can also be helpful. So...situational at best, I'd say, but you might be able to find better use for it than me.

Standard Build

I'm much do you find yourself able to basic attack? I can see if your team is able to kill a god first that you'll have more opportunity to 1 v 1, but usually, I think you'd be on the periphery, poking with the Ring and when available, closing quickly with Armillary Sash + Wind Fire Wheels. This means to me that instead of focusing on basic attacks, you should focus on ability damage. You've done that by maxing CDR, but you're lacking penetration. Strongly suggest getting Titan's Bane somewhere in there.

Also, because your ult automatically crits, Deathbringer is often purchased way earlier in the build, even with the high cost. Would consider it as the 4th item in your build...maybe even 3rd if you're fed.

If you're mostly doing this, you don't necessarily have to get a 2nd crit item, but if and when you DO basic attack (or when you arrive at the target via Armillary Sash), getting a 2nd crit item can help. Between DB and Flaming Spear, you've got 35%, but getting another 15-20% (along with the good power that comes with those crit items) can really increase basic attack DPS. Otherwise, don't get a 2nd crit item, but you still have options for another item. Here's how I'd consider altering that build...

"One Hit Crit" Build

Lifesteal items like Bloodforge provide more situational utility...will consider lifesteal first, but I will acknowledge that the power and shield (upon kill) can be nice. In Conquest, you might be able to more easily catch a solo player wandering through the jungle and so a 1 v 1 boxing match might mean you benefit more from lifesteal to outlast the other player...but remember also that physical lifesteal is dependent on basic attacks. If you're not getting enough basic attacks in, it's not going to be worth it. You don't have a ton of jungle camps and minion waves to heal up with, and base is fairly close anyway, so...don't think Bloodforge would be either a core or situational item for me in most cases.

Remember that The Executioner's protection reduction stacks also only apply on basic attacks, so if you're not in a situation you can do this often, it's not doing a whole lot for you.

Yes, this build is definitely more basic-attack focused, so you've got synergy going on between some items, but in the end, this is just not an optimal build for him. Pretty sure you should just go ability/CDR and be done with it. If you do have to go basic attack (or you've got good teammates that can protect you when you're attacking), you should still forego Qin's Sais and The Executioner, at least in my opinion. Crit is still essential for his build, so besides DB and maybe a 2nd crit item (Wind Demon might be the best choice in this situation), I'd bypass the more expensive Qin's Sais, get Titan's Bane as your pen item, and get other situational items depending on the enemy comp...


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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Papa Murmz » December 13, 2016 2:01pm | Report
I agree with what you said about the "One Hit Crit" build. That build should be taken with a grain of salt in my opinion, it's a bit of a joke know one of those for fun considering I've reached Crits at about 1,500 with it haha!

I see your point of how Shield of Regrowth may not have much weight in Joust. You are right in the sense that there is no rotational aspect to the mode, it's a more.....civilized Assault? Haha!

I do really like Winged Blade on him because he is a very much "in your face" God, with that being said I should have Winged Blade built sooner, maybe in my core and then sell later as my damage begins to spike.

As for the build you suggested, I it...I LIKE IT A LOT! To me, sometimes focusing on one protection (Physical or Magical) irks me, it's a pet peeve thing. So building off of the build you proposed I'd go...

Warrior Tabi
Jotunn's Wrath
Spirit Robe???/ Hide of the Urchin - Honestly this spot is purely a situational item.
Titan's Bane

I've never really gotten into Wind Demon on any Gods besides Hunter's and even there I have noticed I am not really building any attack speed in Gods anymore. I feel I hit harder with an attack speed between 1.5 to 1.8 than anything over 2.0.

Papa Murmz

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 13, 2016 2:09pm | Report
If you try out that build, let me know how it works.

Yeah, I understand the 1 protection irking you...definitely that spot is situational. Against a mage, hunter, Support/Tank, a balanced protection item like Spirit Robe or Hide of the Urchin might be better... Spirit Robe (or the more expensive Mantle of Discord) is nice for the added CDR, but Urchin might do a bit more for effective health and universal survivability as it provides both protections and health.

Against a mage, damaging guardian and support Warrior, I might at that point go for just a magical protection item...or vice versa, an assassin and hunter with a support guardian, I'd probably just go physical protection.

Or, as you said, you really like Winged in some situations, that item would take the place of other protections, and you would rely on its increased mobility and anti-slow to keep you alive.

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Mythical (401)
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