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Forum » General Discussion » Nox... 124 posts - page 6 of 13
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » October 30, 2014 5:51am | Report
God, iPhone + Bad Signal + Cell Phone Jammers (So my school can afford those, but not ****ing tissues. Incredible.) = ****ing impossible

So I lost my entire post, so let's try this again.

All4, your logic is good. And I agree with you. However, I feel the problem is the numbers, not the design.

The design is good, she use her 1 to keep her in the team fight, her 2 can silence multiple people, her 3 is meh but it's waveclear, and her ult in theory makes gods cautious to using abilities.

However, the numbers are bad. Her 1 lasts like a half second. Her silence on her 2 is incredibly short. Her 3 hits like a wet sock, and her ult's damage is very laughable.

So, like I said earlier, the numbers need work, but the concept is incredible.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SoapSuds » October 30, 2014 6:16am | Report
dacoqrs wrote:
and her ult's damage is very laughable.

Her ult in general is fairly laughable. The general idea of it is decent, but given everything it currently has to offer, it's pretty underwhelming. It's not hard to get away from, and even if all you can do is run away from it while refraining from using any skills, Nox still has to follow behind to keep it up, or the link breaks. Nox has no escape, nor any skill that grants her any kind of mobility, so it's very risky to try and follow. Granted, the range isn't horrible, but it's still not great. Her ult is in serious need of something else. In it's current state, maybe allowing for multiple targets to be affected to give her ult more use in team fights.

Or better yet, as someone posted on Reddit:

"It should cripple, and if the link breaks they should be blinded for the amount of time left on the ulti."

Nothing too powerful, but something that makes it feel like she actually has a skill worth being considered an ult. In it's current state, it really just feel like a normal ability.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 30, 2014 6:30am | Report
Raventhor wrote:

You always yell at people instead of discussing, and making assumptions on the other person's behalf that they don't even agree with.

I did not say she needs all three items to be effective, I said they are a SICK combination. Even without CDR, she has a 3 second CD damage ability that's only moderately difficult to land, if that. You can pull that off without CDR, and without Gem of Iso, but getting both makes it insane. So no, it's not needed to be reasonably effective, it's needed to be extremely strong. She's reasonably effective withotu any.

The weak damage is offset by a low CD low cost area of effect damaging ability. The rest is because it's not necessary to overload a person to be effective - a silence that can hit several targets is solid to me.

Also no need to go off on huge rants when you really don't have much content to what you're saying. You can state your opinion in a concise, and *tactful* way. I have absolutely no problem conversing with you, but you have a tendency to just insult/incite people and make everyone feel unsafe about ever saying anything.

Also I never mentioned you by name. Believe it or not, it was a general statement, but if the shoe (of focus) fits..

Considering this is a god that everyone thinks is underpowered that you think is "good," of course I would assume you need to be in the best-case scenario to be effective.

I have no idea why you think an AoE linear silence is anything special compared to:

An AoE 1 sec WIDE stun.
An AoE 2 second slow that reapplies itself.
A single-target stun.
A AoE knockback.
A potential 5 second AoE stun.
An AoE 1 sec slow + a 1 sec stun.
A permaslowing AoE basic attack combined with a suppress.
An instant AoE knockup nuke and one of the strongest AoE slows in the game.
A 1.8 sec AoE silence, a 1-1.5 sec AoE stun.
Another suppress and a slow.
A 40% 3 second AoE slow.
An AoE nuke and slow/stun.
An AoE cripple, an AoE knockback, and an AoE slow, and an AoE stun, all of which are massively wide, except for the knockback.
A blind and a massive AoE slow.
A root-cripple AoE nuke and a 30% AoE slow.
The best knockup in the game.
A 40% 1.5 sec slow.
A 5 second 20% slow and a 0.9 sec stun that can be doubled.

"Oh, Nox with blah blah would be awesome" So? Artemis with Deathbringer/Bloodforge/Titan's Bane/Malice/Warrior Tabi/Devo Gloves is awesome in theory, and yet is a ****ty god.

You need to face the facts here: Nox is not "balanced." (direct quote) You need to stop your relentless fanboying and open your eyes. This is a god that pretty much everyone except you agrees is weak at best and garbage at worst, and I honestly think Smitefire has NEVER before reached any kind of nearly unanimous consensus like that before.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » October 30, 2014 6:36am | Report
dacoqrs wrote:

God, iPhone + Bad Signal + Cell Phone Jammers (So my school can afford those, but not ****ing tissues. Incredible.) = ****ing impossible

So I lost my entire post, so let's try this again.

All4, your logic is good. And I agree with you. However, I feel the problem is the numbers, not the design.

The design is good, she use her 1 to keep her in the team fight, her 2 can silence multiple people, her 3 is meh but it's waveclear, and her ult in theory makes gods cautious to using abilities.

However, the numbers are bad. Her 1 lasts like a half second. Her silence on her 2 is incredibly short. Her 3 hits like a wet sock, and her ult's damage is very laughable.

So, like I said earlier, the numbers need work, but the concept is incredible.

I think her shield should be placable like geb's and last for 2 seconds.

I mean the skill is a downgraded form of magi's old passive.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 30, 2014 6:40am | Report
dacoqrs wrote:

Just because I don't have experience in other MOBAS doesn't make my opinion any less valid. All4, how is THAT not silencing opposing points of view, eh?

We are not here to discuss Nox compared to other control mages in other Mobas, we are here to discuss Nox's place IN SMITE.

Actually, you don't have any right to determine the focus of the topic, either. This thread is literally about Nox, and that's it.

It can be about Nox in relation to control mages from other MOBAs, or how much Nox sucks, or where Nox belongs in Smite, or whether she can support, or if HiRez was high when they made her numbers, or suggestions on how to balance her, OR SOMETHING. ANYTHING.

It's about Nox. Simple as that. Nothing more, nothing less. Don't try to make it more than it is, because it isn't.

Also, can we please shut the **** up with the dramatics? This isn't to Dacoqrs specifically. It's a blanket statement.

No one is trying to "silence" someone. Is this ****ing North Korea? Is this ****ing Arka we're listening to? Just because someone says your opinion is invalid doesn't mean they're trying to make ALL of your opinions invalid.

For example, if someone who doesn't know what a control mage is says that Nox is a good control mage, I'll say their opinion is invalid thanks to inexperience.

Look, I know its annoying when people are talking about what you don't understand. However, this situation is unique thanks to Nox being the FIRST supposed control mage in the game. There is no precedent, there is no comparison we can flip to quickly. All we can judge by is our own opinion of what a control mage should be, and other examples of control mages.

For the sake of avoiding things like this in the future, if we're going to comment, can we at least put some backbone into our comments? Like, not "Nox is garbage," but "Nox is garbage because she's a control mage with less CC than other burst mages," or "Look at [Control Mage] and compare to Nox," etc.

Or even "I think she's balanced because she has less CC than any other mage combined with the worst damage in both burst and sustained forms..." okay, I can't take this one seriously. But you get the concept.



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 30, 2014 6:42am | Report
HiFromBuddha wrote:

Well, I suppose you can't discount the fact that her 3rd ability has only a 3 second cooldown, which justifies the low damage.

Sadly, Smite isn't a game which appreciates sustained damage mages.

This isn't a reply, I just wanted to show this comment.

We do have two precedents.

Chang'e's considered fairly low-tier in CQ, but in terms of damage, she's not bad.

He Bo's damage, IMO, is over the top, but similar.

Nox is bested by both of them, except in the very early game, and is literally beaten by both by level 3.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 30, 2014 6:45am | Report
HolyPudding wrote:

In my opinion you don't have too much right to comment on the balance of a game in a constant state of flux that you barely ever play. It's not like I'm calling Dawngate or League unbalanced, because i don't play them enough to do so (despite this league is fun and I'm starting to get into it more). So why don't we stop *****ing about smite as a whole, get back on topic and try and improve her.

I do play Smite, FYI. Just played about ten matches on patch day.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 30, 2014 6:48am | Report
MadDanny wrote:

Now why fight when you can make peace? Why hate when you can love? Why argue when you can just have different opinions and leave it at that?

HiFromBuddha wrote:
Because my opinion is right, and yours isn't the same as mine, so yours must be wrong.

SoapSuds wrote:

Because this is SmiteFire, and that's how we roll.

Because hoping that every single differing opinion does not fundamentally contradict the other is a hopeless endeavor.

I also don't like avoiding confrontations. I am a very confronting kind of person, or a confronter. When I confront people, they live in mortal fear of being confronted. Confrontconfrontconfrontconfront

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(Seriously, if I avoided talking about things I disagreed with, I'd probably never/rarely acknowledge Raventhor at all. And I think that's more insulting than disagreeing with him.)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » October 30, 2014 6:50am | Report
All4Games wrote:

I think her shield should be placable like geb's and last for 2 seconds.

I mean the skill is a downgraded form of magi's old passive.

It would still need a buff IMO. Maybe damage reduction for a full second, instead of for one ability.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MadDanny » October 30, 2014 7:22am | Report
I agree with her ult at least. They thought of her kit to hard that they thought of creativity more rather than useful or valuableness.
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