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Osiris/Horus/Nike Builds (S6 The Vigilant Update)

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Forum » General Discussion » Osiris/Horus/Nike Builds (S6 The Vigilant Update) 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Orioname » December 26, 2019 9:07pm | Report
Hi all,

I've been playing Nike, Osiris, and Horus a lot lately, but I struggle to play well with them because I can't seem to find the best builds for them.

I'm trying for more hybrid or tank builds, being able to do damage but without dying so much

If any of you guys are experts at these gods it would be much appreciated if you helped me with building them, thanks!

-- I usually play Arena --
Orion :D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 26, 2019 11:45pm | Report
Hi Orioname,

Hmmm...Arena...I will start by saying a couple things to start: 1, I recently got blown up in an Arena match with Nike, 2, I don't play Horus, and 3, I rarely play Osiris.

That said, I think I'm comfortable giving some suggestions for Nike and Osiris, and probably Horus in a general sense.

I would say that it would be helpful to know what kinds of builds you're using for these gods, so we can point out where things might possibly be improved. I'm curious if you play these gods tanky, or if you build them more for damage, along with how synergistic your builds are as a whole. Do you counter-build based on enemy comp?


Her biggest problem, especially in a teamfight mode like Arena, is that she's got 1 major damaging ability ( Rend). Yes, her 2 can now deal some damage and the shield can also deal some damage (but not in the middle of a fight when people might be attacking from multiple angles). I don't count her leap as a regular damage dealer, as you might need it to quickly retreat, meaning it's not a reliable damage dealer. And while her ult is very effective in a general sense, it's an ult and not available as often as her regular abilities.

The problem with Rend, then, is that it's a channeled ability (for almost 3 seconds), and it can be interrupted rather easily. Freezes, silences, stuns, etc., all give her a huge headache. And as I went ability-based in the last match I played her, it was a big problem (enemy Nox among others).

So, your build with her needs to be flexible. I never suggest going damage on her other than maybe 1 or 2 items, but in cases where Rend can be easily interrupted, I suggest a move toward a more basic-attack build, at least using something that can help you stick to enemies. If you're daring, that answer can be Hastened Katana, but a more reserved one would probably see you use Frostbound Hammer. If you get Frost and want a bit more damage, you can consider Runeforged Hammer as well. In that playstyle, get your standard protection items (but make it more protection & health based, rather than protection and CDR). 10-20% CDR is more than enough in those cases. If you're facing more than 1 basic attacker, consider picking up either Midgardian Mail or Hide of the Nemean Lion at some point.

If you don't have to worry about interruptions, a more standard ability-based build would be fine. Get 30-40% CDR in those cases, along with your standard protection + CDR items. To get a bit more damage out of your kit in those builds, you can consider Void Shield, or if the enemies have multiple healers, you can go as far as Brawler's Beat Stick.


He's a definite bruiser with a hybrid style. He can get a lot out of some damage items, but usually I would just go tanky. If you want to get more out of his basics, you can consider Shogun's Kusari (has a bit of CDR, but also provides some AS). You might also pick up an early Berserker's Shield (experiment with that one a bit). Frostbound Hammer is also good for additional slow, but you don't need Hastened Katana.

If you want him to be insanely tanky, pick up additional mitigations ( Spirit Robe and Oni Hunter's Garb) that go well with his Judgement Tether.


This is pretty straightforward. Just build health, prots, and CDR.

Anyway, let me know if you have any questions, and if you can supply more info, it would be helpful for more directed feedback.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » December 27, 2019 2:09am | Report
I don't think Hastened Katana is worth it on Nike at all.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 27, 2019 7:16am | Report
It's a completely different build direction and I'm not saying it's great, but it's a way to get around the issue of interrupting her abilities and keeping her semi annoying and in enemies' faces.

And it's arena.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » December 27, 2019 9:59am | Report
Why not just build CDR?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Stuke99 » December 27, 2019 11:04am | Report


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 27, 2019 11:04am | Report
In those specific situations I mentioned in my previous response.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 27, 2019 11:38am | Report
Stuke, take yourself outside conq for a bit, consider the things I said about Nike. Your thoughts?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » December 27, 2019 12:08pm | Report
I think either frostbound or hk would help with her damage potential. It's real easy to run away from gods who don't have hard CC (or easily avoided), so either of those items would help with sticking to your target.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 27, 2019 12:14pm | Report
Just clarifying, it's less about damage potential in what I'm aiming for with FB or HK, and more just sticking and being a nuisance.

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