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People are surrendering too quickly!

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Forum » General Discussion » People are surrendering too quickly! 32 posts - page 1 of 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » August 13, 2013 10:15pm | Report
I have played a LOT of games soloing Ao with a jungling Fenrir as a partner (we are irl friends and play Smite in the same room), and we have an excellent combo going. Accordingly, we get A LOT of kills, but I have noticed a problem...

People are surrendering immediately. We played maybe 10 games in one day, and 6-7 of those the enemy team surrendered.

This is beginning to become a problem. With all of those surrenders, the potential Favor and Worshippers that we could have gotten have dropped considerably. Within those 10 games, I got on average 7 worshippers. That is nothing.

Our friend, who usually mids as Ra, is furious, because the surrenders have caused him to gain EXP at a disgustingly low rate (my friend and I are lvl 30, the Ra is 25).

This has progressively become worse over the months, and I fear that by the time Beta ends (assuming it ever does), people will be trained, if they haven't already), to surrender at the very thought of losing. It makes non-ranked too easy, in my opinion.

What do you guys think? I'm sure a lot of you have had this problem as well.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » August 13, 2013 10:23pm | Report
I completely agree. I've noticed this actually when Xbalanque came out. This is why I'm hoping they would raise the surrender time to 15 or 20 minutes so we at least have SOME time to win if we do exceptionally well.

Granted however there are some idiotic players in SMITE. Its much easier to get greedy and feed and make naive mistakes. People just get fed up with it and well, don't like wasting 30 minutes of their time.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » August 13, 2013 10:26pm | Report
Yeah there are a lot of early surreners but I only get 10 minute surrenders when we really went ham on them and we have 10-1 kd.

The surrendering is most annoying when there is no reason for a surrender. For example at a gold diference of 1K people already surrender.

Surrender when they have 3 towers down, over 5K more gold and the enemy has a map objective. When they are at your minitaur let them finish because they have defeated you and they should be allowed to taste the sweet victory.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » August 13, 2013 10:31pm | Report
Yeah, players in SMITE for some reason ignore the gold difference, which is essential.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HollowsEdge » August 13, 2013 10:34pm | Report
I dnt like to surrender at all and it really erks me when im on the team tht is falling behind and my team wants to surrender when they drop a few do you expect to get any better at the game if u surrender every match.

Its also y I feel like im not improving at all because my teams always surrenders at the first sign of struggle..


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » August 13, 2013 11:04pm | Report
I feel like the winning team of a surrendered game should get a bonus to exp, favor, and worshippers. Surrendering potentially cuts a team's wins by 1/4. I truly believe that in games where the enemy team surrenders at 10, no one wins.

The ONLY time I think a team should surrender is as All4Games said. If you can clearly see the advantage the enemy has, via stats, and it is obvious that you cannot catch up, then it is acceptable to surrender.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » August 13, 2013 11:18pm | Report
It's been a problem for a very long time, and I'd like to say it's become an even bigger problem with the introduction of the jungle meta. A team with the better jungler will have a big advantage due to the amount of map control they have over their opponents. A team with someone who's clearly won their solo lane has a big advantage by virtue of a highly farmed+leveled god on their team.

If one team's solos and junglers are doing well early on, the game is pretty much theirs. With their level advantage, they will simply crush anyone that gets in their way, and remove any obstacles for their duo lane to get fed as well through repeated ganking. At this point, all the other team can really do is surrender.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » August 13, 2013 11:32pm | Report
I know right ? It's so annoying seeing people starting surrender votes even if we are just 30-40 tickets behind in Arena .

I remember when I was level 10-15 we managed to recover from 180 tickets behind in Arena and we won the game , that match has taught me to never surrender .

Even if I am losing I will not vote to surrender or start this vote because I am playing for fun anyway .


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HollowsEdge » August 13, 2013 11:36pm | Report
Actually thats not a bad idea! Giving a bonus reward for making the enemy team surrender! It might prevent the surrender mentality. Ppl might not want to give away free xp/worshippers. Or maybe Penalize surrenders but tht could be a bit harsh.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » August 13, 2013 11:42pm | Report
That would make sense. Our combo is a jungler/solo combo, so while I am 2v1ing a lane Snub is in and out of every lane. I can see how a jungler could deem the map as "theirs".

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