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Pestilence or Contagion

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Forum » General Discussion » Pestilence or Contagion 17 posts - page 1 of 2

Poll Question:

as an anti healing aura which item do you prefer Pestilence or Contagion
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » December 12, 2019 4:25am | Report
So by now we all know and probably used them. And I was curious about people's thoughts on this subject and why.

while in conquest it is more lane opponent dependent, my own preference still goes towards Pestilence. This mostly comes from the health and the higher protections it gives. I just don't really like the mana stat from Contagion. Another reason I prefer pestilence is because if you would go contagion you will probably get your dedicated magic defense out of the kusari tree, which gives your overall build less HP than with a pestilence.

So what is your preferred pick and why?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » December 12, 2019 4:40am | Report
Pestilence because in Solo I prefer to get Runic Shield + Beatstick against magicals or Pestilence, and void shield + beatstick against physicals.

On magicals I sometimes might prefer Contagion though so I get to have Void Stone in my build (though again, I could just get my antiheal through Divine Ruin), or if im a support and want to have a magical prot item with a certain passive/aura I need.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by GaseousClay » December 16, 2019 11:16pm | Report
Setting aside item stats, Am I wrong to not like a DEF option for anti heal? Since Divine and BB stack think the DEF aura item is overkill.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » December 17, 2019 5:42am | Report
GaseousClay wrote:

Setting aside item stats, Am I wrong to not like a DEF option for anti heal? Since Divine and BB stack think the DEF aura item is overkill.

Well... kinda. It depends. If Divine/BB aren't easily applied in a specific scenario then one can rely on aura antiheal items as well.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » December 17, 2019 8:02am | Report
Whatever. I usually don't pick both because I ask people to build more efficient anti healing like BBS/DR and TB, but, If I feel I need it then I get the one with the type of defenses I am missing.

You said you prefer Pestilence due HP, yeah, I agree but remember you can get Blackthorn Hammer and too much HP means more deadlier Qin's Sais/ Soul Reaver procs and more HP for the enemy with Ethereal Staff


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » December 18, 2019 12:38am | Report
true however, EHP wise you're gonna need to balance health and protections.
EDIT: made a small calculation for yya
small calculation

Also could be because I mostly play arena but I find Blackthorn a bit meh (you barely run out of mana there and then it's just a quick trip back to base and the 10% cdr is then meh. So I mostly pick BoV)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » December 18, 2019 6:04am | Report
You just think Blackthorn is meh because you play a mode where Mana sustain isn't needed :v
But trust me Blackthorn is one of the best items in the game


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » December 18, 2019 7:48am | Report
don't worry I believe you, I have seen more items that are considered high impact have a lower impact in arena. Blackthorn is mostly meh in arena because even though it gives a ton of health you still melt too quickly because no protections. Couple it with no/low need for mana sustain and the "speed" of the game mode and other items will shine in blackthorns spot. in lane the slower pace and less opponents makes you benefit from it a lot more.

(honestly talking arena tanks/warriors and to a certain extent assassins (unless you are really good at timing and flanking on an open field) need to consider protections over damage fairly early)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 18, 2019 11:30am | Report
The points Kriega made, in terms of build direction, are along my general thought direction. I remain a fan of Void Shield and Void Stone, so for physical gods, Pest can be more appealing, while for magical gods (let's say Supports), Contagion can be nice...also, on that Support side, they will probably appreciate mana/MP5 more (they don't get the Blue buff that Solos get). (Also, it's obviously more helpful in the early game)

One other point to make is that physical protection in a 1:1 consideration (e.g. 50 phys prot vs. 50 mag prot) is inherently more valuable.
  • The most common team composition is 1 of each class, which would mean 3 phys gods and 2 mag gods.
  • All non-player damage is in the form of physical damage unless some of this has changed without me being aware (minions, towers, GF, FG, Titan). Even if only the minions deal physical damage, it's still significant, especially in the early game and against fire minions.
The other thing is considering other pure defensive item options of the same protection type. So this might go past "do you like Contagion or Pest more," but rather "which one fits in best with the rest of your build and item preferences"? Do you like BoV/Nemean/Midgardian? Or do you like Oni/Shogun's/Genji?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » March 9, 2020 5:48am | Report
Devampi wrote:

don't worry I believe you, I have seen more items that are considered high impact have a lower impact in arena. Blackthorn is mostly meh in arena because even though it gives a ton of health you still melt too quickly because no protections. Couple it with no/low need for mana sustain and the "speed" of the game mode and other items will shine in blackthorns spot. in lane the slower pace and less opponents makes you benefit from it a lot more.

(honestly talking arena tanks/warriors and to a certain extent assassins (unless you are really good at timing and flanking on an open field) need to consider protections over damage fairly early)

I seem to do fine with Blackthorns in a good deal of the builds i use them in and i mostly play arena too. It seems like for the handful of warriors i am currently comfortable running it works pretty well. I even have been running UPLAR's build number 4 for Ah Muzen Cab with it and for the most part it has been a nice build for me.

.....maybe i need to lurk forums a bit more often than once in a blue moon though so i don't respond to threads 3-4 months or more after they are created...


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