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Putting an Ease to Nox Complaints

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Forum » General Discussion » Putting an Ease to Nox Complaints 34 posts - page 3 of 4
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » November 4, 2014 6:54am | Report

Edit: Darn.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » November 4, 2014 7:58am | Report
dacoqrs wrote:

Green you didn't actually put an ease to the Nox complaints. You just made another thread for people to complain.

Well ****.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » November 4, 2014 8:50am | Report
Well, technically, the thread IS about Nox complaints...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » November 4, 2014 8:54am | Report
Here's a little article on a cool site I found about her.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » November 4, 2014 9:38am | Report
Hmm, that IS interesting. And I actually agree with most of the stuff it says. However, I don't approve of the use of win percentages - those have too many underlying factors to be a good show of quality.

Not to mention, the end result is "she sucks, for a bunch of reasons, hope she gets more damage or CC as a buff." We already know this.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SoapSuds » November 4, 2014 1:08pm | Report
Buff Preview #1

Buff Preview #2

Buff Preview #3

Buff Preview #3.2

Big leap on her Raven, but still not seeing anything to fix her much yet. Still keeping my eye out.

EDIT: With the 3 and 3.2 posts, it seems she's being made into another bursty mage. Can't say I'm surprised. With that damage on her 3, I hope they're planning on increasing the cool down of it.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » November 4, 2014 1:43pm | Report
The buffs will definitely help spread her out so that her early game will still be okay and she might be able to actually do something lategame. Some workarounds need to be done with her 1 and 4 though I'm assuming they won't show those since those could be the biggest changes.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SweetTenderLove » November 4, 2014 2:06pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

I mean, Loki's decoy is a worthless ability, so they shoved a **** top of damage everywhere. And now he's "balanced," and completely lacking in counterplay, and shut the **** up about Aegis and Beads, they don't work and they're not counterplay.

But beads and Aegis do work against Loki, and Loki's decoy is FAR from useless. It's an amazing utility skill if you utilize it correctly.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » November 4, 2014 2:20pm | Report
You blow both your actives and you still loose 3/4 of your hp, so much for "working".
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » November 4, 2014 3:35pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Well, their other reworks haven't been very promising. I think EVERYONE is pissed at the Ao rework.

Edit: Meant fixes. They either do an Anubis and ignore it, or do an Artemis and overchange it until it's even more unbalanced. Or they do a Guan and completely **** it up, until they literally bring it back to its old state. Etc. Or they do an Ares and I dunno, give her a swing chain OMG A MAGE HAS A SWING CHAIN MUCH CHANGE SUCH BALANCE MANY WOW. Seriously, the first change they did to Ares in a ****ing year was a graphical update and a ****ing swing chain when he's been garbage for said year...or they can do a Zeus and completely ruin the god by changing it...

Or worst of all, and ironically the most likely to happen: They'll do a Batz and change it to RNG mode. They have a thing for RNG, they've done RNG in the past and present, and seem fixated on it. It all points to an RNG change, like having a 50% chance her spell cast is going to cost no mana or a 50% chance that her shield will block multiple abilities, or something.

#1 Anubis is not a easy God to balance in terms of changing things about him. If you make one wrong slightly even 1% change to him he can become unbalanced and completely OP in a flash. If they changed something and left his damage the same he can easily be the most OP god in the game if they screw him up in the wrong way. He is the most damaging mage in the game and he can melt pretty much anything fast, that includes tanks. I mean I can see why Anubis has no escape, because quite honestly if Anubis had a good escape with his current damage he would be TOP PICK and most OP God in Smite literally not even joking. The fact that CC is his only way to get someone off of him is what makes him NOT OP. If he was safe to play he would easily be OP assuming they kept his damage the same. Basically I am saying, with Anubis I could at least see why they have a hard time messing with anything on him, because if they even slightly buff him in the wrong way he can easily become OP from a 1% buff on anything.

#2 What Guan Yu are you talking about? Past Guan Yu? Nerfed Guan Yu, the OP Guan Yu or the current Guan Yu???

Because if you think the CURRENT Guan Yu is weak then you obviously never seen a good Guan Yu (assuming you are talking about current Guan Yu). I had a 70% win rate on Guan Yu before I kept getting nublets on my team who DC and make my team surrender, still I have like a 66% win rate on him I think although it was much higher before them DC's kept getting on my team.

Guan Yu is actually not garbage...

His ultimate is the HIGHEST PHYISCAL DAMAGING ult in the game....
Not only can you ult an entire team and do the most physical damage in the game, but you can stun them at the end of that damage....

His 3 does 550 ****ING damage when you land every hit and that is just the BASE DAMAGE.

His heal, is on a 10 second cooldown. Without the passive the heal is not that great in terms of other healers, but he can still spam his heal to make his heal matter. His 2 lowers his cooldowns by 2 seconds and healing ally Gods reduces all his cooldowns by 2 seconds. So that means you can have his heal on a 6 second cooldown.

I am pretty sure spamming a heal every 6 seconds WITHOUT THE PASSIVE is still spammy in itself enough to make a difference and enough to get on the other teams nerves. WITH THE PASSIVE that heal is more spam on a 6 second cooldown.

Combine that with the fact that Guan Yu can steal protections, meaning he can hit you with 300 base damage from his 2, 550 base damage from his 3, and can still 30 protections meaning its as if he has bought another bruiser item and on top of this he can spam his heal and his heal and 2 will re lower his cooldowns so he can spam again...

And it makes his ult come down off cooldown quicker with constant CD spam

Guan Yu is NOT weak.

There are little to almost no Gods without using an esacpe or some form of aegis that can live after getting hit with his full ult followed up with any of his kit or basics.

Guan Yu can eat people once he gets his ult and people cannot box him while his 3 is being used because whats going to happen is he will gain protections and deal over 550 damage to you all while being able to heal back up.

The only people who can box Guan Yu while his 3 is active are healers themselves or fed players with life steal.

Pro teams have been banning Guan Yu against players who were doing good with Guan Yu.

I do not consider Guan Yu a top of the top pick, but he def is no where NEAR being weak.

He is in fact strong

- Spam heals
- Spam lower cool downs on every ability
- Steals protections
- Has a slow/dash
- has a high base damaging ability that does 550 base damage without scaling
- Has the most damaging physical ult in the game
- Ult has high mobility
- Ult is a team fight ability as well

With all of this Guan is DEF not a weak God.

The reason people are not playing him is because they do not realize how strong he actually is.

When the warrior nerf came people went to the Mage solo meta ect, they forgot about these warriors for a period of time.

Then some of the like Guan Yu got buffed back up to being useful and MOST PLAYERS have forgotten they got buffed and if they knew Guan Got buffed back up they didn't play him because they either didn't care to play him, were with the new meta or thought warriors were not important because they are used to the warrior nerf and their mind is stuck on that.

I been spamming Guan Yu lately and I do pretty much great with him every match I play.
The only time I lose with Guan Yu is if our entire team is failing or the other team picked a good counter pick.

Other than that Guan Yu is STRONG not WEAK.

He is only WEAK when going against a counter pick that stops him from channeling his ability or if you are on a team where you are the only person with any CC which is close to none.

What would make Guan Yu a Top Pick almost would be is if they increased his dash range.



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