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Rod of Tahuti Replacement?

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Forum » General Discussion » Rod of Tahuti Replacement? 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RipleyW » February 27, 2018 7:31am | Report
What do you think would be a good replacement for Rod of Tahuti, For that 25% more magic power target has to be below 50% Hp, I mean it gives nice Magical Power, but passive is meh?

Since it was one of the core items for all mages in S4, what do you think would be good instead of RoT :/


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 27, 2018 10:52am | Report
Hi Ripley,

I'd say it depends on what else you get in the rest of your build and what you need (sounds duh, but hear me out), how much utility do you have from other items? By utility, I mean, how many functions do you get out of the build outside of pure damage, and do you need more utility?

Those are a lot of questions...but it's something important to consider. Rod of Tahuti is a pure damage item, and other than some MP5 (which you're likely to get from other things or just have a huge mana pool from Warlock's Staff or Book of Thoth), that's all you're getting.

I do feel that Rod of Tahuti is still a solid item. It's not necessarily core, because there are SO many options now, but at the same time, it got a 25 power increase, and that 25% power boost is still functional for when you need to finish off an injured god.

Again, in the end, depends on what you need/want. From a pure damage perspective, I feel it's more reliable than Ethereal Staff, Soul Reaver, or Shaman's Ring, just from the higher power. Those items also have situational passives, so it's not like Tahuti is all that bad there. We're also seeing nerfs to Book of the Dead, Typhon's Fang, etc. But at least with Shaman's and Ethereal, they have some utility. Ethereal has health if you feel you're too squishy, and Shaman's has added MS.

Want to also bring up another item that's weaker now overall... Obsidian Shard. I'll point to this match I had last night in Arena. I ended up getting both Shard and Tahuti, and feel they did well for my damage output.

(My score sucked, but we were pretty drastically behind the entire game, as our Bellona's build was awful and she fed like crazy, leading to a lot of team wipes...we were behind by 100 tickets at one point, can't believe we got the win with 1 ticket was like 4-15 at the end, and we got the last 3 kills)

Note the enemy team... Fenrir built 2 magical protection items, Chaac only had Masamune but that still gave him up to 83 magical protection, and Sobek also had 2 magical protection items. So, I'd consider this a somewhat tanky team.

I didn't expect it as I've been avoiding it, but hoo boy did Obsidian Shard noticeably increase my damage output. I've been playing a lot of Discordia and I know that in most of my builds, I sort of chip away at tanky enemies' health...but the second I got Obsidian, I was really dealing damage. Combined with Rod of Tahuti, I felt my output was great.

So...TL;DR I think Tahuti is still fine if you're generally undecided, and as long as you've built with high power and decent pen. It's not a bad item by any means.

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