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smite is coming to xbone...

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Forum » General Discussion » smite is coming to xbone... 43 posts - page 4 of 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sasquatch180 » August 12, 2014 10:01am | Report
Kelly and a few others have already confirmed the PC and Xbox One players will not be merged.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 12, 2014 10:04am | Report
Can someone please provide me with PROOF that Hi-rez actually doing this or even considering it?

I swear I was just talking about this a few days ago, I told my one friend smite should be on xbox, we were playing stupid call of duty only because he wanted me to play a few matches with him, but I said damn they should have smite on xbox so people who don't have tons of computers can play smite.

For example I my laptop can play smite but I have more xbox's in my house so if smite were on xbox I could play online with people in my house and that would be rape as ****tttttt!@@@!!!

Also don't forget I use a xbox control on the PC to play smite anyways so most likely I would obliterate most players since I am used to playing this way. On pc people can have an advantage using the mouse but on xbox I would probably destroy since everyone has the same way of playing.

I haven't touched my xbox in years, I have spent my time on PC mostly playing smite or going on youtube, ect.

If smite where to come to xbox I would legit pay for that **** strait up.
I know for a FACT the other people in my house hold would pay for that **** because they all like smite but they can't play with me because they do not have a computer that can run smite.

If Smite comes to xbox it gives people a way to play with people in their family.

Lots of people have xbox's that can run games, not a lot of people have PC's that can run games.

I think its a damn good idea and it would benefit people like me who have consoles in their house as well, it would benefit families who want to play smite but cannot afford multiple PC's for them to play on. Consoles fix this problem.

TAKE MY ****ING MONEY NOW, I would even spend $60 on the game. **** that I would spend more.

WHERE IS THE PROOF Hi-Rez is going to do this or thinking about it though????

Are you guys pulling my leg :D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » August 12, 2014 10:13am | Report
look at their youtube page ICEN...
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 12, 2014 10:19am | Report
The only part I do not like is that its only for XBOX ONE?
That means I have to buy a damn XBOX ONE now....


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mekali » August 12, 2014 10:46am | Report
Lol. *Calmly sighs* good thing it's not merging.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HolyPudding » August 12, 2014 11:10am | Report
All4Games wrote:

how about dutch just for you.

ik denk dat ik ga huilen. blablablabla.

i really dont care about my grammer and i have dyslexia. I DONT ****ING SEE IF I WRITE THINGS WRONG
DACOQRS, is what dyslexia means.

I think he was pointing out how the thread didn't really make progressive sense. It started being about bad decisions on Hi-Rez's part (I agree, they haven't been on their game lately), but then goes on about abandoning the game despite the thread presumably being centered around Xbox One. If the thread was called something along the lines of smite dying, then it would be cool, but the Xbone thing isn't referenced. Whatever, it isn't really my call.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » August 12, 2014 11:17am | Report
SMITE News Page

I get all your concerns with the xbox playerbase ruining our servers but I for one wouldn't mind them being merged. For one, I'd be able to play with so many of my friends irl because they mostly game on consoles. Hm but I guess it doesn't matter if they're confirmed to be seperate.

On a side note, there's going to be a mobile SMITE PvE app in the future and Hi-Rez will be getting rid of the set timers to find matches and will search for matches individually like most games f.e. csgo

Anyways, taking a moba to the consoles is a big and great idea.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kalafalafakah » August 12, 2014 12:05pm | Report
dacoqrs wrote:

Yeah, so Smite is coming to Xbone. I don't understand why this is such a huge deal?

Unless it means that we're gonna be receiving a bunch of console gamers in our playerbase (No offense to console gamers, but you guys have a tendency to be 12 year old 7th graders who shout swear words every time you die. Sorry.)

I take offense! I'm a console gamer and am only a indignant 19 year old who gets mildly exasperated everytime he dies. Nah I'm just messing around. Although Smite has already been flooded by new people since the launch and I have already found plenty of these self-righteous kids who can not chill out on Smite.

All4Games wrote:

xbone is filled with horrible people, those people are now going to play smite, smite has horrible people in its player base, xbone is filled with naive people who have no idea what they are doing, some of those naive 12 year olds will go search for help, they will come to smitefire eventually, aside from that they will come into the rest of the player base, most of which is already terrible...

do you see where im going with this or do i need to continue?

I disagree on numerous basis'.

First off the odds of you having to deal with heavy COD players and such is minimal at best. They wouldn't have the patience to get used to smite. It's one of the reasons they stick with COD it is always the same.

Second, I have played Xbox (the original, the 360, and the one) for about eight or nine years now and yes I have found *******s but guess what! I have found about three kind players for every two jackasses. Lately on Smite my odds haven't even been close to that good (as in there are already plenty of *******s on smite and they don't seem to **** smite fire up too much now.)

Third! I may find plenty of douche bags and such on Smite BUT I have also found plenty of people who don't give a **** and just want to play. These people will not mess with these little kids unless the kid obviously throws a tantrum. Then they might tell them to be quiet along with some colorful language. (there are also some nice people but they're kinda a rarity...)

Fourth (oh **** this dude got all the way to fourth!) As stated above I have played WAAAAAY too much xbox and guess what! Generally the only little kids I have found were ones that knew me or my friends from real life and got us to give them our GT. Now a days most people don't even talk to each other on Xbox aside from the use of the party system. Most of these little kids (which isn't a majority of the consumer base) don't want to deal with people other than their friends (this also goes with pretty much everyone else).

FIFTH! I don't have a fifth...

Mordo wrote:

Since Micro(transaction)soft like to up their gains you can imagine that DLC aka skin, gods and other things will cost MS points which means that PC gamers won't get our "Free gem" weekends anymore.

1. Microsoft points are gone. All xbox transactions use actual currency now.

2. Xbox gives away free games to everyone every sixteen days soooo....

Now what I think is that well, it's alright (I'm kinda apathetic). Now I may be able to play with a few more of my irl friends (although most of them are still on the 360). Also I don't see why y'all waited to bring this kind of thing up now. Hi-rez was in talks with sony a long *** time ago to put smite on the PS4 (apparently that hasn't gone anywhere...). Also I'½m looking forward to the app, and I actually kind of liked the timed queues (they gave me time to check smite fire and other things in between matches) so I have mixed feelings about them leaving. I just see this as a decent chance for smite to grow. Maybe some *******s might end up moseying on down to smite fire, but also it might invite some more decent people. Plus most people seem that I know just come here to look at a few builds and maybe some tips on a god they like and get the **** back to the game, so there might end up just being a lot more people like that.

This was all probably waaaaaay to long so I apologize if you actually read all of this.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 12, 2014 12:15pm | Report
On Xbox people sometimes are amazed by your skill and take it as competition... well at least that was true for games like gears of war, we would talk **** to each other but it was in good fun because we compete to win. Most of the time both players respect each other for their skill even while talking ****.

However on smite.... the **** talk is legit just **** talk with no respect. Even feeders talk ****. They ain't even doing well!!!

Hell on xbox if you have a scrub on your team I don't recall calling them feeders, nubs ect. Usually on xbox you call the people who you are beating nubs if they talk **** or use a cheap tactic.

On smite people call your own team a scrub if they even do slightly bad.

Now yes, some people call people scrubs for doing bad on xbox but what I am saying is on smite if you even go slightly negative you will be called a scrub and reported.

In fact I think xbox players are probably MORE mature than the smite players.
Most players are not little kids on xbox anyways, its just that you here them more because they like to talk.

I can't recall getting ****ped on in smite and having my team explain what we need to do to win or call out strategies. Nope most of the time, once you start losing you get demeaned, called scrub, reported for feed and you get no advice.

Hell at least on xbox games most serious players don't do that to their own team because they are so focused on winning they want even their bad players to stop making mistakes or they simply tell them something through the mic.

I am not even defending xbox, just most the players are better than you think if you want to talk about community. 12 year olds don't count because they are the minority.

However on smite, people who report, talk **** on their own team is the MAJORITY by a MILE.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FerrumSlash » August 12, 2014 9:03pm | Report
All4Games wrote:

@ferrum. im tired of the excuse "well moba player bases are filled with toxic people since ever and always will be" its a dumb excuse because it would include every moba, moba's do not directly atract toxicity and moba's do not spawn toxicity.

What you're ranting at since the very beginning is how horrible players from Xbox One will add more toxic players and stuff.

Well, what i'm saying is, even without HR expanding to Xbox One, there will still be toxic players coming in to Smite.

Point is, by not taking the fact that Smite in Xbox One draws horrible players (because, again, horrible players come everyday, Xbox One or not), all i can see is benefits from this expansion.


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