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Smite, my new LoveHate relationship...

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » August 25, 2014 11:12am | Report

I remember spending about 4 games trying to figure out how to target 'new wa' ulti...
Then it hit me, or should I say... them?

omg <3 best Smite joke
Thanks to Ferrum for making the sig pic! He's beast af people.
IGN: BestJanusNA
What I'm listening to right now: Derp -Bassjackers


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 25, 2014 11:19am | Report
yes you also need to buy wards and your own items but if you need to lvl an active really quick you already lost 900 gold. have you not noticed that actives are partly responseble for snowballing look at LoL or dawngate you get the (summoners) spells (or what they are in smite (only sumonner spels aren't boughtable in the match) you get them free here. so if you are getting killed by an ult (poseidons ult as example because a good poseidon uses whirlpool to ensure he hits his ult.) and you need an aegis you lost 300-900. resulting in you are 900 gold behind.(+ all the money of the wards but I won't count those because they lose that money too making it an non essential value). lets say the actives in smite are more like dawngate or LoL's "actives". here you lost nothing not putting you 300-900 behind on your normal items.

and if you need 2 actives in tier 3 fast you already lost 1800 gold. That's already a t2 item or some/almost t3 items. so you are a t2 item behind and that's not nothing.

and you say it's clearly the players fault every time.
Have fun getting a god blinking on you shoving you back or stunning you and 1-2 other team mates burst you down in that short period while you were right under your tower. or 2 gods that out of no where (with this I don't mean gank you but just go in your tower and start killing you not from behind up front) diving you while you are trying to farm and defend your tower. Stunning/rooting/etc. and bursting you down in those small seconds from 100% hp. Is that still the players fault?
(note this is how I mostly die otherwise it are those things like rotating and have an encounter with an enemy god ending up in a small team fight and sometimes Thanatos ult and normal team fights. it's rare I die from a gank)

in dawngate you don't need to buy them you can choose which spell/active you want from certain lvl (1-10-20) only changing them (yes that's possible) costs money. Also a nice thing about DG is a free ward.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 25, 2014 12:12pm | Report
Okay, you can just not get near Poseidon so he doesn't ult you? Even if he did ult if you were agni you can dash away before it even hits you.


Okay buy wards and you will see them coming from the jungle, I buy 2 wards every match and I always see the gank coming because of it.

Anyways nobody goes strait for T3 actives at the beginning of matches anyways, we only get T1 actives and it only cost 300 which is not that much.

Nobody buys 2 actives at the beg of games either.

Also the enemy also has to buy actives so I don't see a big deal.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 25, 2014 12:29pm | Report
ICEN wrote:

Okay, you can just not get near Poseidon so he doesn't ult you? Even if he did ult if you were agni you can dash away before it even hits you.


Okay buy wards and you will see them coming from the jungle, I buy 2 wards every match and I always see the gank coming because of it.

Anyways nobody goes strait for T3 actives at the beginning of matches anyways, we only get T1 actives and it only cost 300 which is not that much.

Nobody buys 2 actives at the beg of games either.

Also the enemy also has to buy actives so I don't see a big deal.

CAN YOU READ? You didn't even take anything into account right

first part true, but then he will come to you. and with enough HP I don't assume you start running back to your second tower.

Second part A Poseidon never ults BEFORE he put a Whirlpool UNDER your feet. THAT'S one of the big RULES of Poseidon. How are YOU even gonna DASH away.

I wasn't talking about the JUNGLE or GANKS. I TALKED about DEFENDING the TOWER against 2 PUSHING PLAYERS. so WHAT use do wards have if you can SEE both of them. you know he has blink and maybe even that it's up but you don't suspect to get blinked by a Tyr or an Ymir when your deep in your tower (fyi so deep you can hit the minions but out of reach for their gods) and get burst-ed down by there adc/mage who is the second person. within those seconds.

true, But I wasn't talking about the beginning of the game but somewhere mid game. like when you died some times by the same attack and need your aegis more.

The enemy doesn't need the actives that much because you (and your team. I don't care who fed him if it was yourself or someone else) is under leveled for him. so you pay for a better active and they don't even need to buy any actives (they will have 1 or 2 but they didn't needed them that much) yet saving money for better items and lvling actives after their build or later.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kalafalafakah » August 25, 2014 2:23pm | Report
Devampi wrote:

I wasn't talking about the JUNGLE or GANKS. I TALKED about DEFENDING the TOWER against 2 PUSHING PLAYERS. so WHAT use do wards have if you can SEE both of them. you know he has blink and maybe even that it's up but you don't suspect to get blinked by a Tyr or an Ymir when your deep in your tower (fyi so deep you can hit the minions but out of reach for their gods) and get burst-ed down by there adc/mage who is the second person. within those seconds.

I you're going against a Tyr or Ymir you should always expect a blink (it's their basis for play and they are usually tanky enough to hold the tower for a bit). If you've seen the enemy play at all you should understand if they seem like a player who would rush you. Many players are greedy and don't learn from their mistakes or don't get that when they use a tactic a lot their opposition generally doesn't play into it anymore.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 25, 2014 2:24pm | Report
WTF they don't need actives because they are move fed? Um no that's quite the opposite if they are fed then they have enough money to buy those actives.

Nobody suspects a blink Ymir or Try ya I call BS on that one....

I am pretty sure the first thing I do when I am playing against gods like Ymir, Tyr, or anyone who lacks initiation is check what actives and item they are building.

Anyone that is decent at smite knows to check and see if they got blink.

For you to say that nobody expects a Ymir or Tyr to blink under your tower is kind of an understatement, just like people expect bakasura and bastet to JUMP OVER THE WALL into your tower to ult you.

Yes people DO expect Ymir and Tyr to use blink, in fact any good player checks to see if they bought it before they even get close to them.

Yes people expect gods like Bastest/Baka to jump into tower and ult.

If they are fed they would just buy actives themselves, your trying to say they wouldn't buy beads because they are more leveled? THat is a joke right?

THey are pretty damn noobish if they don't buy beads when you have ares on your team.

Ya, any smart player is buying beads


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 25, 2014 2:44pm | Report
ICEN wrote:

WTF they don't need actives because they are move fed? Um no that's quite the opposite if they are fed then they have enough money to buy those actives.

Nobody suspects a blink Ymir or Try ya I call BS on that one....

I am pretty sure the first thing I do when I am playing against gods like Ymir, Tyr, or anyone who lacks initiation is check what actives and item they are building.

Anyone that is decent at smite knows to check and see if they got blink.

For you to say that nobody expects a Ymir or Tyr to blink under your tower is kind of an understatement, just like people expect bakasura and bastet to JUMP OVER THE WALL into your tower to ult you.

Yes people DO expect Ymir and Tyr to use blink, in fact any good player checks to see if they bought it before they even get close to them.

Yes people expect gods like Bastest/Baka to jump into tower and ult.

If they are fed they would just buy actives themselves, your trying to say they wouldn't buy beads because they are more leveled? THat is a joke right?

THey are pretty damn noobish if they don't buy beads when you have ares on your team.

Ya, any smart player is buying beads

the first part is right but I don't suspect a tyr to blink in tower range when he can't get behind me (unless you are under 50% but not on full) or an ymir when he can't freeze (wall jumping haven't thought about that) straight after.

yes they will off course buy actives. making them stronger while not getting behind on their item build. while the other team will get behind on the item build if they buy actives. so they will be even more powerful. or they can chose not to lvl their actives an finish their item build further for more power.

Oh and depending on who I am I won't get beads for Ares or aegis for Ares. (gods as xba with cc immunity on escape or other skills except ult)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 25, 2014 3:47pm | Report
I start off with beads already...
Last game I just played I started off with Beads...

Actives do not put you behind.... especially when you can afford them from the start...

Lets see last game we were playing against ares and the first thing I did was buy beads from the START which was 300gold.

I did not get put behind at all, I was actually more leveled then other players in the game who didn't even have the active yet.

Farm Farm Farm, if your jungler ain't taking the jungle buffs then snatch them if he isn't taking them. If you see a minion wave clear it while rotating.

Farm is not hard to get at all.

The only possible way to not get gold is to let your tower hit the minions.

In that case most mages can clear waves and some hunters can with general ease.

Most mages should not be out pushing one or the other.

I was playing Scylla last match, her early game sucks *** and you can't clear for ****.

Zeus was out pushing me and I even lost gold for about 3-4 waves.

So lets get this strait, I bought an active right from the beginning and on top of this lost 3-4 waves of gold due to my tower yet I did not fall behind? Why? Because I got kills from playing passive and attacking at the right moments.

I farmed and made up for my lost gold and in fact I had Tier 3 Beads and Tier 2 or 3 aegis, I think it was Tier 2 aegis. Either way I bought two actives and did not get put behind at all.

300 gold is nothing to me, in fact I don't care if the enemy get Gold Fury once it hits late game because gold furry really isn't **** late game.

Anyways taking gold fury easily gives you a active without even farming if you manage to take it or steal it.

300 Gold is not hard to get at all, I can get that within a few waves or taking jungle buffs on my way to lane. Hell I get 50 gold ALL THE TIME just by staying at spawn and waiting for items.

How many of you sit at spawn and wait for 50 Gold???

If 50 Gold is easy as hell to get just by doing NOTHING then surely 300 gold is easy to get when your farming minions.

3 active slots would be a dumb idea by the way because that gives gods that are already strong A MUCH UN NEEDED ADVANTAGE.

There reason anyone stands a chance to clear as fast as a mage is with HOG, if you give people 3 active slots then the damn mages will be ****ing grabbing HOG thus making your HOG worthless because they got it too!!!

No, a mage already has high clear they should not be allowed to have ****ing aegis, beads, and hog or sprint, that is waaaaaaaaaaay to much damn utility for a mage or any god for that matter.

You have damn gods like Anhur and **** that can jump, slow, stun and you want them to have 3 freaking actives!!!!!!!! Well I'm not sure if you agree with that but someone on here said to have 3 actives, HELL 2 DA NO!!!

Yes, It is YOUR fault if you get behind.
Yes, It is YOUR fault if you get blinked.
Yes, It is YOUR fault if you get in range of Ares and get chained
Yes, It is YOUR fault if you lose farm
Yes, It is YOUR fault if you don't buy any actives
Yes, It is YOUR fault for losing lane
Yes, It is YOUR fault for getting ganked
Yes, It is YOUR fault for not buying wards
Yes, almost every mistake is your fault.

The only time its NOT your fault is
- In team fights and your entire team sucks
- its 1v5 in your lane

Any time that its 1 on 1 and you make a mistake

What are you saying Devampi? That you want active items to cost LESS to make up for nubs who get beat in smite? Are you saying that you want a 3rd active item too give mages too much utility ? Are you saying you want less reward from kills to help nubs who die constantly ?

What is it that you are trying to tell me?

I still do not understand.

Explain to me exactly what you want done so I understand it.

Just say "I want this done because of this"

Btw I'm not trying to talk like a Anus I just like talking like that


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 26, 2014 1:09am | Report
ICEN wrote:

3 active slots would be a dumb idea by the way because that gives gods that are already strong A MUCH UN NEEDED ADVANTAGE.

and here dear ICEN you proved my whole point of the actives being a cause for snowballing.

(Oh and I meant you can get actives for free but make tiers lvl depended. Not the give 3 actives. (I would sooner see a Girdle of Inner Power then for even more power))

(also on a side note they also should give you 1 free normal ward so people will actually ward -_-. it's rare I see someone except myself (and a lot of times the support))


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » August 26, 2014 3:03am | Report
Devampi wrote:

and here dear ICEN you proved my whole point of the actives being a cause for snowballing.

(Oh and I meant you can get actives for free but make tiers lvl depended. Not the give 3 actives. (I would sooner see a Girdle of Inner Power then for even more power))

(also on a side note they also should give you 1 free normal ward so people will actually ward -_-. it's rare I see someone except myself (and a lot of times the support))
If I proved your point than what are you getting at?

I still do not even understand what you find wrong?

I said that 3 actives would give mages unfair advantages which is true.

Not only would agni have a stun to escape, not only would he have a dash to escape, but lets go to his actives..... He would have a aegis to avoid any damage/bad situation, on top of this beads again if he is in a bad situation and for a third item sprint in case his dash is down?

That makes gods like aani OP, I played earlier with POS mid and had beads/aeigs, nobody in the game could hit me with ults/slows because I always had EITHER active up.

If beads was on CD then my aegis was not, and if aegis was on CD then beads was not.

I don't get what you are trying to tell me still?

Are you saying actives ARE the problem or are you saying something ELSE?

And if you are saying that Actives ARE the problem,(if that's what your saying) then explain to me what you think should be done ? Because I honestly don't see a problem but I want to hear what you think would fix the problem in your eyes just because I want to hear what you want done to actives?


In case you didn't know you can only have 2 actives and you have to be picky, I said 3 ACTIVES WOULD BE OP I didn't say 2 actives make you snowball, I said 3 ACTIVES (which is not in the game) would make mages OP as hell.

So no, I didn't prove your point because you can only have 2 NOT 3 actives, actives don't make you OP when you have to nit pick between 2 actives where as if you had 3 actives it WOULD make you OP.


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