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Smite Sexuality Does NOT belong in a Video Game (Equailty for all I thought?)

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Forum » General Discussion » Smite Sexuality Does NOT belong in a Video Game (Equailty for all I thought?) 42 posts - page 2 of 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HolyPudding » September 27, 2014 3:13am | Report
This is coming from a heterosexual 14 year old male in England, by the way.

Gay rights are a sad issue for me, because they have no reason to be an issue. There is literally NOTHING wrong with being infatuated by the same sex other than the fact that it differs from the "societal norm". It saddens me that companies feel that it is such an issue that they need to have it advertised in their own game which has nothing to do with said issue.

And what's worse is that gay rights aren't the only group that get so much harsh treatment.

For example, overweight people, people with learning and/or physical disability, those with differing interests, those from foreign countries, different skin; the list goes on and on of people who have done nothing to deserve hatred yet get it for no real reason.

And probably the most heartbreaking thing for me is that by certain people's standards I'm not even a human being.

I was born through "in vitro fertilisation" (IVF), meaning I was fertilised externally and according to the catholic church I am "a commodity produced in a laboratory" and not a person because my parents happen to have had fertility problems. And because my birth was different, I would not be considered "sacred". My name means gift of god for ****'s sake!

Bottom line, discrimination against ANY group of individuals is unjust and stems from childish behaviour that I don't feel is just in any way. I'm glad Hi-Rez is supporting the discriminated, but I am also sure some douchebags will just use it as an opportunity to be heartless bullies.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 27, 2014 3:52am | Report
HolyPudding wrote:

This is coming from a heterosexual 14 year old male in England, by the way.

Gay rights are a sad issue for me, because they have no reason to be an issue. There is literally NOTHING wrong with being infatuated by the same sex other than the fact that it differs from the "societal norm". It saddens me that companies feel that it is such an issue that they need to have it advertised in their own game which has nothing to do with said issue.

And what's worse is that gay rights aren't the only group that get so much harsh treatment.

For example, overweight people, people with learning and/or physical disability, those with differing interests, those from foreign countries, different skin; the list goes on and on of people who have done nothing to deserve hatred yet get it for no real reason.

And probably the most heartbreaking thing for me is that by certain people's standards I'm not even a human being.

I was born through "in vitro fertilisation" (IVF), meaning I was fertilised externally and according to the catholic church I am "a commodity produced in a laboratory" and not a person because my parents happen to have had fertility problems. And because my birth was different, I would not be considered "sacred". My name means gift of god for ****'s sake!

Bottom line, discrimination against ANY group of individuals is unjust and stems from childish behaviour that I don't feel is just in any way. I'm glad Hi-Rez is supporting the discriminated, but I am also sure some douchebags will just use it as an opportunity to be heartless bullies.
I don't get why someone that is catholic would call you a non person...
Because the bible never talks about you being a non person if your born that way, and it never talks about you taking the sin because of it.

This is going to sound ironic.... but not all people who claim to know the bible actually know it... I went to catholic church as a kid ever so often, I didn't take it serious though, until later on around now I take the subject more serious and realized there are some flaws in the catholic church. Not flaws as in everything is wrong, but more like, not everything they teach comes from the bible.

I don't consider myself anything other than Christian, I can't belong to a church because I really do believe alot of the churches don't even know what they are teaching. For example : Most of my family is catholic still, I told them something very simple.

Show me one place in the bible wear the virgin marry can hear millions of prayers, or is even close to having ANY of the same qualities as Jesus/God is said to have in the bible.

The problem why alot of people stop believing in God is because they are let down by things taught wrong. Luckily for me I had the chance to kind of try to search for the answers myself, what it comes down to is, a church is like the government, they are suppose to follow the bible, or in other words the constitution, YET they can make up their own traditions/laws on the side.

meaning what happens is, you have the bible not being used anymore as the information but instead churches are making up traditions or teaching things their own ways.

I believe alot of people stop believing God for these main reasons
- Nobody in their family could explain to them a very good reason logically or scientifically why a god would/could exist, and nobody in their family could point out what is wrong and right teachings.

- People often do not look for the answers as much but rather assume since they have a very hard comeback to something about God that they are 1000% right on that part. I think alot of the times any contradictions or problems you have actually have answers to them, average person doesn't want to research into it though.

- Christians are the very ones who make other Christians stop believing, yes I have watched videos where one trys to say one is right over the other and end up making each other not believe in jack.

- Some people will say things like, the bible tells you to stone someone, ect. That person will go see if its true, they will read the verse where it talks about it and assume that means stone everyone without reading anything else or the follow up verses.

The main problem really in my opinion is this

Most people who believe in God are not on par scientifically to explain their side. If you don't believe in God and you say "I want to believe in God show me why you believe" the typical person will say oh just read the bible. The person will typically replay and say something like "Your using the bible to confirm the bible". Which in a sense you have to see the point.

Most people who believe in God are not very bright when it comes to explaining why they believe in god on a non biblical standard. I mean I believe In God and can explain why, I never needed to go to church, ect. I enjoy watching science programs, ect, all I practically know everything anyone else would know who likes to watch the same stuff. The difference is people's life experience also.

At the end of the day, if someone ask me questions, I am positive my answers are at least much better than your average person who believes in God would say and I know for sure I have my answers that are pretty much proof enough for me, maybe not for others but for me they are the only answers I can think of.

* Alot of people do not actually even know how easy it is to go to heaven by their own religion, I would bet most of you who believe in God do not realize how easy it is to go to heaven if its real. So easy that its almost as if your not changing much about your life. I think people also do not realize that there are tons of bibles, not all are the same, I think people do not realize that not all churches teach what the bible is actually saying, and I don't think most people realize that you can find pretty good evidence for a creator within science without the use of religion or a bible.

Its all about how you view life, I have had very strange things happen, call it lucky but if its luck than I am a lucky mother!!! At the end of the day, its up for everyone to decide on their own. I would always ask yourself, have you looked at both sides, did you get all the answers and questions, unfortunately everyone will have different information then the next person.

For example, I may know more about biology and someone might no more about chemistry.
Missing info and filled info is how people make up their conclusions on what the outcome is.

Eh, enough of my rambling, basically I was just saying, I don't get why someone would call you a non human, thats not in their religion to say you are a non human.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 27, 2014 4:06am | Report
Firraria wrote:

As an openly gay man, no, I won't be buying this. It sounds like a ploy to bring in more money, to be honest. That's not a bad thing, they're still spreading awareness about gay rights, and there's nothing inherently wrong with wanting to get money, but I just don't feel that it's necessary to bring things like this into the gaming world, especially in an already-toxic environment like Smite, where players latch onto whatever they can to insult one another. It just seems kind of misplaced.
If anything, I think it will bring more hatred towards gay people in the game. As if it's not enough that people constantly say "***" or "******," using this gay pride icon will open yourself up even more to these kinds of attacks.
I can imagine it now.... Oh gawd... the flame wars will begin.

Rofl, the real reason it looks like its for money is because its so random XD

Like where did they come up with this when creating the patch notes.. Rofllllll...

They basically where like this, now tell me what stands out...

Hebo skin = Check
***bha Skin = Check
Nerfs = CHeck
Buffs = Check
new items = check
Random Gay Pride Icon ploy for us to get more money and attract gay players to play our game = Check

^^ Notice that randomness :)

I guess Gay Pride support would have been more logically if I seen it on a link that Hi-Rez threw out, they could have said something like, if you want to support equal rights go to this link and donate to help something, ect.

Instead we have like topics that people argue over non stop brought into smite...

Basically what I was thinking was... dude... Hi-Rez... its a game.... I don't care if you are gay, strait, bi, animal lover, or alien kisser, I am here to play Smite not vote for the next president of a country or start new laws across the world...

Am I the only one who just thought it was just random? Thats the only word that can describe it, random.

Actually, my question is, why and what does this have to do with all of us playing smite together? its not like gay people were prevented from playing smite...

Nobody can really say someone says "***" because people also say "******" which would mean black people would then say they quit smite, then people also say "*****" so I guess women will stop playing, ect.

I see bad things coming with this

5 Gay Pride Icon Team Vs no Gay Pride Icon Team

Look how Hi-Rez is dividing people based on teams who have the symbol, its already looking like it can turn out looking f'd up.

To me it seems like the gay pride thing will only make people use more "***" ect, in the chat.

I think Hi-Rez did this because I seen a few threads where people didn't like that people were saying "******".

I guess it would be understandable if they were being called a ****** directly, but even then you could mute the person and report them.

The only thing I don't get is, why some people cannot understand that "******" is almost 90% used towards the game. If Thor kills my team mate and my team mate types "****** Thor", I assume he means thor is a little ***** who killed him not, thor is a damn **** I don't want him to have equal rights!!!

Lol, Its like people who call Janus a "***********er" when he one shots them with his ult. Now some people who **** moms might take it offensive and think they are talking about real ***********ers, but we all know most people just ment it as he was a ****er for killing him.


Hi-Rez is Love , Hi-Rez is Life, now open dat wallet for dat icon XD


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MadDanny » September 27, 2014 4:11am | Report
HolyPudding wrote:

I was born through "in vitro fertilisation" (IVF), meaning I was fertilised externally and according to the catholic church I am "a commodity produced in a laboratory" and not a person because my parents happen to have had fertility problems. And because my birth was different, I would not be considered "sacred". My name means gift of god for ****'s sake!

Those kind of people are extremist. The ones who don't "Live" in modern times. But right now most Catholics are open now. I'm at least glad that is changing in the world. In 10 years people like that wont or barely exist anymore.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » September 27, 2014 4:24am | Report
MadDanny wrote:

Those kind of people are extremist. The ones who don't "Live" in modern times. But right now most Catholics are open now. I'm at least glad that is changing in the world. In 10 years people like that wont or barely exist anymore.
Well also remember, those old people ain't as smart as we are today, I'm pretty sure if you asked most old people what the big bang was, they would say "Is that the thing that my dad did to my mom" ?

Basically, I can never have a legit good talk about God/Science/Bible/ect unless its on the internet or youtube. Most people in my family surely don't get into it and your average person doesn't watch people debate the issue.

I like to watch people argue over it because its entertaining and I learn stuff. I don't understand how people don't find it interesting, after all didn't you ever wonder how you just came from a little skeet?

Lookie, there is my children on the towel, that was once me!

I don't really get butthurt what someone believes, I am more into it because I learn something usually out of it.

Lets say someone said, God isn't real because 2 + 2 = 4.

I may not agree with them... but at least I know that 2 + 2 = 4 now.

Either way i will come out with something learned, thats why I like it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by festive1 » September 27, 2014 6:42am | Report
Firraria, thank you for summing up my feelings perfectly, if Hi Rez wants to show their support for the GLBTI community, there are better ways to do this.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FerrumSlash » September 27, 2014 6:58am | Report
ICEN wrote:

In fact people will probably just troll you and make fun of you for the icon alone.

This may be true, but still, it is up to the players whether to buy the icon or not.

People who buy the icon, after all, should know that they would receive that kind of treatment, and of course i expect them to be willing to take that risk when they use that icon (not that i'm a homophobe of sorts).

Point is, it is up to the players whether they use the icon or not, whether they'll buy it or not.

(And, let's try to steer clear from religious talks >_<)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by dacoqrs » September 27, 2014 7:28am | Report
I don't really see the big deal.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 27, 2014 7:39am | Report
Eh, you can show support for a sexuality without being it, so no one is being biased. Gay Pride Parades and things of the support aren't specific to gay people, everyone can attend. It shows support for their equality. Thus, I don't find a problem with the flag.

Plus it's not even like it's a skin, it's an icon you never have to really deal with if it offends you.

At the end of the day, it's irrelevant to me as Smite is concerned, but I appreciate its existence.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » September 27, 2014 7:54am | Report
Blame the guilt-tripping SJWs who make people feel like they gotta feel sorry for everyone that has ever been mistreated when most of them could really care less about your apologies.

All I got to say about this.
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