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Forum » General Discussion » smurfs 54 posts - page 1 of 6
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » May 10, 2019 7:50am | Report
I am just bringing this up because I just didn't realize, even for maybe only a half way decent player..just the exact amount of difference there is between them and beginning players. I have been having a kind of ongoing discussion on how I was going to use my wife's account to get practice in with situational building since I have a vanilla tanking build on Bellona that works pretty well for me on my account and I didn't want to mess up my matches too much.

Bellona, just working strictly tank builds I had done a couple of matches and had decent tanky stats, not flashy at all, just getting in the practice with situational building. 4/4/22 3/2/21, not that it matters too much since that low a lot of times since they are building way crazy. I had been thinking i'd practice situational building on my characters I use that need it and try out new characters or ones I hadn't touched much not really thinking much of it. I had already kind of leaned more towards what Bran was suggesting I do by only working on that stuff with characters i'm halfway decent with already on my normal account but still trying out new ones on my wife's account.

I have seen how smurf accounts can be pretty bad for new players. I am not planning on making a long extended run with any character now after running Bakasura 4 or 5 matches on the other account because of how they turned out. I am not up where a lot of you are but there are some really competitive players at my levels at times, between all of the unskilled players and what not. A lot of times trying a new character you get blown up too quickly to get the information you need. I will probably just mastery 1 or 2 just for the practice but
I feel sorry for any new people that get thrown in against smurf accounts a lot.

The worst I did with Bakasura, a character I have not even been very good with yet(pretty much horrible), was 12/0/14 and my last match was 31/1/don't remember the assists, the other 2 were close to 30 kills. I really didn't think the experience and knowledge I have of the game thus far would make THAT much of a difference with how badly I had played him but I guess I was wrong. If it wasn't for not really liking ai opponents to learn and hearing ai on this game is pretty vanilla I would just see about doing that, but I did learn some good information.

I had one match where I wasn't having any problems except with an artemis. The only reason I bring it up is usually I get blown up by multiple characters quickly and don't really think about everything that went into me dying because i'm blown up by multiple people, even when trying to be careful. She was building crit and slagging me fast. I replaced the asi in my build and put in spectral armor and no more problems aside from my own aggressiveness. I also had time to get escaping and engaging and all that mess down better. Time will tell if it has helped me for my regular account but I feel like being able to play him more up to his potential has given me a lot of good information because while I know I can't necessarily run free at my level I have a blue print that I have seen work. it just requires more prudence.

I hope that no one has taken this as me trying be all braggadocio, I just really also see probably why bran was strongly urging me to work on things from my own account. There are probably already too many people just making new accounts and getting into matches to wreck new players just because they can.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » May 10, 2019 9:16am | Report
Well I think you're going to be slightly dissapointed when you seitch back to try it on your main account.

The skill cap is just too huge almost so huge I would say go vs hard bots so you can practise at least something. Or you need to be put against smurfs.

I still don't get the type of people that make a smurf to just pwn some noobs. Not saying you did it (well technically you did pwn them however not as main reason).

So don't be too surprised when you end up getting as smashed as you did to the new people. Unless your smurf is calibrated in the right elo it will be less different.

Still think you should just drop the account and just stay with your own account. (And don't give a damn about the stat screen).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » May 10, 2019 10:45am | Report
Or you could get to level 30 and play ranked, since playing casual takes forever to get put against decent opponents. Also stop playing on your smurf, the players are likely going to be so bad they're worse than bots.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 10, 2019 12:05pm | Report
@Dev, from the conversations and everything, I can pretty much guarantee Silent's purpose is not to own noobs at all.

And I think it functions to add my own experiences to this conversation in reference to my recent alt-account use. For that, I'll reference my recent match history and go into a bit more depth on specific games.

I mentioned in one of Silent's other posts that I've been using my alt for 2 purposes...1) helping newer players by not screwing up matchups too much, and 2) getting more familiar with Conquest situations, especially in roles I don't typically play. For this 2nd point in particular, it's 100% not about owning noobs, and for my normal matchmaking, also want things to be more forgiving so I'm not screwing whoever is on my team.

Now, this account is level 17. I expect to go against newer players and/or smurfs, obviously. From my experience, I can absolutely confirm a different level of play than my regular account. In most cases, when I've gone Jungle, for example, the mid has known to help me clear the speed buff...but even with constant pings when I clear the blue, it's hit or miss if my Solo laner even pays attention.

The level of comp is also difficult to judge overall. An look at the builds, combined with my subjective experience in that specific match, is probably required to evaluate the actual level of competition. One example of a likely smurf is this person who I played against in this match, and who not only played Merlin (who is still quite OP in general), but his build was spot on as well.

So, just to note what I've been doing, I've mostly been playing Conquest solo-queue. I have 8 played Conq games in the past 5 days...I do this when no one is online for me to play with on my normal account. I've been switching my role preference between Mid, Solo, and Jungle (as stated in other places, my strong comfort zone is ADC and Support).


Outside of this referenced game, I'd say I'm mostly comfortable with mages in general. Matchups are going to be an issue that I need to learn to a higher degree. Anyway, I only played this one game in Mid using Discordia, and I completely dominated (16/3/2, but still lost cuz the Kali rage-quit, the Horus was atrocious, and the Chang'e even spammed "VVT VER" to me since I took my own red buff and didn't let her have it, LOL). After that one, I backed out of queuing for Mid...this was one case where I felt it would be highly likely I would just dominate lower level competition unless I played something stupid like Horus mid, and that's not helping my own gameplay any.


So in a somewhat recent game in Solo on my main account, I feel I sort of held my own against streamer LermyWermy and her crew for a short while, before the rest of my team got overrun and it carried over into my lane. Not saying it's not partially my fault too, mind.

But overall, I am just not very comfortable, especially in the laning phase. Exchanges and whatnot...I feel okay, but again, not that comfortable. Hence why I also queue Solo on the alt.

Solo Nike

Solo Bellona


Now here's where I'm least comfortable. I know the general rotations, obviously, but that doesn't stop me from making stupid mistakes, or not playing gods I'm less familiar with well.

2 Ratatoskr matches


In essence, in applying these thoughts to Silent, I think as long as he's targeting improving his biggest weaknesses, and since in a way he's still learning to be a consistent player in general, playing on an alt account can be okay...just, it shouldn't be for saving his KDA/record or for experimenting with builds on gods he's comfortable enough with.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » May 10, 2019 12:24pm | Report
Devampi wrote:

Well I think you're going to be slightly dissapointed when you seitch back to try it on your main account.

The skill cap is just too huge almost so huge I would say go vs hard bots so you can practise at least something. Or you need to be put against smurfs.

I still don't get the type of people that make a smurf to just pwn some noobs. Not saying you did it (well technically you did pwn them however not as main reason).

So don't be too surprised when you end up getting as smashed as you did to the new people. Unless your smurf is calibrated in the right elo it will be less different.

Still think you should just drop the account and just stay with your own account. (And don't give a damn about the stat screen).

I won't be disappointed at all. I never made any claims that I felt like I could own people now on my regular account. the only statements I made were that I saw the kind of potential that Bakasura has. I realize I personally may(probably lol) never reach that potential, but I am pretty sure there are players occasionally at each level that will have those kind of matches here and there. It isn't the norm and you can't expect it no matter how well you play because despite all the bad players there are plenty of good players too.

The only statements I made in relation to it were that I earned some things I have not been able to because a lot of the times the other teams seem to know there stuff when I am on Bakasura and I get blown up a lot. When you are getting blown up often, can you still learn things, sure you can but there are things that can definitely be missed out on experience wise. I made statements that time will tell if the experience will help me but I felt like it would and that I would need to be more prudent to even have any level of success with him. I don't expect to become a world beater with him by any means, and there will be plenty of growing pains. It is one thing to be told or read how to do something but it is entirely another to be able to gain experience. Being able to see how he should be able to work if played correctly definitely helps even if the level of caution at my regular level is going to be a lot higher.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » May 10, 2019 12:42pm | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Or you could get to level 30 and play ranked, since playing casual takes forever to get put against decent opponents. Also stop playing on your smurf, the players are likely going to be so bad they're worse than bots.

I think I might take your first suggestion. I would probably start with joust again there since I have not done any of that since I was way noobier(I know, great technical jargon). I think I am a galaxy far, far away from getting into conquest...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » May 10, 2019 4:04pm | Report
I just wanna say that I agree with you Silent.

I have a smurf account (x ratatoskr z) to send gifts for myself and when I had to play my matches were stomp or be stomped. People doing a lot of non-sense things and sometimes my knowledge saved us, sometimes not. Well, or I was carrying or we were losing.

In lol I am the noob so I can say: You are right. I gave up playing blind pick there (awful people using OP characters all the time) and even other pvp modes. A lot of rage with you, that you don't know how to play and are feeding (what?), Plus, everyone you got in lane stomps you because he is a 140 in a 15 account level. So I almost totally gave up playing lol due these smurfs.

So my opinion is: the one who creates smurf accounts just to kill noobs is even more noob than them and is pure bag of trash that should suffer with a slow and painful death.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » May 10, 2019 4:21pm | Report
Am I the only one here who doesn't have a Smurf account?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SkyPirateShini » May 10, 2019 4:32pm | Report
Yes. Yes you are


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » May 11, 2019 4:50am | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

Am I the only one here who doesn't have a Smurf account?

Get with the times :P


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