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The QQ Thread of Gods!

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Forum » General Discussion » The QQ Thread of Gods! 552 posts - page 16 of 56
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by muas » March 7, 2014 1:19pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:


I actually kinda agree with minion here since it is in the GMOTD often, i really like(d) domination but alot of the times people dont understand the sand gaurdians and attack them when there is no one else around meaning they either die to the gaurdian or to an enemy god.

Another reason they got rid of it is because it doesnt require more than a farmer and a iniator to win: someone farms the one gaurdian people often get in the beginning and the rest takes mid.
After that its just defend and nothing else meaning it doesnt require alot of skill or self control: in cq you have alot of thing you need to consider before doing things, in joust a bit less but farming is still important and is in arena but domination had no good meta, as in what to do in what situation which led to alot of people being confused.

EDIT: this wasnt really about gods or whatever but i guess it was kinda relevant
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » March 7, 2014 6:10pm | Report
HollowsEdge wrote:

After putting up with **** 300+ ping for the last 4 or 5 months I am now after the agni patch experiencing the famed fps issues in which my fps drops from 120fps to below 30fps that makes the game skip and jump from frame to frame even on the main menu this happens!

This should not be happening with my rig so great job hi-rez this game is now officially unplayable for me!

Oh my. I would love to play at a constant 30fps. I'll trade computers with you! I will run 30 fps in the solo lane with nothing going on. In a teamfight I run anywhere from 1-9. I still have roughly a 50% w/l and a 1kd on average. You can handle it my friend.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » March 8, 2014 6:04am | Report
Chiulin wrote:

Oh my. I would love to play at a constant 30fps. I'll trade computers with you! I will run 30 fps in the solo lane with nothing going on. In a teamfight I run anywhere from 1-9. I still have roughly a 50% w/l and a 1kd on average. You can handle it my friend.

How can you even play with that? xD

Got to be sooooo much lag, I get frustrated when I get under 60 haha

But I guess if you are used to it, it is a lot easier to play with (just as someone with a constant 150 ping can play good on that, but if someone who is used to 30 that would be pretty unplayable) :P
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Chiulin » March 8, 2014 7:44am | Report

How can you even play with that? xD

Got to be sooooo much lag, I get frustrated when I get under 60 haha

But I guess if you are used to it, it is a lot easier to play with (just as someone with a constant 150 ping can play good on that, but if someone who is used to 30 that would be pretty unplayable) :P

I'm so used to it that when I played on a comp that ran 60+ constantly. I literally couldn't aim. I would try to compensate for the lag, but there was just no lag there. It made me really mad... I can see how people would hate playing with lag though.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Romanians » March 9, 2014 11:35am | Report
Man, I really don't understand how this freaking matchmaking works. So this whole week was like a dream in terms of players in my team. I got matched with really good players and I've enjoyed Smite more than ever before.

But yesterday it all went downhill, I've had a hard time winning 3v3 because of... I don't even know how to call them.. players that should really quit this game or stick to bot games.

So today I've tried switching back to NA after 4 months on EU. Yeah... 1st timer Nemesis over feeding... moronic Ymir... meditation Tyr... golden bow Artemis... tank Scylla... + Bonus Mexicans or whatever spamming GG and XAXA and JAJAJA over and OVER again. OH GOD!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Fzkk » March 12, 2014 3:43am | Report
1) The matchmaking system - Dont even try to play in the mornings,i got teamed up with lvl 1-5s with 0 masteries while i am lvl 21, most of them having their first or second game of all time.
2) The shop - Do you seriously gotta update the items and items placement in the shop after every week? Annoying.
3) The reports dont work really well, I mean if person leaves the game he should get a real punishment not just a 30min timeout.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » March 17, 2014 2:14pm | Report
Soooo.... This had me just... Raging? WTFing? Idk really but here it is:
So I got into this conquest match, I called jungle, someone else called mid and another guy called solo. So I'm like: "Ok so .... and .... are duo then." This guy picks Zeus and the other guy picks a support. We're all like "Ok, so where are you going then? You want mid?" No answer. "You want jungle" No answer!
Then when I arrived at red buff, I see Zeus doing nothing and I check to see if he has bought any items. Turns out he bought TELEPORT TO GODS AS A FIRST ITEM. Yeah. TELEPORT TO F**KING GODS. So I'm like "Well we're f-d". Then he goes to base and buys mail of renewal. MAIL OF F**KING RENEWAL IN MID AS A FIRST ITEM!!!!!!! And then I realised this was a troll and I was just raging at the matchaking and the Zeus.

So please. PLEASE. If you are trying a new build TELL ME. And if you're trolling, it will make people rage more if you say like "lol" and stuff. I wasn't even sure if he was trolling because he didn't say anything.

Now THIS....THIS makes me want to throw my computer out of the window and throw a million bricks on it. It's very simple:
I'm at like 40 ping, my usual, maybe 50 and SUDDENLY everybody just keeps walking straight. Into a wall, down a lane, and then: BOOM I'M DEAD. Or BOOM I'M AT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MAP. Or the worst: IT DOESN'T STOP AND I HAVE TO RESTART THE WHOLE F**KING GAME. If this is early game I can really fall behind, which ruins the game for me.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Fzkk » March 17, 2014 2:22pm | Report
why people so carbage at this game?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mitashkii » March 19, 2014 9:25am | Report
Matchmaking which is really bad is more or less still "ok". But seriosly what irritates me most about this game is having leavers and afkers which are not punished enough.

I mean i met the same stupid quiter 3 times in the last 2 days... Those people who leave should be punished by letting them play with other quiters. If they ruin the game than let them play with their own kind.

Along with leavers the most irritating part is having to wait for 6-8 minutes of slaughter before you can even surrender.

And on top of all this its ofcourse counted as a loss in your statistics.

They should really either fix the matchmaking or the issue with having quiter every second game.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tea100 » March 19, 2014 9:39am | Report
Matchmaking is ****... As lvl 24 with 12 masteries and similar (or worse) teammates I am put against people with 40+ masteries... Loosing arena 400-0 is not fun at all... Same thing when you crash in lobby and get a deserter...


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