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This is unfair.

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Forum » General Discussion » This is unfair. 14 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 23, 2013 11:29pm | Report

I still don't see how this is necroing. The forums move incredibly slowly here - 22 days ago this thread would either still have been on the front page, or the very top of the second one.

And in those 22 days, matchmaking still problems still haven't been touched. I don't see the point in creating a new thread when one already exists with the same topic and is not outdated.

Look people have stopped commenting on this for Longer than a week and didn't have anything to add to the discusion than it's necroing and it's annoying so Please stop doing it.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by M4XiiMUS » July 24, 2013 12:03am | Report
And this is me doing, I looked at the dates of other posts, this would have been at least on the second page.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » July 24, 2013 4:48pm | Report
All4Games wrote:

Look people have stopped commenting on this for Longer than a week and didn't have anything to add to the discusion than it's necroing and it's annoying so Please stop doing it.

The person who "necro'd" the post did indeed add something to this thread: agreement that matchmaking is terrible with an example included. I'd understand if the situation had changed or if there was a newer thread with the same topic, but that's not the case; matchmaking is still terrible and this is the most recent thread on that topic.

M4XiiMUS wrote:

And this is me doing, I looked at the dates of other posts, this would have been at least on the second page.

The date of the latest post prior to "the necro-er's" response was 22 days beforehand. That would have put it at most on the second page, and if so, it would've been near the very top.

While a 22 day delay in a reply might seem long, it's a relatively short time frame considering how slowly this forum moves. I swear, if you guys yelled "necro" to a thread 7 days old, that would be annoying; a post that recent wouldn't even be halfway down the first page!

Well, now I feel like I'm just trolling and not adding to the discussion, so I'll add an anecdote as well:

The past five games I have played, NONE of the enemy team was level 30. Wins aren't as fun when there's no danger of losing - I need to be grouped with and against other level 30's.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Piederman » July 24, 2013 5:07pm | Report
You can play with anyone no matter what level they are, this has been working for months now. It used to be a required level in order to play together, not entirely sure what level it was though, 5 or 6?


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