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Thoughts on Possible Cross-Platform Play?

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Forum » General Discussion » Thoughts on Possible Cross-Platform Play? 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiabolicNutria » October 17, 2018 6:33am | Report
Hey everyone, I was browsing through smite news to try and read about different patch notes when I came across this:

Most of it is just talking about the steam linking process but in there it also says that cross-platform play is something that is being looked into for the future. When I first started playing Smite I played on the PS4 and the idea of cross-platform play was really exciting because it means I'm not limited to only playing with friends who play on the PS4. Not only that but it also means you're less likely to queue multiple times for a match due to the matchmaking not being able to find you a match since there will be more people queuing around you level.

So I originally thought that this would be a great thing to implement but after playing PC I'm seriously reconsidering. Yes all the pros above will still apply but what I've noticed from playing PC is that there is a certain amount of control and precision that you have with a mouse on PC that you can never quite reach on PS4. You can practice and get really fast and accurate with the PS4 but from my experience it will never match the PC.

Did I read the report wrong? Will there be something implemented to level the playing field (if that's even possible)? Just wanted to know your thoughts and see if you had any more insight. From my point of view this will potentially be a nightmare for console players if facing a bunch of PC players.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » October 17, 2018 6:42am | Report
I personally don’t mind as it provides a greater challenge and it weeds out the weaker players. It is a bit unfair for ADC characters but otherwise this is a great thing and will hopefully reduce queue times. Besides console is 60fps at the moment so playing with PC should be somewhat ok (yes there I know there is 100+ FPS on some PC players machines)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiabolicNutria » October 17, 2018 7:01am | Report
I guess it's just something we'll have to see for ourselves. I agree that it makes for a greater challenge and weeds out weaker players as well as reduces queue time (I don't see why it wouldn't reduce queue times) so from a general standpoint cross-platform play is probably a good thing overall. Might just be something to get used to.

And now that I think about it, the edge PC might have in terms of control might not make a huge difference once weaker players have been weeded out as you said. By that I mean that a good console player, even if they don't have the control of a PC, won't be at a huge disadvantage because that extra control isn't necessarily needed unless you're you're just running in guns blazing without a plan. It might force console players to change how they play a bit but I'm starting to think that proper positioning and reading situations better will be what makes the playing field a bit more even and decide matches because really, no matter how much control and precision you have, it won't make up for dumb moves.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » October 17, 2018 7:12am | Report
Let’s just say you wouldn’t want your ADC to be a console player instead of a PC player. Otherwise, I don’t see too much difference. Medusa ult is also easy to avoid on console if you turn your sensitivity up.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » October 17, 2018 7:17am | Report
They should do just like Microsoft did when they put cross-play on Forza Horizon 3: An option to enable or disable cross-play.

Yes, Keyboard and Mouse have more precision and ADCs on console will be in a serious problem, but, except by this point, I don't see so much difference and I think this cross-play can work well.

They should just upgrade the Aim Assist for basic attacks on consoles and everything will be fine.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiabolicNutria » October 17, 2018 9:01am | Report
xmysterionz wrote:

They should do just like Microsoft did when they put cross-play on Forza Horizon 3: An option to enable or disable cross-play.

I think this would be a nice option to have. Not a big deal if it isn't there but still, it'd be nice.

Also Kriega, out of curiousity what do you have your sensitivity set to for console? (Thought you played on xbox sometimes). Mine is 12 and 12 I think but not sure, haven't played on PS4 for awhile now.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 17, 2018 10:33am | Report
Kriega plays on PS4 mostly, I believe.

Cross-play is intriguing. This would be very nice, allowing me to play on my preferred machine of choice, while being able to potentially play with some of my PS4 friends (newbiemj, time2medicate, tlaloc).

I can guarantee that I can hit my skill-shots WAAAAAY better on PC than console. I'm absolutely horrid with a controller in my hand. I can't imagine playing on PS4 with a Dualshock against PC players.

For XBox, one thing that might close the gap in control options is THIS, if they enable it for the game.

But I don't think PS4 is going to have the same support. Sure, Sony seems like they're possibly going to open some games up (it's so nice of them to have "figured out" how to do this, lol). I have doubts they'll implement the same keyboard/mouse support, though...maybe they'll have to follow in Microsoft's footsteps. I had looked into this PS4 product, but they'll need to open full support for keyboard and mouse in SMITE for this to be a reasonable venture for that console. Reason? This:

"Officially Licensed by Sony. The TAC Pro emulates DualShock analog input and as such will not respond as a 1:1 mouse on games that do not support native mouse input." This was the biggest reason (other than price) why I didn't consider this product in the end. Basically, mouse input is pretending to be different levels of analog input. Awkward sounding, isn't it?

One big thing here is that XBox has competitive league, and PS4 doesn't. That's meant XBox SMITE has a way stronger player base than PS4. Cross-platform between the two consoles might really help the PS4 scene.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by newbiemj » October 17, 2018 10:35am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

I can guarantee that I can hit my skill-shots WAAAAAY better on PC than console.

Yeah I am sure you are haha

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 17, 2018 10:36am | Report
Whatever, lurker.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by newbiemj » October 17, 2018 10:39am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Whatever, lurker.

Bahahahah....yeah I know.

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