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newbiemj's Blog
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August 03, 2017

One of my hardest Clash matches

Views: 2293 newbiemj
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Last night, I played one of my toughest Clash matches to my recollection. It lasted 52 minutes!!!! We were facing 5 Diamond gods and they were a party of 3 and a party of 2. We were all solo queue and I was the only Diamond with Skadion my team.
Match stats are here if you care.

We somehow managed to pull out the win. I died way to many times, but had solid damage and did a bunch of tower damage. I changed my build several times because of all the CC the enemy team had. I got chained so many times that it became increasingly frustrating and we almost surrendered numerous times. My original build was my normal. Transcendence Warrior Tabi Asi Qin's Sais Titan's Bane then Magi's blessing. I usually wouldn't get Magi and would get Shifter's Shield or The Crusherinstead but I was getting CC'ed to much that I couldn't keep up with Purification always on Cooldown it seemed. So I decided to mix and match.

Late game, I felt like I still wasn't doing much because I could not do any dama…
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June 01, 2017

1 year here

Views: 2830 newbiemj
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So looking at my profile and it says I joined here on June 1st which is today oddly enough. So I guess happy 1 year to me. Wouldn't normally share this kind of stuff, but I was bored and thought why not.

I met some pretty cool people here. Play with Bran and Gotz on the weekend if online, which helps since for about 9 months I played solo queue which can make things difficult. Participating on here is fun, and over time I have gotten better at making guides....or so I think (wouldn't know by votes haha). Hopefully next year I will be posting happy 2nd year to me.

Other than that.... yeah I got nothing else.

So I guess good luck and have fun.

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March 30, 2017
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I am curious on what constitutes a good game for everyone? Do you just care about the win? Or your K:D:A? Or your damage (structure or player)? Does it vary depending on your god role?

Ultimately, like most people I am assuming, I care just about the win, but it never feels good playing absolutely terrible and still winning. When I am on the losing side though, that is when I start looking at other things like player or structure damage. Or if I was support role, how much damage I took and mitigated.

I am guessing that some people just care about their K:D:A which brings me to my next question. What do you think is a good K:D ratio? 1:1? 2:1? What would be an average K:D match for people?
Obviously, it would vary on God role, Support should have least amount of kills compared to other roles, I would say at least a 1:1 ratio would be average.. a good game depending maybe 2:1 and an excellent game 3:1 or so.

Just curious on what everyone thinks

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