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Create -A-God(dess) Results of July 1rst! Congratulations!

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Create -A-God(dess) Results of July 1rst! Congratulations! 93 posts - page 6 of 10
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » July 2, 2014 2:49am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Nice Shakesphere references, Firraria.

YES! someone got the reference :)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MontyPylon » July 2, 2014 2:49am | Report
Subzero008 I know you care about what people think of you...but let me discard the hatchet right here...we don't care about you opinion


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » July 2, 2014 2:50am | Report
Wow. Just.... ****ing wow.
Are you **********ing kidding me fatality. How in ****s name can you be so. ****ing. selfish.
This competition is from Aphnex. HE ****ING MADE IT. HE EVEN INCLUDED PRIZES. And you go crying like an immature baby BECAUSE YOU LOST!?!?! What in the actual **** is wrong with you people. Jorden didn't include lore? Well why don't you look it up on ****ing google. All you did fatality, was copy paste. I can do that too. You didn't put any more effort in your idead than Jorden did.
I can't ****ing believe how you can do this. Fatality you got way too excited over your own god idea, you even thought Hi-Rez might put it in the game if they looked on SMF.

Every one of you who complained make me sick. I thought of all of them, you Fatality would be the most mature. Apparently I was wrong. If you want the ****ing gems buy them.



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FaTaLiTyFiReFly » July 2, 2014 2:50am | Report
Sub I don't think you're opinion should count as you and aphnex are both friends/ have a relationship I wouldn't know myself.

I repsect that you have been here longer but I honestly think I have more life experience than you have. The fact that you are so active on forums justifies this. Not to offend though.

Could we get an opinion from a respective member that won't just flat out favour pika?

Is this too much to ask?
why does wukong look so much different now?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » July 2, 2014 2:51am | Report

Ok so all4... I asked him nicely if he might have overlooked something?

He replied hostily and had what was coming.

Let's all calm down. The problem - 2nd place didn't deserve its place.

Can you agree or disagree with a decent reason?

Ill be honest I was really mad that the competition was extended for a day,in other words he had an entire day extra to judge properly and then I come online and find that I have been robbed of my gems by an incomplete OP post that does not deserve to win at all.

So all rage aside. Let's be proper about this? Shall we?

I will state my problem maturely:
My and many other opinions (which aren't alt's I have them on my friendslist and we all followed the competition together commenting on the various posts and suggesting balance that I would post)

All of them were also confused at how that post had aquired 2nd place, kick me out but at least rejudge, some of the other guys deserve to win. There are AWESOME ideas that lost to this thing.

I can be arogant if I know my idea is better than that one.

Offense fully intended, but you're being a little ***** right now.

Okay, how convenient, they're all your friends. People like you aren't likely to have a lot of friends, although some kind of circle-jerkfest of *******s might be possible.

Anyway. "I know my idea is better than that one." Okay, firstly, go **** yourself with a vacuum cleaner, because that was the most arrogant statement I have ever heard in a while.

Second, what makes your opinion more valid than Aphenx's? Or Firraria's? Or All4's? Or mine? I, to be perfectly honest, am probably the most experienced MOBA player on this side of the forums. What makes your opinion more valid than mine? Hmm?

And're disregarding my opinion by automatically assuming it's invalid due to me agreeing with Aphnex...such logic. I guess every opinion that doesn't happen to agree with your own is invalid, right?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » July 2, 2014 2:51am | Report
MontyPylon wrote:

Subzero008 I know you care about what people think of you...but let me discard the hatchet right here...we don't care about you opinion

We, as in you and the rotating cast of nobodies that the at least halfway-likable members of Smitefire give not a single **** about? Oh dear.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 2, 2014 2:51am | Report
montypylon. if we remotely cared what people think of us we would have been sucking up to you guys. instead we defend a friend who is getting assaulted by the 4 of you.

your* not you. problem?
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » July 2, 2014 2:52am | Report

Sub I don't think you're opinion should count as you and aphnex are both friends/ have a relationship I wouldn't know myself.

I repsect that you have been here longer but I honestly think I have more life experience than you have. The fact that you are so active on forums justifies this. Not to offend though.

Could we get an opinion from a respective member that won't just flat out favour pika?

Is this too much to ask?

ROFL. HAHAHAHA. "more life experience" Dude... Just.... Made me lol so hard.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by MontyPylon » July 2, 2014 2:53am | Report
subzero-There is no reason to swear. Atleast TRY to handle this like your older that 12


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » July 2, 2014 2:55am | Report

Sub I don't think you're opinion should count as you and aphnex are both friends/ have a relationship I wouldn't know myself.

I repsect that you have been here longer but I honestly think I have more life experience than you have. The fact that you are so active on forums justifies this. Not to offend though.

Could we get an opinion from a respective member that won't just flat out favour pika?

Is this too much to ask?

I already gave you one. I barely even know Aphnex and Subzero. But please, do away with my opinion, it would be the proverbial crack in your childishly amusing posts.


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