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How about Ymir?

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » How about Ymir? 16 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by fane » August 11, 2014 7:41am | Report
Ymir is the oldest god in game without an update,not even a visual one.
I would like a total remake on him,new abilities,still tanky or warrior-tank type as odin is now.And let's be serious,he looks like a big walking iceberg with red eyes and a frozen club....and fat :c.
Hirez should make an emergency update on him,if not a remake of look and upgraded/modified abilities at least a visual update is a "must.I would change his passive,and his 1st ability,don't see them to usefull.
What are your thoughts about it people? he is the oldest god without no kind of update,him being one of the first four gods brought at the start of the game.Please hirez say someting!:D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by fane » August 11, 2014 9:50am | Report
maybe this is how ymir should look as a father of the frost giants:


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » August 11, 2014 10:14am | Report
Ymir is one of the few faces of SMITE including Thor, Neith, Ra, and Fenrir. I'm down with changing his abilities because he does not fit a guardian at all while being too stronk imo but I doubt Hi-Rez will change him soon if ever. And a visual rework might be in place.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kalafalafakah » August 11, 2014 1:34pm | Report
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! *Wails and sobs pathetically* I love Ymir his playstyle is nice and simple while allowing a few more skillful plays.

The cc from his freeze is lovely (albeit a pain to go against), and his Glacial Strike slows the enemy and provides such solid damage. His initiation problems are fixed with Greater Blink (it also helps for escapes).

His ability Ice Wall is his best ability (even though it always gets leveled last) in my opinion. This ability secures kills, can peel, allows for daring escapes, can stop someone from backing while also cutting off their escape route, and can royally screw someone by allowing you to trap them between it, you and some other structure (whether it be an ally, a minion or a wall in the map or something).

His ult, Shards of Ice, can be quite helpful or simply underwhelming depending on when, how, and where it is used. It is largely a damage ability though... It can sort of be used to zone of enemies and make them choose a different direction but that's kinda iffy. Often it is used more for a quick bit of damage (through the use of early detonation) to secure a kill or lower the oppositions health for your ally to get the kill. I find the most effective way to use it is by freezing your enemy, walling off their main escape path and then attempting to largely pin them against the wall and start that sucker up. You're likely to get out better damage this way (unless they have aegis or they get help from an aphro ult...)

A graphical update could be nice though... I don't dislike the way he looks now but it could be better. ]Covering him in furs wouldn't make much sense though... He is made of ice. I would like for the legendary (this diamond skin thing I have hard about may look better, hopefully) and golden ones to change somehow (although that won't happen unless they update the original)... He just looks like a giant walking frozen block of urine in those skins. I generally end up running the Cacodemon skin anyway.

I do wish they would give him a new vp though... He sounds a little too dense and dull. I understand that's what they were going for but I don't even want the vp because he sounds so handicapped... A vp for cacodemon would also be cool but it would make no sense for them to release it considering it was a beta promotion.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SurvivorZombeh » August 11, 2014 3:02pm | Report
I do believe Ymir needs a bit of a touch up, I like his horns, and beard, pretty much his face, arms are ok, legs... decent but he is kind of fat. Plus his ice club is kind of... bleh, I would totally like to see some sort of Ice mace with spikes, or round bosses to make it a bit cooler, plus I think shoulder armor could do him some good, in perspective to his looks. Overall I would like some sort of remodel, just a little. His skills are decent though, his Frost Breath is very cool, same as his Glacial Strike. His wall is ok, I just use it to annoy friends or pester enemies though. Finally his ult is very good but easy to get out of, now their are gods with their own speed boosts or some other ult just to counter it, either that or puri beads or an aegis. So again I would love to see some sort of remodel, possibly like to new Zeus, just a little to make him good as new :D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by fane » August 11, 2014 10:23pm | Report
he needs a little polish :))


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » August 12, 2014 8:33am | Report
change his one no. his passive needs to be changed and also his 2 and ult (or his damage. he can do to much damage as tank)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » August 12, 2014 8:46am | Report
New model confirmed:


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by fane » August 12, 2014 9:15am | Report
he looks more friendly now :))


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kalafalafakah » August 12, 2014 11:11am | Report
Pentargonite wrote:

New model confirmed:

I would not mess with that. If I saw that in a dark alley I know I'd run the **** away. You can see the evil in his dark beady eyes and his mischievous grin...


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