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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Item Ideas 13 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » November 8, 2013 10:01am | Report
Samurai Discipline
Tier 1 - 750 Gold
7 Physical Power
10 Magical Protection
10 Physical Protection
3% Movement Speed

Tier 2 - 1630 Gold
15 Physical Power
20 Magical Protection
20 Physical Protection
6% Movement Speed

Tier 3 - 2680 Gold
20 Physical Power
25 Magical Protection
25 Physical Protection
8% Movement Speed
Aura - Increases the healing and health regneration of allies within 70 feet is increased by 15% (does not stack with Rod of Aclepius.)

Silver Arrows
Tier 1 - 650 Gold
10 Physical Power
5% Critical Strike Chance
3 Physical Penetration

Tier 2 - 1350 Gold
20 Physical Power
10% Critical Strike Chance
7 Physical Penetration

Tier 3 - 2700 Gold
30 Physical Power
15% Critical Strike Chance
10 Physical Penetration
Passive - Enemies hit by your basic attacks have all of their attributes redcued by 5.
(not 5%, but straight up 5, and all of the attributes, i.e CDR, physical power, MP5 etc. all of them)

Elemental Wand
Tier 1 - 600 Gold
25 Magical Power
6% Magical Lifesteal

Tier 2 - 1500 Gold
50 Magical Power
13% Magical Lifesteal

Tier 3 - 2600
75 Magical Power
20% Magical Lifesteal
Passive - Each Successful hit on an enemy grants you 5 Magical Penetration for 2 seconds (Max 4 stacks).

Sorcerer's Tome
Tier 1 - 600 Gold
10 MP5
100 Mana
5% Magical Lifesteal

Tier 2 - 1270 Gold
15 MP5
200 Mana
10% Magical Lifesteal

Tier 3 - 2120 Gold
20 MP5
300 Mana
15% Magical Lifesteal
Passive - Upon successful hit on an enemy god, steal 50% of their MP5 for 5 seconds (max 2 stacks). (Can only steal one god's MP5 at a time. If multiple enemies are hit at once, steal the MP5 from the god who has the most of it.)

Werwolf's Claw
Tier 1 - 700 Gold
12 Physical Power
7% Critical Strike Chance

Tier 2 - 1340 Gold
24 Physical Power
14% Critical Strike Chance

Tier 3 - 2350 Gold
35 Physical Power
20% Critical Strike Chance
Passive - Upon successful hits on enemy gods, steal 50% of their HP5 for 5 seconds (Max 2 stacks). (Can only steal one god's HP5 at a time. If multiple enemies are hit at once, steal the HP5 from the god who has the most of it.)

Amulet of Rebirth
Tier 1 - 750 Gold
10 HP5
5 MP5
5% cooldown reduction

Tier 2 - 1500 Gold
15 HP5
10 MP5
10% cooldown reduction

Tier 3 - 2250 Gold
20 HP5
15% cooldown reduction
15 MP5
Passive - Increases your protection by 25% of your MP5 and HP5.

More HP5 items are needed.

Dragons' Curse
Tier 1 - 820 Gold
20 Magical Protection
75 Health

Tier 2 - 1650
40 Magical Protection
200 Health

Tier 3 - 2400
65 Magical Protection
300 Health
Passive - Increase your Magical Power by 30% of your Magical Protection.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » November 12, 2013 10:15am | Report
Updated - added 2 items:
Amulet of Rebirth
Dragons' Curse.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » November 12, 2013 12:00pm | Report
Unholy Scabbard: Look, firstly, there is a reason why they aren't any "Everything in one" items in this game. Secondly, we already have such an item, and it's called Asi.

Forged Bracers and Totem of the Righteous: Come on, at least be original.

The Incinerator: Weird name, and too pricey for it's ****py effect. Also, Aura crit chance is stupid, especially on mages. (Crit polynomicon?)

Dragon's Curse: If this is like Ahnk of the Bear, why is it 40% instead of 30%? Other than that, it looks okay.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » November 18, 2013 6:10am | Report
Thanks for the criticism.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Swampmist1142 » November 18, 2013 7:07pm | Report
ok, the tome and claw need a time limit else they will kill basically everyone, especially herc. It would also be the best thing on herc because massive health regen. Also,elemental Wand is really only good on a god with lots of DoT, but it could work on Ao and Agni.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by UnknownPandr » November 18, 2013 7:15pm | Report
Werwolfs claw seems way too strong. :O


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BlueZam » November 18, 2013 7:34pm | Report
Op, op. Dragon's curse can snowball mid as a tank.....Good job. :P
Pimp slap that hoe


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » November 19, 2013 4:13am | Report
The Dragon's Curse seems pretty good to me, especially when you consider there are a lot less M.Def items than P.Def items.

I would offer more feedback, but I need sleep.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » November 19, 2013 7:32am | Report
As for Werwolf's Claw and Sorcerer's Tome, yes, there might be room for stacks. But first, as for Herc and his 3, I do not think that his healing is considered an HP5 as he gets his health constantly back. Now there is a time limit, if you haven't read, and it's that you steal the enemies' HP5 for 5 seconds. After the 5 seconds, the HP5 is restored. Likewise for the Tome. But, I will put stacks for them.
As for Dragon's Curse, Ankh of the Bear isn't OP, why would it be?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Swampmist1142 » November 19, 2013 5:04pm | Report
no, like, it needs a grace period were you can't do it, else you will combo everyone's HP5 away.


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