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[SubJuly] Batman, tha Dark Knight!

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » [SubJuly] Batman, tha Dark Knight! 43 posts - page 4 of 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » August 10, 2014 2:59am | Report
um penta you arent allowed to change it anymore... its to late for that
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » August 10, 2014 3:27am | Report
All4Games wrote:

um penta you arent allowed to change it anymore... its to late for that

Yeah oops, just saw that :3


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » August 10, 2014 4:19am | Report
Actually, you are. You have a week.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » August 10, 2014 4:59am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Actually, you are. You have a week.

Yaaay <3


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » August 16, 2014 1:45am | Report
Changed it again. Week's not over right?
Changed passive.
Added some more ranges.
Buffed ult damage a bit.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » August 16, 2014 2:43am | Report
Passive fits, although it does seem less-than-effective (5% DR is pretty much nothing; like, in any point in the game at all, it'll maybe help you live for about ONE more basic attack). How about this:

Deductive Analysis: Batman analyzes his enemies in combat, gaining a stack of Logic (max 10 stacks) every second he has vision of them (non map or ally vision) (per enemy basis, so you can have up to 50 stacks, put only 10 per god max). For each stack, Batman gains 2% damage reduction and his damage is increased by 2% for that enemy. Stacks last 3 seconds.

So basically, he gets potentially 20% DR and 20% increased damage to a target if he stalks them. This is good for dueling in the solo lane or jungle, as well as ganking someone if you see them before they see you. You can tweak it if you like.

Decoy is a little weird now - it summons a decoy AND stealths you for 3 seconds? I'd maybe change that to 2 seconds, just for the sake of not having another Loki, and maybe remove or buff the steroid, because right now it's about as useful as Vulcan's passive.

Also, the Sonic Sounder seems kinda weak because 2 seconds is a LONG time. Like, Ao's tornadoes is 0.5 seconds, while Time Rift is a second. (Also, do you mean 35 feet across, or 35 foot radius?) Also, in order to fix the huge burst of Revenge, why not redistribute damage to the Sonic Sounder? "The bats bite at and blind enemies inside the radius..." etc.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » August 16, 2014 3:29am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Passive fits, although it does seem less-than-effective (5% DR is pretty much nothing; like, in any point in the game at all, it'll maybe help you live for about ONE more basic attack). How about this:

Deductive Analysis: Batman analyzes his enemies in combat, gaining a stack of Logic (max 10 stacks) every second he has vision of them (non map or ally vision) (per enemy basis, so you can have up to 50 stacks, put only 10 per god max). For each stack, Batman gains 2% damage reduction and his damage is increased by 2% for that enemy. Stacks last 3 seconds.

So basically, he gets potentially 20% DR and 20% increased damage to a target if he stalks them. This is good for dueling in the solo lane or jungle, as well as ganking someone if you see them before they see you. You can tweak it if you like.

Ok, I'll look into it :)

Subzero008 wrote:

Decoy is a little weird now - it summons a decoy AND stealths you for 3 seconds? I'd maybe change that to 2 seconds, just for the sake of not having another Loki, and maybe remove or buff the steroid, because right now it's about as useful as Vulcan's passive.

What do you think if I change stealth to 2s and increase the slow to 25%?

Subzero008 wrote:

Also, the Sonic Sounder seems kinda weak because 2 seconds is a LONG time. Like, Ao's tornadoes is 0.5 seconds, while Time Rift is a second. (Also, do you mean 35 feet across, or 35 foot radius?) Also, in order to fix the huge burst of Revenge, why not redistribute damage to the Sonic Sounder? "The bats bite at and blind enemies inside the radius..." etc.

Well, I put it so long because it'll need some planning. But I see how long that actually is :P I'll decrease it to 1s.
Not sure what you mean by this, but it's as large as Circle Of Protection, Fear No Evil and No Escape. So 35 feet from middle to top and 70 from top to bottom.
And since you suggested it so many times I'll add some damage to the sonic sounder and nerf Revenge :P

Thanks for the feedback :D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » August 16, 2014 4:03am | Report
Changed passive, inspired by your passive sub.
Nerfed stealth on Decoy and buffed slow.
Buffed Sonic Sounder and added damage.
Nerfed Revenge (a lot)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » August 16, 2014 10:01am | Report
Uh, the slow is still 10%.

Other than that, this is pretty good now. His dash no longer deals Ao's ult's base damage. But I say the sonic sounder still needs a tweak - 35 feet radius is HUGE. Like, I'm not comfortable with an assassin getting that much AoE CC.

Maybe shorten the Sounder's radius to 20 feet at most, and buff its damage (Currently, he has 95% + 45% +100% scalings, kind of on the low side, and unlike gods like Loki, he can't really force an autoattack easily.)? Ah, and as a quality-of-life thing, you should put it that you can adjust the dash distance of Revenge. Think Sun Wukong's Dash, but you can select the distance rather than the type. This would make it much easier to hit with and clear with.

Mind clarifying the passive again? Like, after they take damage, they completely lose all stacks after 2 seconds?

Suggestion: I suggest reducing the base damage of Sonic Sounder to 10/15/20/25/30, but making it hit for 6 ticks, keeping the 15% scalings. That way, you would level Revenge for clearing, while Sonic Sounder would be your incentive to build power.

WHOOPS. I just realized that his Decoy is a bit overpowered. Like, it's a instant gap closer with huge range. I think it should be nerf to 20 feet range (where the decoy spawns), because between that and his Revenge, he should have Nem's level of mobility.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » August 16, 2014 11:03am | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Uh, the slow is still 10%.

Woops, fixed xD
Subzero008 wrote:

Other than that, this is pretty good now. His dash no longer deals Ao's ult's base damage. But I say the sonic sounder still needs a tweak - 35 feet radius is HUGE. Like, I'm not comfortable with an assassin getting that much AoE CC.

Maybe shorten the Sounder's radius to 20 feet at most, and buff its damage (Currently, he has 95% + 45% +100% scalings, kind of on the low side, and unlike gods like Loki, he can't really force an autoattack easily.)? Ah, and as a quality-of-life thing, you should put it that you can adjust the dash distance of Revenge. Think Sun Wukong's Dash, but you can select the distance rather than the type. This would make it much easier to hit with and clear with.

Ok, I kinda wanted to nerf it to 25 feet, but I'll trust your judgement and make it 20 :P
Also buffed the damage.
I don't really want to make it changeable, since 30 feet isn't long at all. And it's able to clear a whole wave (tested :P).
Subzero008 wrote:

Mind clarifying the passive again? Like, after they take damage, they completely lose all stacks after 2 seconds?

Changed 'tooltip error'.
Subzero008 wrote:

Suggestion: I suggest reducing the base damage of Sonic Sounder to 10/15/20/25/30, but making it hit for 6 ticks, keeping the 15% scalings. That way, you would level Revenge for clearing, while Sonic Sounder would be your incentive to build power.

Subzero008 wrote:

WHOOPS. I just realized that his Decoy is a bit overpowered. Like, it's a instant gap closer with huge range. I think it should be nerf to 20 feet range (where the decoy spawns), because between that and his Revenge, he should have Nem's level of mobility.

Tested with the line targeter, and 20 feet is very very short, so I made it 30 feet. It'll be another nemesis dash (which is kinda short).


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