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Excuse me, could you be a dove and...?

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Forum » Mentoring » Excuse me, could you be a dove and...? 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Blondie676 » May 2, 2018 3:07am | Report
Help me with my Aphrodite? There are certain things I haven't quite figured out when it comes to building her. I understand various modes call for different accessories, but I feel torn inside because I keep getting advice telling me not to invest in those Blue Boots because its a waste of money when you really need PEN instead. However, I also hear people calling the Purple boots a knockoff wanna-be Jimmy Choo and they say to invest in CDR.

I'm like UMM??? I'm just going to payless and getting some F-N sandals because I'm broke AF . So can you please tell me what I should invest in?

ALSO. Let's talk Thoth. Sometimes instead of my boots I will have that stupid fire thing (Mage's Blessing)and the beginning of my romance novel (LVL 1 BOOKOFTHOTH). Is this ok? I know in Conquest we should focus on Warlock's Sash so I'm not worried about that. I guess my main concern is for like Siege and Joust and Clash.

Can anyone help me or give me any tips on how to use her? I just want the messaging of people calling me a turkey...WHICH I"M NOT, BECAUSE THIS IS NOT stop.

And also what's wrong with being a turkey bird? Why is it such a bad thing to be a bird anyway? At least I can fly, and I feed people if they kill me....and I can go GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE. So come on guys...stop.


Also can you give me some tips on Khepri? I really like him but i'm not sure how to use him effectively. TBH I kinda just like that Cougar costume of his where he's dressed as that like 56 year old lady and she's getting of to Herc. LOL.

I would totally do that if I was a rich, old, suburban mom from like 1950.
xXxHmmOkxXx =GT
Teach me a thing or two, straight boy? ;]



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Tlaloc1050 » May 2, 2018 5:10am | Report
Wow you sound like Aphrodite if she found the internet. Lol.

Whether you build Shoes of the Magi or Shoes of Focus depends on your playstyle; what mode are you playing in? Are aiming to play supportively or as your own independent mage? This all depends. For advice on Aphrodite, a great person to go to would be Prism, who made an excellent guide on Aphrodite.

As for Thoth in a non-conquest gamemode, where you're sharing a lane with someone who isn't your support, I'd would personally recommend Book of Thoth because it has 75 stacks, compared to warlock's sash which has 100. This is because you're sharing lanes with teammates who'll make you even more broke AF.

As for Khepri, I just made a guide for him, you can check it out if you like or something ;-)
It's a bit unrefined however as of now no one has given me feedback because I literally just published the guide.

Good luck with not being called a turkey


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » May 2, 2018 7:05am | Report
Hey man,

I am not an Aphrodite main (I'm Cupid main, her son) but here are some tips.

Ignore stupid comments and focus on the comments that bring good opportunities to improve yourself with her. People usually give free rage.

About the shoes, I like so much Shoes of Focus than Shoes of the Magi. Gives more stats in early game and I do other pen items, but there is no way to say Magi is better or Focus is better. It depends your play style, and in my play style (cooldown and power), Focus fits better.

Book of Thoth is a nice item to her making you more sustain with your mana, and consequently in HP wih your Love Birds. Although I prefer rush Chronos' Pendant due the cooldown (letting me heal more myself). After that I rush Spear of the Magus for some high pen. A Soul Gem works pretty well on her too and also help nearby allies. Spear of Desolation to get full cooldown and gain even more pen and if you need counter enemy healing Divine Ruin. If you want be more utility Rod of Asclepius and Lotus Crown may help you.

Her combo is pretty easy. Is hit Kiss on the enemy to cause a stun, then Love Birds and finish with Back Off!, repeat this until the target dies. If you see yourself at high risk use Undying Love to escape (especially against burst damage such as Release The Kraken!)

Everything (mainly your build) depends your play style and the match (enemies and your role). I recommend you look for an Aphrodite Guide here.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 2, 2018 12:45pm | Report
Blondie, I do want to say that your post is amazing. Very entertaining, well done.


With regard to Aphrodite and best choice of shoes, hope you don't mind my long-winded discussion.

Conquest: She can be played in Casual as Support, Mid, or Solo. Of these, Solo is perhaps the most common. In Solo, it's about sustain and outlasting the opponent, but part of it is getting in some good poke and trying to either get that kill or force the enemy to back.

Normally, you'll start Mage's Blessing and work into the shoes of choice. In Solo, that 10 flat pen from Shoes of the Magi will help with the increased damage against the enemy god. At full stacks, you'll get some CDR via the evolved Blessing, AND you'll also get some CDR from that blue mana buff. You'll also get great mana sustain from these. With the quick respawn on the buff camp, you can perpetually then have 20% CDR from the blessing and buff. This is PLENTY for the early game, and as such, you'll get more function out of Shoes of the Magi.

As Support, on the other hand, you won't get that blue buff. In addition, you may or may not get Mage's Blessing...if you're trying to play aggressive because your duo comp has a stronger early game, you'll get Mage's and thus eventually the CDR (stacks will be harder to come by), but likely you'll go for Guardian's Blessing. In addition, your healing is not just for you in the early's also for your teammate, and as such, you'll probably see better use out of Shoes of Focus for the CDR and added mana.

Outside of Conquest, I think I'd generally default to Shoes of Focus for more teammate heals, unless I had a complete build in mind and was going to max CDR from other things (like a combo of Chronos' Pendant, Mantle of Discord and Spear of Desolation or something like get the point.


So you're talking about Siege/Joust/Clash. I think you're saying you know that most people default to Warlock's Staff for most mages these days? And you're wondering if it's okay to go Book of Thoth (because it's weird to read his own biography)?

In those modes, yeah, I'd say Book of Thoth is fine. I'd say Thoth is potentially fine even in Conquest, but you're trading safety from Staff for higher damage in the Book. If you're comfortable and feel you have good awareness and can use your escape well, then absolutely go for Book if you feel like it. It's totally up to you. You can even consider skipping stacking items altogether.


Well, you know his kit. He doesn't have a lot of damage, but has a lot of control and is a true Support.

Generally for a build, you get the standard protection / protection aura items and CDR, with some counter items mixed in (anti-heal via Pestilence, attack slows from either Witchblade or Midgardian Mail, etc.

For skills, you'll probably start with your Rising Dawn for waveclear...if you wait for the minions to come together, then hit your front minions and through to the enemy minions, it will buff yours and debuff the enemy's. Then move to the Abduct for the escape / grab for peel, then either another point into Abduct or if you want more CC, a point in Solar Flare for the root. Max Scarab's Blessing anytime you can. After level 5, you'll usually continue prioritizing Rising Dawn for not just the wave clear, but also the other things it does (damage reduction for teammates, protection debuff for enemies). Then prioritize Abduct (instead of Solar Flare) due to the higher damage, lower CD, and longer CC duration.

As for gameplay, you're not an initiator for the most part. You're going to stick close to your teammates. Usually don't use your abilities to damage, but rather hold them for the CC they provide. Being in the middle of a teamfight and next to teammates, instead of in front, will also help you spot teammates in danger of dying, so you can ult them...and your ult will take time to bring them back to you, so you can retreat a bit to have them come back in a safer spot.

Does that answer your questions?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Blondie676 » May 19, 2018 9:06pm | Report
THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO HAS WRITTEN ME BEAUTIFUL WORDS OF ADVICE. Maybe I'll follow them....or maybe I'll go find a cornucopia to blend in with.. ; ;
xXxHmmOkxXx =GT
Teach me a thing or two, straight boy? ;]



Posts: 7

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