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Forum » New Player Help » New 26 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Seth9628 » January 6, 2014 1:52pm | Report
Hey guys just downloaded smite would like to know a good starting god thats easy to play


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by UnknownPandr » January 6, 2014 2:03pm | Report
Most likely Ymir, hes a nice beginner. You can build him a Duo Lane Tank or Magical Jungler. :D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » January 6, 2014 2:04pm | Report
The gods that you've bounded to your account are the easiest to play gods of the game. Stick to the type of god you enjoy the most, and you'll find different gods related to that class.

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » January 6, 2014 2:09pm | Report
The question we need answered in order to further help you is: What role do you enjoy playing?

Most likely, you'll figure that out as you play. I would suggest that you experiment for the time being with different Gods, and see which ones you find to be better suited to your play style.

Then, once you've found your play style and your preferred role, come back and we can recommend some Gods that might work for you.

I like cake.

Edit: For starting Gods, I highly recommend that you don't play too much of Neith (she is one of the most OP Gods in the game, and I despise her for it). This is because she is TOO easy. Because she's OP. Enough said.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » January 6, 2014 2:14pm | Report
JararoNatsu wrote:

Edit: For starting Gods, I highly recommend that you don't play too much of Neith (she is one of the most OP Gods in the game, and I despise her for it). This is because she is TOO easy. Because she's OP. Enough said.

Jararo is a little bit right... even tho he hates Neith a lot. But well, if you like her game style, then you should stick to Hunters and certain Mages, as an example. But NEVER play only Neith, she is way too easy.

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » January 6, 2014 2:15pm | Report
*Above comment is what I meant to say. Thank you sire*

*Still despise her*

Check out my Artemis Guide and my Ao Kuang Guide!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » January 6, 2014 2:23pm | Report
Da ****ing roots. I want to eat her soul. Da global ult. I want to drink her blood. D<
never forget dawngate and never forgive EA. Freia will hunt them for eternity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by alphacar » January 6, 2014 2:35pm | Report
You should play the master of the 3 Key: Fenrir.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » January 6, 2014 2:36pm | Report
Pick a role first, not a god. Roles available are: Hunter (ADC), Mage, Guardian (tank), Support, Warrior (bruiser, melee carry, or tank), and Assassin (jungle).

The generally accepted META (most effective tactics available) lane setup in conquest is: long lane (the lane with the most distance between your tower and the enemy's) is an ADC and support god, mid lane is a mage or ADC with sustain (such as Neith), short lane (also known as solo lane, it's the lane on the opposite side from the long lane) consists of a single warrior or support god with high sustain and pushing ability.

Once you've picked your role and know where you should be going with that role, the starting gods are:

For hunter, Neith, who is unlocked by default, is one of the most powerful gods in that role, even in league play. A lot of people say not to play her because she's really just too easy to do well with and has a really high skill ceiling that allows you to become a bit OP with her, but I just say if the people on the other team can use her, then so should you. Unravel allows for decent sustain when in duo lane and Spirit Arrow is fairly high damage and a long duration root to make use of. Your ult, World Weaver, has global reach, so help out your teammates by shooting at enemies in their lanes if they need a gank, or make use of the stun in your own lane to stop fleeing enemies or initiate fights (keep in mind you have to let the ring around the reticule fill before firing or you'll get diminished damage).

For mage, you start with Ra. He is a very strong sustain god and plays well in mid-lane as well as solo lane and can even fill the support role with an ADC in duo lane. His 3, Solar Blessing, heals yourself and allied gods within the ring and also damages enemy gods who enter it, which makes him useful in nearly every role. Celestial Beam is a fairly high damage attack and will clear lanes of minions very quickly. Ra is known as a "hyper pusher" because of his incredibly strong lane clearing ability.

The starting guardian is Ymir. He is a CC tank, meaning that rather than pulling the enemy, or forcing them to fight you through taunts, he uses crowd control abilities to hinder enemy movement. He can be built for full-on damage and maintain decent tanking ability, or just go completely tank and be a very strong initiator. Once you learn Ice Wall placement and Frost Breath timing, he can become one of the best duo lane gods in the game. Guan Yu can fill this role, although not as well in most cases.

Your starting warrior is Guan Yu. Generally, you'll take him to the solo lane. Conviction gives him a lot of sustain ability and Taolu Assault is as good for pushing and clearing lanes as it is for severely damaging the enemy. Combined with Warrior's Will, which can be used both for escaping or chasing, he's a difficult god to face in solo lane and strong one to pick.

Starting support can be either Guan Yu, Ra, or Ymir. As mentioned before, Ra's Solar Blessing is a powerful heal and he has strong pushing ability, which makes him a good pair for the ADC. Guan Yu is a warrior that generally takes solo lane, but can be played in duo lane just as well, because his 1, Conviction, is quite strong with full Painless stacks and his ultimate, Cavalry Charge is good for setting up kills. Ymir is simply a tank or damage with strong CC, so he goes well with the ADC for obvious reasons.

The starting assassin is Thor. He is generally a jungle god, and, although fallen out of favor in the league META as of late, he is a very strong ganker with almost global presence when ulting with Anvil of Dawn from the Gold Fury and Fire Giant. His main shortcoming is his squishiness, which can be countered by simply building him as a bruiser, which is almost a necessity. Make use of Tectonic Rift and Mjolnir's Attunement in tandem by first using your 2 to stun them and block then your 1 to get two free hits in. Mjolnir's Attunement can be used for both chasing and escaping, and it will travel through walls and obstacles, press 1 again while Mjolnir is in flight to teleport to its location instantly. Also good for setting up Berserker Barrage hits.

Keep in mind that Guan Yu and Ymir can also be played jungle, rather than Thor. Jungle is more about your build than the god, so be sure to always have Bumba's Mask and Hand of the Gods if you choose this role, because starting off is nearly impossible without them.

Many gods can be played in multiple different lanes, Guan Yu, Ymir, Ra, Thor, and Neith, all of the starting gods have many possibilities. The key is finding which lane and role you prefer and sticking to it, then practicing with different gods to find out which you prefer there.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » January 6, 2014 2:37pm | Report
Dark Jaw wrote:

Jararo is a little bit right... even tho he hates Neith a lot. But well, if you like her game style, then you should stick to Hunters and certain Mages, as an example. But NEVER play only Neith, she is way too easy.

I see the enemy playing Neith all the time. No reason you shouldn't also give yourself that option. After all, if she's that easy to play and the enemy is just bad, then you'll always win anyways.


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