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Support warrior suggestions (builds, guides, etc.)

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Forum » New Player Help » Support warrior suggestions (builds, guides, etc.) 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » June 23, 2017 9:00am | Report
Hey everybody.

I wasn't sure where to post this so I hope this is the right place. My question is this: I love playing support guardians in Conquest, but sometimes I have a magical adc, which means I take a warrior instead. The problem I have with warriors is two fold: which one to pick and how to build them. I've been playing Hercules, but I struggle with his build because doing a "typical" support build (one with aura items like Sovereignty) doesn't seem to work very well for him. I was thinking of going more selfish with items like the Shifter's Shield, but I'm open to better suggestions. If there's already a guide out there that covers this I'd like a link so I can look at it. Thanks.

<Guardian Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 23, 2017 10:04am | Report
Hey Gulf,

First part would be to check out this chapter of the Conq guide.

I do list Herc as an alternative Support, and you might get something out of that.

That said, here are my thoughts...

Hercules has some self healing, and a good (though somewhat hard-to-hit) pull, and a push. I would still probably start him out like any other Support, with Watcher's Gift and whatnot...but you might also consider Mark of the Vanguard, perhaps as a 3rd item (Watcher's + Boots first).

Now you're saying you're not feeling like you're doing well with a typical build including aura items. I still think Sovereignty is a great choice when facing a physical ADC and a general enemy comp of 3 phys/2 magical...even 2 magical/3 phys would still be okay.

That said, I think, especially if you get Mark of the Vanguard, you can get away with Shifter's Shield if you want some aggressive damage potential as well, or Breastplate of Valor, since he is pretty mana-hungry and the CDR is helpful especially for his Mitigate Wounds.

If you want another take from a different god's perspective, you can check out my Guan guide: Granted, I mostly suggest aura items on him, but of course he's a different god with a different kit and less control. Might not be that helpful to you.

Also check out Stuke's Sun Wukong guide...his build #2 is for Support, and you'll notice that Warrior supports overall are often built more like a bruiser, rather than full tank items.

Oops, forgot...with a magical ADC, doesn't mean you can't go with a Guardian...except, of course, you wouldn't if it would greatly throw your team out of balance (e.g. mid is standard mage, and then one of solo or jungle goes Zhong Kui or Ao Kuang or something).

That said, does it make it easy to counter-build Duo lane? Sure, sort of. But potentially "forcing" them to get something like Heartward Amulet online can be a strat...the magical protection and MP5 are, overall, less functional than physical protection (vs. minions + objectives) and HP5 overall.

Also, by the time they get that online, you're already probably rotating, so it's not exactly a super-hard counter. And having someone like Athena...with her global ult, she can always be away from Duo lane, and jump back to Freya or Sol or whoever went magical ADC whenever they're in trouble.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » June 23, 2017 12:27pm | Report
Thanks Bran. I only take Hercules if we already have 3 magical gods in the party so we're still 2/3 instead of 1/4. I'll check out those guides for tips. I hate feeling like I'm the Achilles heal of the group (yes I went there. :P).

<Guardian Master>

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