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Understanding ADCs

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Forum » New Player Help » Understanding ADCs 20 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Florblar » June 3, 2014 8:45pm | Report
Hey guys,

Me again! Joy! Was wondering if anyone could give me some idea of which ADCs are strong at what points in the game?

I have been playing Kumbhakarna with my friend on Artemis a lot recently and its a huge amount of fun... late game. Problem is that we seem to get put under a huge amount of pressure early game in the duo lane esp if its double mage we are up against (although we get the better of them mid to late game more often than not) but often even when its another tank + w/e.

I am just wondering seeing as both Kumbhakarna and Artemis have a relatively long ramp up time and dont really shine until mid to late game (or mebbe im doing it wrong?). Which ADCs have good early games? Mid games? Late games? Is there an ADC who has it all? Strong early, mid and late? Do all ADCs tend to be hunters or is any class viable?

Thanks in advance folks!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » June 3, 2014 9:11pm | Report
Xbalanque has a strong-ish early game, while mana hungry, and peaks mid game, falling off slighlty late unless the bolas end up working perfectly.

Artemis is moderate early, falls of very hard mid, and scales up exponentially, due to her Suppress falling off but her raw attack speed becoming amazing.

AMC has a very steady, strong scaling throughout the game, but can super fall off due to his literal 0 escapes or CC. Left alone though, he is one of the strongest.

Apollo is in a similar boat as Artemis.

Anhur has a dominate early, a decent mid, and an ok late game, with his passive allowing him to outduel other ADC's, but otherwise being only ok late.

Cupid has a very strong early with his passive, a moderate mid, and a very strong late with his unique positional CC that can wreck a team. His tradeoff is very low waveclear, but his escape is unparalleled.

Neith is a support carry throughout the game. She never dies if played right, hence you don't ever really have a problem but you don't dominate. You can't consider her a carry but she is strong at all points.

Ullr is still very strong but is odd to use. His passive attack speed and active attack power make him a unique amazing duelist, with a stun that is AMAZING at duels. He is safe-ish too. So he's top tier. He has a relatively mediocre early, but with a tad bit passive sustain, he has a weak mid game, but late game, due to his pure, very flexible skillset, he is very strong late. Not exactly a hypercarry, but super strong.

There we go. Obviously this is slightly subjective but I can elaborate on any of my statements.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » June 3, 2014 9:52pm | Report
Xbalanque's early game might be good in dueling poke, but he has the worst laning phase out of all the hunters by far, because of his mana issues and poor wave clear. \

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » June 3, 2014 10:02pm | Report
Xbal: Decent early and snowballs really hard.
Artemis: Pretty bad early, she just tries to survive laning and come out strong late game.
Amc: Really nices scaling trough the game, but is easy to kill, like artemis.
Apollo: Good early and you can pick up some easy kills with his passive, and he just scales really well and splitpushes the enemies to death. I consider him to be the best choice
Anhur: Good trough the game, but arguably needs a little snowlball to be going on.
Cupid: Good early-mid, but falls off late.
Neith: Good early-mid, but doesn't have a good steroid, just like Cupid.
Ullr: Good trough all stages of the game, but I wouldn't recommend him for beginners.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Florblar » June 3, 2014 10:03pm | Report
Hey Raventhor. Thanks for your response! I will have a look at trying some of these gods out and see how i go.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » June 4, 2014 1:18am | Report
Jordenito wrote:

Xbalanque's early game might be good in dueling poke, but he has the worst laning phase out of all the hunters by far, because of his mana issues and poor wave clear. \

Worst laning phase I don't agree with, because he's one of the few ADC's that has constant, easy to apply kill pressure. Many others have either a lot of damage but hard setup, or easy initiation and nothing to back it with. A similar one to Xbal is Cupid, once again with poor waveclear. But waveclear isn't hard in a duolane, especially with Fist so common.

Xbal's mana issues are circumvented by an early Transcendence or Jotunn's, which MANY Xbal's rush after the early heartseeker. Sure he has bad mana but he's still super strong and will outduel almost anyone early game. Hence why I placed him at a moderate early game, because how is clearing waves a problem when you can just force them out of lane? hehe. That's why Xbal + Athena/Ymir is TERRIFYING.

Either way, I do agree, he has horrific mana issues and waveclear, but it's manageable on both fronts, and his kill pressure makes up for it, leading to a moderate waveclear. Smart people will CS under tower


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » June 4, 2014 5:03am | Report
Raventhor wrote:

Worst laning phase I don't agree with, because he's one of the few ADC's that has constant, easy to apply kill pressure. Many others have either a lot of damage but hard setup, or easy initiation and nothing to back it with. A similar one to Xbal is Cupid, once again with poor waveclear. But waveclear isn't hard in a duolane, especially with Fist so common.

Xbal's mana issues are circumvented by an early Transcendence or Jotunn's, which MANY Xbal's rush after the early heartseeker. Sure he has bad mana but he's still super strong and will outduel almost anyone early game. Hence why I placed him at a moderate early game, because how is clearing waves a problem when you can just force them out of lane? hehe. That's why Xbal + Athena/Ymir is TERRIFYING.

Either way, I do agree, he has horrific mana issues and waveclear, but it's manageable on both fronts, and his kill pressure makes up for it, leading to a moderate waveclear. Smart people will CS under tower

I normally don't even build transcendes or Heartseeker (but I also Don't use my 1 that much and the beginning mana potions are enough in the beginning) I normally go dev gloves and voidshield/excutioner as 2nd and 3th item. Late game the mana issues fade away. (at leat by me)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » June 4, 2014 7:27am | Report
Voidshield is a bad choice on every ADC.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » June 4, 2014 7:33am | Report
Jordenito wrote:

Voidshield is a bad choice on every ADC.

Told you devampi ;)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » June 4, 2014 8:04am | Report
Pentargonite wrote:

Told you devampi ;)

High change I will still do it on high phys teams XD


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