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5.7 Update Notes | Drop The Beat

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » April 18, 2018 3:01pm | Report


Ravin' Ravana
Celestial Guard Odin
Plushie Artio

Sun.God Ra
Mixer Skadi
Mastery Skins | Odin

Ranked Reset

"The first split of Season 5 Ranked is coming to an end! Make sure to try to hit your ranked goals before the reset when this patch hits!"

"The reset itself will be a soft reset. What this means is that your previous split performance will have a serious impact on where you will play your qualifying games and where you place after qualifiers are finished. Diamond players should expect high level qualifiers and with slight adjustments based on your record."

"We have also made some adjustments for this split with where we place players after qualifying. Previously, we would place someone quite a bit lower than our estimated MMR (Matchmaking Division) for them, giving them room to prove themselves. After reviewing where players qualify to and how they are spread around all the ranks, we are reducing how much lower we place players. This means players will qualify much closer to our estimated MMR and will qualify higher than in previous splits."
  • Soft Reset
  • Adjustments to placements after qualifying
Death Marks

"Death Marks were created to provide a new and unique type of reward for the Inner Demon Adventure. These items were intended to be a fun way to leave your signature on the battleground. Enemies and allies can roam the map and see the remnants of previous battles. As we implement this new feature we want to make sure that Death Marks don't accumulate to the point that they are distracting or obscuring other important information. For this reason we are decreasing their duration."
  • Reduced duration from 60s to 30s


Awesome Chest
  • New additions to the Awesome Chest
    • Fiendish Flight Jing Wei
    • Fiendish Rage Cu Chulainn
Godlike Chest
  • New additions to the Godlike Chest
    • Freaki Tiki Ah Puch
    • Gemini Agni
    • Natures Guardian Rama
Fantasy Points Store
  • New additions to the Fantasy Points Store
    • Lunar Tango Chang'e
    • Earl Wubert St. Kongfrey Sun Wukong
    • Ordo Solarus Amaterasu
New Cosmetics
  • Mixer Ward Skin
  • Mixer Avatar
  • Drop the Beat Avatar
  • Ultra Energy Loading Skin
  • Kawaii Recall Skin
  • Kawaii Kitten Jump Stamp
  • Emoji In Fountain FX
  • Peace Global Emote
New Announcer Packs
  • Ganesha Announcer Pack
  • Raver Announcer Pack
New Music Themes
  • Bollywood Music Theme
Inner Demon Arena
  • Increased Inner Demon Arena Titan Base HP from 1500 to 2500
  • Decreased Inner Demon Arena Base Respawn time from 20s to 10s
Recommended Builds
  • Many recommended Item Profiles have been updated. This Includes Thor, Ymir, Guan Yu, Neith, Ra, Mercury, Hunbatz, Nemesis, Osiris, Erlang Shen, Bellona.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the CC immunity duration was different on different ranks of his ultimate ability.
  • Fixed an issue where Thanatos could get into a state where he can't attack Jungle Camps.
  • Fixed an issue where Ao Kuang's ultimate would not work properly if he consumed multiple potions while firing it.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies could jump over Geb's Shockwave to avoid damage.
  • Fixed an issue where Hachiman's Heavenly Banner ability could hit areas outside the targeted area.
  • Fixed an issue where Rama's Astral Arrows self buff could apply item effects that trigger off of abilities. Basic attack self buffs do not trigger "ability" item passives.
  • CONSOLE - Fixed some of the circumstances where players could not be able to accept match queue pops.


Talisman of Energy

"Talisman of Energy can be an impactful choice when fighting around minion waves, but the lack of raw defenses limited how useful it could be outside of those situations. A small increase in Magical Protections should help it better serve as a defensive option against Magical Damage."
  • Increased Magical Protection from 50 to 60


"Rushing Mace with a Blessing is a common start, allowing Hunters and Assassins to spike their power early while still getting multiple potions. We want players to have a balance between choosing aggressive builds or having a lot of sustain, but this start was the best of both worlds. We are increasing the cost of mace by 50, removing a potion from this specific start."
  • Increased cost from 650 to 700
  • Heavy Mace and Warriors Bane have been adjusted to keep the same cost

The Crusher

"The Crusher has become a core item on many gods, even ones who don't build much power. Its cheap cost combined with good base values let this fit into builds in nearly any scenario. We are increasing the cost and reducing the base damage of the damage over time. Players will now need to invest more in this item for it to really shine."
  • Increased Cost from 2300 to 2400
  • Passive Base Damage per tick reduced from 15 to 10

Magi's Cloak

"Magi's Blessing is an efficient combination of health, protections, and a strong passive. This makes it a powerful one-of item for squishy characters that makes them quite tanky. We are increasing the cost and reducing the total health provided to ensure it is still a strong pickup without being too potent."
  • Increased Cost from 2050 to 2150
  • Decreased Health from 350 to 300


Da Ji

"Da Ji provides a large amount of burst on a relatively low cooldown, allowing her to regularly jump on the backline with a lot of success. We are reducing the burst provided by Trickster Spirit and increasing the cooldown of Horrible Burns, giving players more chance to react to the nine-tailed fox."

Horrible Burns
  • Increased Cooldown from 7s to 9s
Trickster Spirit
  • Decreased Physical Power Scaling from 100% to 85%


"Camazotz has a huge amount of potential in both damage output and self healing. It is important to his identity to retain both of the features but he is doing them both a little too well. We will be doing multiple slight adjustments to help remedy this. His passive healing bonus and burst heal on Devour are both going down so that other solo laners or junglers have a higher chance of poking Camazotz back to base. Also his ultimate damage is being reduced. This part of his kit is hardest to counter and has many other advantages so it is justified for it to deal less damage."

Essence Drinker
  • Updated description and tooltip to be more accurate
  • Decreased Vampirism Buff from 5% to 3%
  • Decreased Heal per Hit from 15/25/35/45/55 to 10/20/30/40/50
Bat out of Hell
  • Decreased Damage per hit from 120/165/210/255/300 to 100/145/190/235/280


"Ullr's ability to combo his Thrown Axe into the rest of his kit gives him strong early kill potential and allows him to bully opponents in lane. We are trimming a bit of power off Thrown Axe, while reducing the scaling of Hail of Arrows. While a stun combo will still hurt, it won't be as devastating as usual. Ullr players will need to focus more on their follow-up after the combo to keep the pressure applied."

Bladed Arrow / Thrown Axe
  • Decreased Thrown Axe Physical Power Scaling from 70% to 65%
  • Decreased Thrown Axe Base Damage from 60/90/110/150/180 to 10 off all ranks
Hail of Arrows / Glory Bound
  • Decreased Hail of Arrows Physical Power Scaling from 110% to 100%


"Janus is a strong choice for competitive players. He provides unmatched team mobility and has a low cooldown clearing ability that can secure camps without contest. Unstable Vortex is getting a cooldown increase and a small damage decrease on its double hit to make his secure less guaranteed. Additionally, we are decreasing the persist duration on Threshold, lowering how long Janus can zone off an area and limiting the amount of teammates that can take advantage of the speed boost."

Unstable Vortex
  • Increased Cooldown from 8s to 10s
  • Decreased Bonus damage from 20% to 15%
  • Decreased Duration of the deployable from 3/4/5/6/7s to 3/3.5/4/4.5/5s


"Kali's Lash is her primary poke and clear tool. Having a long cooldown on this limited her ability to properly jungle in the early game. While she is a late game character, she was a bit too skewed to the late game. This adjustment will help bring her overall power curve to a more reasonable level, while still keeping her late game strength at the same level."

  • Changed Cooldown from 15/14/13/12/11s to 12s at all ranks


"After a few Hades changes, Devour Souls was the only ability that still consumed blight. This resulted in a few situations that felt clunky. This ability will no longer consume blight, allowing Hades players to combo more smoothly and continue to fight after using Devour Souls. Additionally, the cooldown of this ability is being significantly decreased for Hades' early game, giving him access to clear comparable to other mid laners."

Devour Souls
  • No longer consumes Blight
    • This ability will still detonate and heal Hades if the target had Blight applied
  • Decreased Cooldown from 15/14/13/12/11s to 11s at all ranks


"Managing Tide is an important aspect for Poseidon, but some abilities had such high costs that they became prohibitive to play around. We are reducing the overall Tide cost of Tidal Surge and Release the Kraken. These two adjustments will give Poseidon players a better handle on their Tide resource and increase his damage during extended engagements."

Tidal Surge
  • Decreased Tide cost from 30 to 20
Release the Kraken!
  • Decreased Tide cost from 50 to 30


"Belch of the Gods is becoming even more godlike this patch! This god struggles in the early levels of Conquest and these changes will hopefully let him better compete with other duo laners. Bacchus relies on building up his Drunk-o-meter early on, which takes an ability point that he would otherwise spend on damage. We are increasing damage on Belch of the Gods to give him better clear and poke damage to make up for this. Additionally, the anti-heal provided by this ability will now immediately trigger (instead of just when it stuns) and will last longer. This will help him have more identity as an anti-heal pick."

Belch of the Gods
  • Increased Damage from 20/35/50/65/80 to 25/40/55/70/85
  • Healing Reduction is now applied when Bacchus is at any level of his Drunk-O-Meter
  • Increased duration of healing reduction from 3s to 4s

*Source: The Official Patch Notes

Thanks to Janitsu for the signature!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » April 18, 2018 4:27pm | Report
Other than the fact that there is STILL NO ACHILLES NERF!!!

...this is a pretty good patch in my opinion.

They addressed several slightly overpowered items and gods, and buffed some gods that desperately needed some help. I like the fact that most of them were slight adjustments so that they can monitor performance.

Overall, I'm happy with this... except for the no Achilles nerf part...


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 18, 2018 5:08pm | Report
Sorry everyone, no Bran's Thoughts on this patch...left work early to deal with a pet death...we had dropped our boy bunny off to get neutered and he died from the anesthesia...was so mad.

Agreed with DV-8...good patch overall. Nice to see The Crusher get a nerf in particular, and the god adjustments seem light but good. Happy about Bacchus.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » April 18, 2018 6:07pm | Report
Wayne3100 wrote:

Recommended Builds
  • Many recommended Item Profiles have been updated. This Includes Thor, Ymir, Guan Yu, Neith, Ra, Mercury, Hunbatz, Nemesis, Osiris, Erlang Shen, Bellona.

Most interested to see if they're gonna recommend some half decent builds lol

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wolfman5665 » April 18, 2018 6:30pm | Report
What about Terra?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 18, 2018 7:00pm | Report
Also good news for Green/DV-8 about the better ranked placements.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » April 18, 2018 8:36pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Also good news for Green/DV-8 about the better ranked placements.


As long as I don't get plagued by teammates who DC, this should be nice!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » April 19, 2018 8:48am | Report
Oh damn bran, sorry about your rabbit. Hope you were able to put the veterinarians in their place.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » April 19, 2018 9:19am | Report
Nice Patch after all. I'm disapointed but not surprised with no Achilles nerf and no changes in my favorite God ;-;.

Besides, Hi-Rez finally saw that Ullr needed nerfs. I don't think it's make that diference, but it's better than nothing.

And what a beautiful Odin skin, that wings when he leaps <3.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » April 19, 2018 12:17pm | Report
boogiebass wrote:

Oh damn bran, sorry about your rabbit. Hope you were able to put the veterinarians in their place.

I went in there pretty hot, but when I saw the face of the vet, it calmed me down pretty quickly...she said it was the first time a bunny has died for her, and she looked almost in tears herself.

They had done the procedure (6 minutes only), and he was recovering from anesthesia...then just stopped breathing. They tried resuscitating for a while but no success. Anesthesia is tougher on small animals, and bunnies can be more sensitive than others.

Sucks really bad. We're also fostering 2 kittens as of 3 days ago, and one of the two arrived with a tail wound and favored her left rear leg/hip. Come to find out today after x-rays that there's a major fracture that would probably cost $10,000 and no guarantee she'd come out okay...not that we'd have to pay (being just the foster home), but that's a lot for a rescue/adoption group to fund. Might have to put her down.

This on top of my wife's loss of her siamese who was her baby (~17 years old) about a month's been a tough time around here lately.

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