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[Community Spotlight] Bernardozomer

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wayne3100 » July 5, 2018 6:56pm | Report

Hello all and welcome to the June 2018 Community Spotlight!

This month's interview features Bernardozomer! After joining the site in August 2016, Bernardo proved his guide writing skills by claiming one of the top spots in both our Ymir Guide Contest as well as our Season 4 Guide Contest. Combined with his insightful comments in response to the guides of others, it didn't take long for the community to take notice and it was only natural for him to be promoted to the rank of Veteran earlier this year. To learn a little more about him, we asked him questions regarding his time on the site, his experiences playing SMITE and a his personal life. Let's get to it!

1. Let's start by talking a little bit about your time on SMITEFire. What was your initial motivation for joining this site?

I used to enter Smitefire looking for builds, guides, and that sort of thing, and I eventually created an account in August 07, 2016, but wouldn't use it till about November 10 of the same year, so like three months after. As you may've guessed, I entered the site for the fame and fortune of the Ymir guide contest, one week before the contest ending.

2. You've been on the site for almost two years now. What is it that has made you keep coming back all that time?

What first kept me attached to the site was guides, both mine, so that I kept them updated (hehe, I know), and the guides of others for gameplay tips and all that. I eventually got to know the community and haven't left since then.

3. Who do you remember being your first contact here, and which members do you talk to the most nowadays? Also, are there any members that you (frequently) talk to or play games with outside of SMITEFire?

Thankfully, my first contacts are all documented, because I'd feel terrible if I couldn't remember them. The first person to interact with me on this site was the mighty Bran Muffin the 17th, as seen here: Magic Link. And geez, looking back at it I realize how awkwardly formal we were being lol. A short time later, the big boss himself interacted with me B). I also know I met Techno on this day (I'm not sure if that link is working*). Those are all I could find (but honestly, I didn't search too much, lol). The member I talk the most is by faaar Techno. And yes, I talk to him frequently, but we don't play games together. I also talk to Prism quite frequently, and I frequently check the SF Bulletin.

* Author note: the comment referenced is the "Grammar Nazi" one, which can be seen after clicking "Load More Comments" twice.

4. In terms of features and design, what do you like and dislike most about SMITEFire?

Hmmm... this is a tough question. Well, I like how the site looks and all that. I think that what I dislike the most about it is how clunky the guide editing page is and how hidden the forums are. At least that's what comes to my head now.

5. Before we move on to talk about SMITE, we need to address your avatar. Is the image of Tick-Tock the Crocodile a sign that you're into Disney, a reference to your favorite SMITE god - we'll get back to that later - or something else entirely?

Okay, my avatar. Well, I like Disney movies (especially the old ones), and Tick-Tock is one of my favourite characters (lol). Before I had this avatar, I used Xing Tian's default skin's icon, and then his purple one. But the real reason as to why I changed to this avatar was because... I wanted to advertise my Sobek guide. Yeah, lmao... I thought this made sense back in the day. Also because I wanted a gravatar. And it looks cool. And it's Tick-Tock.

6. First things first: is it true that you've quit playing SMITE? If so, what made you decide to do so, and was/is it a permanent decision?

Yeeeeeah... I haven't played Smite after S4 ended, purely because of a lack of interest and because I was too busy spending my free time on other useless activities. But I plan to return. Someday.

7. What are the roles you liked/disliked playing the most and why?

I've always preferred playing support over other roles, but I liked all of them. ADC was probably my least favourite role.

8. Going back to the possible reference in question 5, would you say Sobek was your favorite god to play? If so, what is it that you enjoyed about him the most? If not, which other god would you say was your favorite?

Actually... Sobek has never been my favourite god to play, lol. That'd be Xing Tian. In fact, when I decided to create my Sobek guide, it was purely because nobody had made a good one for that season yet, I had barely played him before that, lol. But still, I really enjoy Sobek and he means a lot to me. I guess that what I like the most about him is (hitting!) Charge Prey.

9. If you had the power to remove one god or one specific ability of a god from the game forever, which one would it be and why?

Well, keep in mind I haven't played the game in a long time, but I have always hated Scylla. UGH. I WAS NOT IN THE RADIUS. AND MY HP WAS FULL.

10. What about the opposite scenario? Which new god would you add to the game, or which new ability/mechanic would you like to see on a future god?

I can't think of any mechanics, but geez, we need Horus and Set already.

11. Let's move on to some more personal questions. For those who don't know, could you tell us where you currently live and what you do there in terms of school/work?

For those who don't know, I live here. In terms of school, I... study? In a regular school? There's not much to say about this.

12. What are your main hobbies, and are there are any that you'd do as a full-time job if you could?

Drawing is one of my hobbies. I also like to program (currently only on Python, but I want to learn C#... eventually...). In fact, I've programmed a game on that atrocity of an engine called PyGame (okay, it's not that bad, and it's easy to use), but I never released it because I couldn't get it to work as a .exe... but I plan to release a game in the future. I also like to play videogames (duh) and listen to music, that kind of stuff. I think a videogame-related job would be neat.

13. Which genre of music are you into the most? Do you prefer current music or songs from the past?

Oooh, music! My favorite genre is classical music. So yeah, I'm pretty sure that classifies as music from the past, lol. But I also love most game music, and tbh I like every musical genre to a certain extent. Well, almost every one. I've actually compiled a playlist of some songs I hear often (I don't know why I didn't think of that before), so I might as well share it for whoever is interested. Boop.

14. What would you say is your favorite type of food? Also, what is the most common dish or ingredient that most people like which you think tastes awful?

I can't decide a single dish, probably pasta, maybe sheep/pig meat (yeah, I know people call those by some weird names), but I know I love Italian food. You know, my state received a looot of italian/german immigrants a long time ago. About the other thing, well, I don't know how popular this is outside of Brazil, but it's relatively common here, and I ABSOLUTELY HATE "PALM HEART" AKA PALMITO. BLEUGH.

15. Finally, what are some of your biggest pet peeves in life?

I can't stand people yelling at me, or people being annoying/****ty in general. Oh, there's people who listen to very loud music in public spaces without earbuds... I could go on and on, really. I'm also very impatient so I get annoyed when people take a long time to reply. Oooh and when people ignore me. I can't stand that.

Thanks to Janitsu for the signature!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 5, 2018 8:20pm | Report
That's a good finish to the spotlights =) Come back and play SMITE, Bernardo.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » July 6, 2018 5:29am | Report
I logged just to reply this.

Who do not get angry with that loud funk in the morning? Or on the bus? hahaha
But the best part was that funk ultra H U E H U E H U E playing the national anthem.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Technotoad64 » July 7, 2018 4:54pm | Report

I get annoyed when people take a long time to reply. Oooh and when people ignore me. I can't stand that.
Why do I get the feeling that's directed at me?

what I dislike the most about it is how clunky the guide editing page is and how hidden the forums are.
"SmiteFire is special because anybody can make a guide! (But it will only be decently readable if you can be bothered to learn BBCode!)" Personally, I just wish we could reorder builds by clicking and dragging the icons...

I have always hated Scylla
Hoo boy, you would not like playing against the gods thrown in this Season...

we need Horus and Set already.
And also Nut and Khnum, while they're at it. I still can't believe that people were more interested in adding two new and obscure pantheons (both of which have one god) instead of expanding a pantheon that is clearly missing some important figures.

In terms of school, I... study? In a regular school? There's not much to say about this.
You could've told us what sort of classes you're taking...

I don't know how popular this is outside of Brazil, but it's relatively common here, and I ABSOLUTELY HATE "PALM HEART"
What the actual ****? Isn't that basically like eating wood? Geez, and I thought eating fish eggs or grasshoppers was weird...
#ffe699 #ffff99 #e6ff99 #ccff99 #afff99 #99ff99 #99ffb3 #99ffcc #99fff3 #99f3ff #99e6ff #99ccff
#ffcc33 #ffff33 #ccff33 #99ff33 #66ff33 #33ff33 #33ff66 #33ff99 #33ffcc #33ffff #33ccff #3399ff
#cc9900 #cccc00 #99cc00 #66cc00 #33cc00 #00cc00 #00cc33 #00cc66 #00cc99 #00cccc #0099cc #0066cc
#664d00 #666600 #4d6600 #336600 #1a6600 #006600 #00661a #006633 #00664d #006666 #004d66 #003366


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bernardozomer » July 10, 2018 9:51am | Report
Come back and play SMITE, Bernardo.

Hehe, I just updated it in my Xbox and played two games. But I'm lost af.

But the best part was that funk ultra H U E H U E H U E playing the national anthem.

; )

Why do I get the feeling that's directed at me?

Heh, it's not

Personally, I just wish we could reorder builds by clicking and dragging the icons...

Oh I've always wished for that it would be SO useful

You could've told us what sort of classes you're taking...

You can choose the classes you take...?
#9e2aff #a12bfd #af29e8 #bd29d0 #c828be #d728a8 #d728b0 #e02899 #ee2891 #f02887 #d72875 #d72860
#8a42ff #9c30f6 #ab21ec #b329e4 #b829d9 #ca29c7 #d429bd #de299f #ee2887 #e62873 #e03163 #e53d44
#7b54ff #8d39f6 #a311f4 #a22afb #ae29ed #b63dc7 #a247c7 #ca3d9f #ee3175 #e6325f #e94348 #f14f2c
#676cff #793fff #910aff #871ef5 #7f2ee4 #7542da #665bc7 #8e519f #c04777 #f0464b #f2552d #fc6410
#5384ff #6545ed #7b00e0 #6b1ada #5738d0 #4356d0 #2d74cc #5c65b3 #985b77 #dc5037 #e94c1b #de4606
#3598fe #4750da #5d00a8 #4423b2 #2b46bc #1762c4 #008fcc #377b9f #636b7b #9a574e #d73a12 #c12300

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » July 10, 2018 10:25am | Report

You can choose the classes you take...?

You guys don't have electives down there? Here we have the core classes (math, English, etc.) and everything else is elective in that you can elect whether or not to take a particular class.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » July 10, 2018 10:33am | Report
Bernardo ;-;

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » July 10, 2018 11:06am | Report

Hehe, I just updated it in my Xbox and played two games. But I'm lost af.

Wait a minute... Are you an xbox player? Plz Add me, I need friends :v

Gulfwulf wrote:

You guys don't have electives down there? Here we have the core classes (math, English, etc.) and everything else is elective in that you can elect whether or not to take a particular class.

Nop. We have all classes pre-defined here. Just some schools follow this system. Our high school system was reformed recently so I don't know how it's now but when I studied, the system was fixed classes. (It was 2 or 3 years ago). My college follow this system, but there are only 2 classes to add so that doesn't make any difference.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » May 20, 2019 5:41am | Report
I miss these interviews. Does someone knows when they gonna do it again (or if they will do it)?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » May 20, 2019 8:23am | Report
Maybe now that work is split up this becomes a bit of a thing again however maybe not monthly or they will need to make a community spotlight update thingy


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